When it comes to the show Law & Order: SVU nobody has the crazy one-liners like Sergeant Tutola played by Ice-T. Over the years T’s character has gotten the internet’s attention with his knowledge of hilarious street slang and over-the-top quips; so much that Twitter has spawned fake quotes so believable that we can’t even tell which are which. Don’t believe us? Try and guess! Out of 12 of these quotes, four are actually from the show. The results are at the bottom!
1. Robots
2. This ain’t no poker game.
3. Hong Kong Jesus
5. Chocolate Easter
6. That’s messed up, man.
7. Take a bite, detective.
8. A tragic story.
9. Look, you’re the wolfman now.
10. Sweet Chowder? Sounds delicious.
11. A Charlie Brown Christmas.
12. Ice T’s thoughts on pimple cream.
Okay so if you made it down this far you deserve to know the answers. Slides 2, 4, 7, and 12 are in fact real quotes from Law & Order: SVU.
Also here’s one more bonus fake quote that’s hilarious.