Dish soap has many useful purposes. Yet, as convenient as dish soap is, there are some things that it just shouldn’t touch. Although soap dish gets rid of that pesky dirt and grime, its chemical composition proves too strong for many of life’s cleaning jobs. Here is a list of some of the things that you want to keep away from dish soap so that they can last longer. If you are unable to get dishwashing soap at the moment, baking soda cuts grease without the soapy mess.
1. A Cast Iron Skillet

When it comes to cleaning cast irons, less is more. Meaning that you actually don’t have to clean them to keep them in tip-top shape. Since the oils from the foods that you cook in cast iron skillets especially benefits it, dish soap will actually strip the pan of its seasonings that are detrimental to cooking. Instead, properly clean your ironware by simply wiping down your iron pots and pans after each use and sprinkle it with salt and oil instead.
2. A Car

As fast and strong as cars may be, their exteriors can become quite delicate when faced with harsh conditions. Since dish soaps are quite abrasive in their ability to clean the most stubborn grease and dirt, one would think that using it to clean a car is a no-brainer. Actually, when you use an abrasive soap on a car’s paint job, the oxidation process increases because dish soap contains detergents and sulfates. Dish soap will also cause a car’s paint job to appear dull and diminish its wax job, so in this case, it’s best to stick to a more car cleaner.
3. A Dishwasher

You should never use dish soap in a dishwasher because you will end up with suds all over your floor. Instead, you should either wash all your dishes by hand with dish soap or use a detergent that is designated for a dishwasher. On the other hand, if you don’t have any dishwashing liquid or powder on hand, baking soda cleans your dishes and your dishwasher without leaving a sudsy mess. Keep your dishwasher safe by using the appropriate amount of detergent and clarifying it every once in a while with a baking soda for a gentle clean.
4. A Washing Machine

A washing machine is an efficient and effective means to get your clothes sparkling clean. However, adding dish soap to your dirty clothes can also cause an overflow of soap bubbles and are a mess if you aren’t careful. Dish soap isn’t completely bad since it can be utilized as a pre-treatment. However, unlike laundry detergent, which requires heaping scoops, you’d need a lot less dish soap to get the job done and it should only be used until you are able to stock up on more laundry detergent. Just add about one tablespoon to two tablespoons (depending on the size of the laundry load), along with one cup of vinegar and you’ll have a nice clean load.
5. A Moka Pot

A Moka pot is a stovetop electric coffee maker and is one of the many ways to make a delicious cup of coffee. As any coffee expert knows, you don’t always have to clean your coffee makers, so you can obtain an enhanced cup of coffee each time you make it. Like a skillet, a Moka pot creates a tasty cup with each use due to the natural oils that surface, therefore it is unnecessary to utilize dish soap, that strip the flavor and oils of the finished product. Instead, utilize vinegar to clean, and baking soda to get rid of grit and grime, or a mixture of both, which offers a lighter cleanse without stripping the surface.
Dish soap is a wonderful solution to your kitchen’s messiest mishaps, but when it comes to some things, it’s best to take a gentler approach. Keep these tips in mind so that you don’t end up ruining some of your most precious household items.