Breaking news: rainy days are a lot more fun than people think. I know it sounds like you can’t really do anything when the weather is unappealing, and you might not know what to do on a rainy day. But there are some great things you can do when you’re cooped up at home!

Solo Activities
Take A Bubble Bath
Okay, this should be a no-brainer. You’re home alone, there nowhere really to go without getting soaked, and you have a stash of Lush products you’ve been dying to finally use. Run yourself a nice bath, add some bubbles to it (to make it way better), light a few candles, and put on some music. Grab yourself a little pillow too if you really want to relax and cocoon yourself in essential oils and bubbles.
There are also a lot of things you can add to your bath that makes your skin silky smooth or just fill the bathroom with an incredible scent. Plus, you can always multitask and give yourself a facial, try out new lotions, or enjoy some wine. With nowhere to go for a few hours, you can really enjoy it!

Catch Up On Shows
Let’s be real. We all know that instead of catching up on Black Mirror we watch reruns of Friends. Well, with no one home it’s time to muster up the willpower to finally turn on some new episodes of that show you’ve been putting off. The good news here is that you don’t need to catch your friends up on anything they missed (or feel bad if you’re making them sit through something they don’t like).
Pop some popcorn or grab a bag of chips and finally get up to date! You’ll feel better after binging on TV you’ve been putting off, trust.

Read A Book
Read! Reading is so fun and people have given it a bad rap. I know that it’s way easier to turn on your fave show, watch a movie, or finally beat that level of Candy Crush that you’ve been stuck on for nine years, but there’s nothing quite like reading. Reading is also a great way to pass time because it’s so easy to get swept away in a good novel while also watching and listening to the rain. Plus, I don’t know about you, but I tend to get a headache when I stare at a screen for long periods of time. Do you know when that doesn’t happen? When you read! So, when you’re thinking of what to do on a rainy day, distance yourself from your technology for a few hours and get lost in another world.

Activities With Friends
Board Games
Rainy days can be a great way to catch up on some me-time, but sometimes the only thing that can make a crummy day better is to have some friends over. Grab a couple of friends and bring them over for some board games and conversation. What’s so great about having friends over is that it’s easy to get lost in conversation so you don’t need to worry about tuning out with technology. Just make sure you don’t pick Monopoly because, you know, you want them to leave before the sun goes down…

Bake Something
Baking is super fun but it’s way better when you have someone else with you. Grab a friend or two and bake some cookies to rid those rainy day blues. Not only does your entire place smell like a bakery, but you and your friends can catch up while making food. Plus, there are so many recipes that you can find online that not only serve as inspiration but also give great ideas on how to add twists to your favorite recipes.
Plus, one of the best things ever is looking up incredible icing art online and then seeing how bad it turns out once you and your friends get a hold of the idea.
I mean, really. What’s better than baking goodies with your pals?

Movie Marathon
When it comes to what to do on a rainy day, this is pretty classic. There’s no better time to do this! One of the best things to do on a rainy day is to have a horror movie marathon because the rain/stormy weather makes a perfect atmosphere, but it’s the middle of the day so you guys don’t have to live through nightmare fuel when it’s dark out. But with so many options available on Netflix it’s hard not to succumb to the call of a movie marathon. Plus, it’s better than sitting through a show together because there’s no guarantee that everyone will like the show. Whereas most people can agree on a movie to watch together.

Date Ideas
Build A Fort
It’s time to break out the pillows, blankets, and tea lights because reliving childhood is easily one of the best things you can do on a rainy day! It’s not super complicated to build a fort either. Drag a few pillows and a comforter under there with some goodies to make it cozy and the rain will do the rest. It’s one of the best ways to pass the time on a rainy day because you’re with someone you care about in a cute setting and having a little fort for the two of you is super romantic!

Go To The Arcade
Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean that you need to stay inside all day! You can venture outside and spend some time together somewhere fun to keep your mind off the weather. Visit the arcade and get lost in the endless games they have there and stock up on some pizza and beers. What’s great too is that there are often a lot of deals you can take advantage of depending on when you go or what day it is. The arcade is such a retro idea, but it’s a great way to have fun together, win silly prizes, and also whoop his butt in video games.

Cook Dinner Together
One of the best things you and your significant other can do together is make a meal together. Sure you guys can order out or go out to eat somewhere, but why not make use of what’s in the house and spend more time one-on-one? Decide what you’d like to do and spend some time in the kitchen together making each other food. Plus there’s the added bonus of knowing that you guys put in the time to make each other dinner as opposed to opting for takeout or heading out to a restaurant.

Family Ideas
Kids are notorious for being bummed when the weather sucks. While they might not know what to do on a rainy day, there are a lot of ways to make the most of rainy days when you’ve for munchkins running around.
There are a lot of ways that you can use basic things in your home like egg cartons, paper, and paper plates. You can sit your youngsters down and make a lot of different crafts out of ordinary items like flowers from egg cartons, button art, and popsicle stick puppets. These are just a few of the things you can do that don’t require many items and also won’t make a huge mess in the home!

Visit The Library
Round up the kids and head on over to your local library for some quiet time while also giving them the chance to pick whatever book they like and relax in another setting. You can, of course, read to your kids at home or have a little reading session, but to have them travel to somewhere new while also being surrounded by all kinds of children’s literature offers an entirely different experience. Plus, you can always head over to the library if they have some sort of kid’s event going on like a librarian reading to the kids, a puppet show, or other storytelling events!

Go Through Photo Albums
Kids love to be told stories and there are countless ones nestled in the pages of a photo album. Sit the kids down with a few snacks and tell them all about the photos in your photo albums. It would be great for you to reminisce about old memories, talk about your parents, and teach your kids all about those in the family. Plus, who wouldn’t want to hear stories about grandpa being a war hero or stories of when you and your spouse met?

There are lots of things to do on a rainy day and these are just a few things to get you started!