Say "No" to
While a few teaspoons here and there won't hurt you, four to eight teaspoons of nutmeg at a time can cause quiet a problem. In five to six hours you will start to experience mild hallucinations, flu symptoms and paranoia. Too much can actually result in death.
Sarpa Salpa Fish
Getting high off fish? Yes, it's possible! The fish sarpa salpa is found off the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean seas. While you can eat the fish's body without any worry, the head is a completely different story. The head of the fish is filled with psychoactive chemicals. If you eat the head, you may experience some severe hallucinations.
Chili Peppers
Hot peppers and tobacco are in the same botanical family, so there's no doubt that these hot peppers can actually cause you to feel high. Chilis are known for capsaicin, which is veiwed as a painkiller to some degree. This paired with your natural endorphins can create a euphoric feeling because it taints your senses.
Eating a lot of unripe mulberry plants can cause crazy hallucinations. While the unripe fruit can make you high, it can cause some serious damage to your stomach as well. The berries can make you vomit, making the high a little less enjoyable.
Moldy Rye Bread
While moldy bread definitely isn't on the menu for dinner, if ingested, it can have some serious side effects. Once the rye bread starts to get moldy, a fungi known as ergot appears, as well as the chemical ergotamine (which is used for lysergic acid.) The moldy rye bread will cause serious convulsions and other symptoms. It is even thought that this poisoned rye bread is what caused the Salem Witch Trials.
Areca Nuts
Chewing Areca nuts can cause similar symptoms as coffee or cocaine. The wide difference depends on how much you actually chew. Chewing a few here and there will get you a little high. But chewing a lot can mimic a reaction to cocaine.
Salvia divinorum, also known as sage, isn't the typical sage you cook with. This natural plant has been known to create visions in peoples' minds.
Stilton Cheese
One study revealed that eating 20 grams of stilton cheese could lead to some pretty wacky visions. However, the study was performed while participants slept, so people just had some very vivid dreams. But if you're up for a night of wild dreams, give it a try.
Poppy Seed Bagels
We're sure you've heard the rumor that poppy seeds will make you fail a drug test. There's some reasoning behind that. Poppy seeds contain the opium alkaloids, morphine and codeine. The high, on the other hand, is a different story. You would need 40g of poppy seeds to equal one dose of morphine. And to get that from poppy seed bagels would be pretty much impossible.
Coffee?! Yes! You can become addicted to coffee. You know those headaches you get when you don't have your morning cup, or pot? That's your body going through caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine intoxication happens a lot sooner than you'd actually think, around 250mg. This is about the same as a couple cups of coffee. Once you hit 500mg, you'll experience diarrhea, vomiting and hallucinations. Wow!
Yes, you can actually get high off of sugar. Refined sugar can do quite a number on your body and many scientists believe you can get addicted to sugar and actually go through withdrawals without it. While it won't make you hallucinate or go crazy, the less sugar, the better. Natural sugar, like fruit, is a better choice.