Keeping hydrated at work is an important part of your day. Yes, you have those reports to finish and those presentations to give to the board, but maintaining your physical health should be your top priority. When you’re parched, you could develop headaches, have trouble focusing, and just feel overall pretty sluggish. There are quite a few helpful ways to keep hydrated at work, though, and we’re here to tell you how.
Bring A Reusable Water Bottle To Work

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to bring a reusable water bottle with you to work. Fill it before you head out in the morning and sip during the day whenever you need to. Having a personal bottle ensures you’ll only need to fill it once or twice while at work, eliminating constant trips to the watercooler or skipping hydration altogether.
Snack On Fruit

A good number of fruits have a lot of water in them. To stay hydrated at work, try bringing some fruit to munch on during the day. Not only will it help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’ll save you from dehydration if you ever forget your reusable water bottle. Fruits with a lot of water in them include:
- grapefruit
- cucumber
- watermelon
- cantaloupe
- strawberries
- oranges
- peaches
Visit The Watercooler

You might not think you have the time to stop at the watercooler throughout the day, but getting up from your desk is actually quite beneficial. Don’t sit and stare at your computer for hours on end, or you’ll wind up with issues similar to those caused by dehydration (trouble focusing, headaches, etc.). Get up from your chair every once in a while to give your body and mind a break and to keep hydrated.
Keep Away From The Sweet Stuff
A big part of staying properly hydrated is knowing the kinds of items to keep away from during the day. Sugary drinks like soda or fruit juice will only make you more dehydrated. You should also avoid high-sugar foods, since they’ll have the same negative impact on you.
Drink Water Before Work

Even if you’re running late, find the time to hydrate yourself before heading out the door. Remember that you just woke up and haven’t had anything to drink for six to eight hours. It won’t do you any good to head out to work and go another six to eight hours without anything to drink. Since you should always eat something in the morning anyway, grab some fruit so that you can kill two birds with one stone and eat something while keeping hydrated.
How To Know When You Are Hydrated
The best way to tell if you’re hydrated is to visit the bathroom. The color of your urine will help you determine how much water you’ve had and whether you need more. Usually when you wake up, your urine is a dark yellow, because you’ve gone a prolonged period of time without hydrating. But once you’ve had a bottle or two of water, your urine becomes lighter. You’ll know you need to drink up if your urine gets dark again.

Remember that it’s crucial to your health and well-being to stay hydrated. When you get enough water, you’ll do wonders for your body and mind, and you’ll be more productive at work. These simple tips will make it much easier for you to keep water in your body without feeling bloated. That’s something to raise a glass to.