The Internet is filled with many wondrous things. One of which is an abundance of pictures of dogs with Crocs on their heads. Crocs, the once ugly but now ubiquitous foam clog, for some reason, will fit on the dome of many dogs, and judging by these pics, dogs don’t seem to mind them one bit. Nice. The title of this compilation is pretty self-explanatory. Dogs with Crocs, that’s it. Enjoy.
1. It’s official. He is the new Pope now.

2. *awkward blinking*

3. This dude’s face getting smooshed.

4. When it’s too early but you have to get ready for work.

5. This face says it all

6. Who wore it better? Her or the Pope?

7. “What have you done to me?!”

8. “Why…why are you doing this?”

9. If you look closely there is actually a dog under all that fur

10. Pretty in pink (Crocs)

11. This guy’s looking rough but at least he has a flippin’ Croc on his head

12. She couldn’t give less of a f***

13. Reporting for duty

14. Aw yes, a crusty-eye dog

15. Pink pup with a pink Croc

16. *MLEM*

17. What a cute face!