Who doesn’t love to spoil their lovable pup from time to time with tasty treats, especially the occasional table scrap? But, when it comes to spoiling Fido, it’s important to be mindful that not all human-grade foods are created equal in the canine world. Even the healthiest of foods fed in excess can have some serious drawbacks. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most commonly asked questions regarding what your dog can and can’t eat.
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Yes. Pineapples are considered a healthy treat for dogs in moderation. Fresh, raw pineapple is nutrient-dense, containing high amounts of vitamin C and manganese, which play healthy roles in both your four-legged friend’s immunity and digestive health. However, pineapple also contains high amounts of fiber and natural sugars that could cause gastrointestinal distress, which is why significant amounts of fresh pineapple and canned pineapple in heavy syrup should always be avoided.
Can Dogs Eat Pears?

Yes. Pears are considered a healthy treat for dogs in moderation. Fresh, raw pears are considered nutrient-dense with high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber. However, too much pear can lead to an upset stomach in dogs, so vets recommend feeding pears in moderation.
When feeding pears as a treat, it’s essential to slice the pear into bite-sized pieces to avoid choking. Also, never offer your dog any slices with traces of seeds or the pear core, as the seeds contain a toxin called cyanide.
Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?

Yes. Raspberries are considered a healthy treat for dogs in moderation. Like all fruits, raspberries are nutrient-dense. But, they’re also jam-packed with antioxidants, a natural pain reliever. Raspberries are a healthy choice for your pet, especially senior pets with inflammatory issues, due to joint pain. However, due to the high levels of natural xylitol (all-natural sweetener) in raspberries, they should be consumed in moderation, as xylitol can cause gastrointestinal distress in dogs when consumed in high amounts.
Can Dogs Eat Pickles?

While there isn’t definitive yes or no, veterinarians recommend that you don’t feed your dog pickles. Although pickles are not toxic to dogs, they’re extremely high in sodium, being that they are preserved in a salt-water brine along with vinegar and other ingredients that can be harmful to your pooch’s stomach. It’s best to be cautious with this one and avoid it.
Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Yes. Mangos are considered a healthy treat for dogs in moderation. Fresh, raw mango is considered nutrient-dense with high amounts of vitamin A, B6, C, and E, making it a great snack in moderation for dogs. But, before serving your dog mango, make sure it’s peeled as the mango’s peel can be difficult to digest. Never allow a dog to chew on a mango pit as it can become lodged in their throat causing a serious choking hazard and or it could become stuck in your dog’s digestive tract. A mango pit also contains a small amount of the toxin cyanide.
Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?

Yes. Asparagus is safe for your dog to eat. But it may be difficult for your dog to chew and digest raw asparagus, so we recommend that you lightly steam or boil, before serving. Do not cook the asparagus with butter, or cooking oil as those two ingredients can make a dog ill. Keep in mind that the asparagus should be chopped into small bite-sized pieces, so it does not create a choking hazard.
Keep in mind that if you grow your own asparagus, be careful that your four-legged friend does not eat the asparagus fern as it is the only toxic part of the asparagus plant.
Can Dogs Eat Spinach?

There are some pros and cons to whether or not feeding your dog spinach is a good idea. We’ll leave the final decision up to you and your veterinarian on whether spinach should be an added snack to your pet’s diet.
Spinach, similar to other vegetables, is chockful of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, B, C, and K, as well as iron, antioxidants, beta-carotene, and roughage that support a healthy digestive system. Along with some of the best dog food, spinach can provide some added benefits to your dog’s diet.
But, some argue that spinach can be counterproductive to a canine’s health as it’s extremely high in oxalic acid, which can reduce the body’s calcium absorption, ultimately leading to kidney damage.
If you decide to feed your dog spinach, its important to steam the spinach first, as raw spinach is difficult for a dog to digest, and boiling will cause the nutrients to be lost.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato?

Yes. Although dogs can consume sweet potato, recent research has suggested that sweet potatoes, while not poisonous, may not be appropriate for a dog’s diet. Studies have shown that dog food with potatoes are linked to canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Please consult your veterinarian if you are considering feeding your dog a diet with sweet potatoes, and you have questions or concerns.
Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?

