Whether you're known around the office as the food thief or you're the one who always gets your food stolen, you know the note situation all too well. These workers don't seem to do well with confrontation, so they had to resort to numerous sticky notes to get their point across. And they're down right hilarious!
The War Of The Rockstar Energy

That definitely escalated quickly.
The Food Thief With A Simple Request

They could at least bring a few new food items here and there.
The Sickly Bottle Of Dr. Pepper

At least you'll be able to tell who the thief is.
The Realistic Commentator

Friend zoned.
The No Lines Crossed Type Of Gal

Elaine sure knows how to mark her territory.
The Font Police

Seriously, who would ever use that font, ever?!
The Guide For The Visual Learners

It's as simple as a yes or no answer.
The Pizza Monster

We really want to know how someone can just eat half a slice of pizza?!
The Ice Queen

Someone is particular about their ice.
The Death Of Fluffy

Oh no! How could someone let that happen to fluffy?!
The Forever Changing Water

Well thing just got awkward for whoever drank that water!
The One With A Dream

We can all dream, but sadly this problem will never be solved.
The Honest Soul

Hey at least they were being honest about what really happened right?
The Disgusted Employee

We feel the exact same way.
The Serial Note Leaver

Some drastic measures needed to be done to stop that thief.
The Deceiving Note

But is it really boring? Or are you just saying that?
The Jesus Eyes

Jesus is definitely watching you, you thief.