Don't you hate it when you're halfway through a recipe and then you realize you don't have one of the main ingredients? You search through your pantry only to find every other spice or oil that you don't need. Well good news, you can combine some of those seemingly unnecessary pantry items, like vegetable oil and cocoa powder in lieu of a bar of chocolate, that your baking recipe calls for.
Baking Powder (One teaspoon)


Cajun Seasoning (One teaspoon)

Chocolate (One ounce)

Cornstarch (One tablespoon)

Corn Syrup (One cup)

Half And Half (One cup)

An Egg

Lemon Juice (One teaspoon)

Margarine (One cup)

Milk (One cup)


Sour Cream

Tomato Sauce (Two cups)

Self-Rising Flour (One cup)

Cake Flour (One cup)