Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have a secret soft spot for Waffle House. Its good food and judgement free zone allows you to pig out no matter how
Woman Strips Down Before Punching Another In The Face

In Kennesaw, Georgia, a woman walked into Waffle House, stripped down and started to throw plates at the windows. She even went as far as to punch another customer in the face, breaking her nose. Police had to use a stun gun to stop the woman. She was charged with several misdemeanors, including assaulting police officers.
Kid Rock’s Brawl At Waffle House Cost Him $40K

At an Atlanta Waffle House Kid Rock and his posse instigated a fight in 2007. The guitarist threw the first punch and Kid Rock reportedly verbally abused another patron. The victim sued, took Kid Rock to court and won 40,000 dollars.
Workers Found Man Living On The Waffle House Roof

An air conditioning repair man went up on a Waffle House roof to preform some maintenance. But he came across something more than just a broken air conditioner. He found a makeshift home someone had made for themselves on top of the roof.
Teacher Used Waffle House To Pick Up Underaged Girls

This Florida teacher was caught at a local Waffle House soliciting underaged girls. An undercover detective pretended to be a woman offering up her daughter. They planned on meeting at Waffle House where he was later arrested.
Women Try To Dine And Dash, But Leave Their Purses Behind

Three woman at a Waffle House in Springfield, Missouri tried to dine and dash, but failed epically. They left without paying, but two of them mistakenly left their purses behind. When the cops looked through them, they found a check stub from another Waffle House.
Waffle House Employee Tries To Be Superman And Goes On The Ride Of His Life

Three teenagers left Waffle House without paying. Instead of taking the loss, one Waffle House employee decided to chase after the car. He jumped on the hood of the car and managed to dial 911 even after the car had reached 60 mph.
Reported Missing Man Found At Waffle House

An 83-year-old man was reported missing in Miramar Beach, Florida. He was believed to be missing for more than a day. He was found at the local Waffle House.
Reddit Was Born In A Waffle House

Without Waffle House, Reddit might never have been born. Co-founder Alex Ohanian walked out of his LSAT prep course and went to Waffle House for food. He realized he didn't want to be a lawyer and wanted to do something else. Then Reddit was born.
Waffle House Waitress Hits Woman With Hot Coffee Pot

We've all been there. We finally get seated at a restaurant after a while only to wait 20 more minutes before service. That's exactly what happened to this woman at Waffle House. Her attitude with the waitress did not get her a free meal though. Instead, the waitress hit the woman on the head with a hot coffee pot.
Clowns Beat Up Boy At Local Waffle House

Members of the Insane Clown Posse were arrested at an Indiana Waffle House for beating up an 18-year-old guy. We can only assume the guy told the clowns how ridiculous they looked and they quickly wiped those painted smiles off their faces.
Woman Walks Away With A Cheeseburger Sandal After Being Caught Having Sex At Waffle House

An intoxicated couple left Waffle House and got the sudden urge to have sex in the parking lot. The two were eventually caught and when they were, the woman tried to put a cheeseburger on her foot as a sandal. What the heck?! The bigger question here is, where did that cheeseburger come from?!
Elderly Men Meet At Local Waffle House To Conspire Against Government

Four men, all over the age of 65, were caught at their local Waffle House conspiring against the government. The group's meeting spot was the local Waffle House where they talked about blowing up the government and killing masses of people with poison. Wow!
Florida Man Celebrates “Not Guilty” Verdict At Waffle House

A man was accused of killing his wife's lover. When he was found not guilty, he and his wife celebrated at Waffle House. His wife said, "Because my husband puts me first, he's taking me to the Waffle House."
Waffle House Employees Wash Their Hair In The Kitchen

Two Waffle House employees in Forest City, Arkansas decided to wash their hair in the restaurant's kitchen during a slow shift. The employees filled up a pot with boiling water. One woman soaked her hair in the water, while the other woman dried the hair with a towel.
Man Drives Through Waffle House To Kill His Wife

At the Panama City, Florida Waffle House a man called to report that he was going to run his truck into the building and kill everyone. His wife was a waitress at this Waffle House. He attempted to do just what he said he was going to. He ran his truck through the Waffle House, hit his wife (who wasn't seriously injured) and pulled a knife on employees before the cops came and arrested him.