Who said cats can’t be a little fun? Felines aren’t all about napping and lazing around…they can also wear Crocs on their flippin’ heads. Check out these pics of cats with everybody’s favorite ugly plastic clog affixed to their noggin. Heck, you might want to try it out on your own pet! They seem to be pretty chill about it.
Pretty in pink.

BREAKING NEWS: He is now the new Pope.

This guy looks like he’s had enough.

That confused face when your owner has affixed a shoe to your head.

He looks very wise.

Lookin’ fancy with the bedazzled Croc.

Sleepy Croc kitty.

Not amused.

“Why did you do this to me?”

Just look at this CHONKY boy and his teeny Croc.

BIG CROC. Tiny kitty.

His name is Finn. Do you like his Peppa Pig pin?

UH-OH! This boy ANGRY!

Camo Croc moment.

She looks like a model. Amazing.

Another annoyed feline.

He gets extra style points for the red bandana.

I almost forgot that cats can just wear Crocs on their paws too.

This guy just looks like a void with eyes.

TFW you’re smaller than a Croc.

Nice Croc, kid.