Sometimes, perfection and food collide to create visually stunning phenomenons that will change our lives forever. Here are 18 miracles that prove food can be too beautiful too eat.
The Fabled Potato Chip That Fed 100 Souls
You know that feeling of joy when you open a fresh bag of chips and pull out a huge, unscathed chip that could be a snack all by itself. Pure bliss.
This purple cabbage and its beauty within.
It's all patterned and spirally and now you can't bring yourself to eat it because you don't want to destroy this natural wonder.
Perfectly Proportioned Burger
Just imagine how wonderful this burger will be. Every bite will be an optimal combination of toppings, burger and bun. Nothing will go to waste.
This bountiful harvest of identical tomatoes.
The way they fit snuggly in that basket. The way they're arranged. The way they are surrounded by their other beautiful, but not nearly as perfect twin siblings. *moans internally*
These yolks and their ability to create symmetrical shapes.
Now imagine a large, hexagonal fried egg, on a beautiful hexagonal plate, sitting on a hexagonal table in the middle of a hexagonal dining room. *faints in disbelief*
These successional pancakes stacked from largest to smallest.
Another example of how organization and order can create beautiful works of art.
This lemon that was peeled like an orange.
Which would be better, marveling at the fact that lemons can be peeled like their citrus cousins, or being able to pull these slices apart for beautiful, rhineless wedges?
This egg yolk that willingly separated from the whites mid-fry.
Perfect timing and perfect separation. Ten out of ten.
This watermelon that snuggly filled every corner of this Ziploc bag.
What's more impressive, the watermelon fitting in the bag or the person who visualized this happening and made a seemingly impossible dream into a reality?
This majestic twist cone of wonder.
The fabled stories of the perfect soft serve cone have all been backed up by this incredible visual evidence.
Ratatouille By An OCD Chef
This is a mesmerizing display of epicurean genius. The secret ingredient is OCD.
Fruit Of The Rainbow Gods
Just another example of a platter that is too good to eat. Literally. Take one slice of perfectly arranged fruit and you've unraveled everything that holds the universe together.
This strawberry pie that is peering into your soul at this very moment.
Don't fight it. Just let the strawberry pie open your mind's eye and free your spirit.
This can of cocoa that is filled perfectly to the brim.
This jello that looks like a sunflower preserved in exceptionally high quality glass.
The ring of marshmallows may be ordinary, but the creator definitely had a hand in that jello mold.
These glasses and their exact amounts of wine.
We want the eyeballs of whomever filled these glasses, please.
These mesmerizing cubical ingredients.
This fully stocked and organized produce section.
Faith in humanity restored.