Yes. Bell peppers are a healthy snack packed with essential vitamins and minerals that you can serve your furry friend. It doesn’t matter what color bell pepper you choose, as they are all a fantastic treat! But, the red bell pepper holds the most vitamins and antioxidants. Take care to remove the seeds and stems from the bell pepper before feeding it to your dog to prevent indigestion.
Can Dogs Eat Cauliflower?

Yes. Served cooked or raw without the stems or leaves, dogs can enjoy the many health benefits of cauliflower. But, be mindful that, due to the higher fiber content, cauliflower can cause digestive distress when dogs consume too much.
Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

Yes. Eggs are perfectly safe for dogs to consume, and are an excellent source of protein and contain various essential amino acids and fatty acids. Keep in mind that if you choose to feed your dog raw eggs, there are some risks involved, including biotin deficiency (preventing the absorption of biotin into the body) and Salmonella.
Can Dogs Eat Shrimp?

Yes. Dogs can safely consume shrimp as a tasty treat in moderation. Shrimp offers many vitamins and minerals that support a healthy immune system, such as vitamin B12, niacin, phosphorus, and antioxidants. This low-fat protein is also a good snack for dogs on a diet. However, they do tend to be higher in cholesterol, so they should be served in moderation. Avoid feeding your dog shrimp that is fried and battered as those shrimp contain ingredients that can be harmful to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Tuna?

No. Pet owners should avoid feeding their dogs fresh tuna, as tuna contains high mercury levels, which can potentially lead to mercury poisoning.
Can Dogs Eat Pork?

Yes. Plain pork is safe for dogs to eat. Do not serve dogs pork with added seasonings or sauces, such as barbecue or pork with spice rubs. Additionally, please do not feed your dog raw pork, as it can cause a parasite infection known as trichinosis, an infection transmitted by pork meat.
If you choose to serve your dog plain pork meat, do so in moderation and start off slowly as some dogs may have difficulty digesting pork.
Can Dogs Eat Fish?

Yes. Fish is a great alternative for dogs with allergies to different types of proteins, such as chicken. However, not every fish is considered a healthy choice for dogs, as some fish have unhealthy mercury levels that can potentially lead to mercury poisoning. When choosing fish, choose a fish with lower mercury levels such as salmon, ocean whitefish, lake whitefish, herring, walleye, flounder, and Arctic char.
Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?

While not particularly toxic, many types of nuts are high in fat and heavily salted, which is not a healthy combination for your pet. It’s recommended that pet owners steer clear of pistachios when it comes to finding tasty snacks for their furry friends.
Can Dogs Eat Honey?

Yes. Honey is absolutely safe for healthy dogs to consume in small quantities. However, do not feed raw honey to puppies or dogs with compromised immune systems.
Be mindful that honey has a high sugar content and can lead to obesity and tooth decay when fed in larger quantities over a longer period.
Can Dogs Eat Nuts?

Although not all nuts are toxic to dogs, like the macadamia nut, it is always better to err on the side of caution and say no to nuts when it comes to your dog. Snacking nuts are usually heavily salted and high in fat, which can lead to potential health problems.
Can Dogs Eat Rice?

Yes. If your dog has ever been ill, your vet may have prescribed them a diet that consisted of plain white rice. White rice is easy to digest and helps bind the stool in cases of diarrhea, making it the go-to choice of many veterinarians for dogs on bland diets after a gastrointestinal upset.
However, brown rice is much more difficult for dogs to digest because it is not as processed. Adding occasional rice to your dog’s food is perfectly fine, but too much could cause weight gain over time.
Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows?

No. Although not all marshmallows are toxic to dogs, some may contain xylitol, which is very toxic to dogs even in small quantities.
Even if you found that your marshmallows didn’t contain xylitol, they still consist of sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, and vanilla extract. Marshmallows are also coated with either cornstarch or powdered sugar. It’s safe to say that none of these ingredients provide any nutritional benefit to your beloved pet.