When it comes to vehicles some drivers like to express themselves with mods or custom work, from fancy rims to sharp paint jobs. But for those who can’t afford that swanky stuff, there’s also the next best cost-effective thing that gets your message across: good ole bumper stickers. The people in these pictures have plenty of attitude as you will see, in fact, they’re practically spelling it out for the person riding their bumper.
That’s 100% fair and reasonable.

Keepin’ it classy.

Yo, man. RESPECT.

So what exactly is he doing in that barn?

What is it with people and sheep?!

Warning heeded.

Hey at least he’s being honest!

*honking intensifies*

Always read the fine print.

It’s true! And I watched!

Please do tell more.

Hey, man. Good for you. That sounds like a cool hobby.

The bumper stickers don’t lie.


Uh, okay. Whatever you say, dude!

Ain’t that the truth?

Can I get an amen?

I think there’s a situation going on here.

What on God’s green earth is going on here?

Let’s honk for our small brother here.

Valid points.

Truer words have seldom been spoken.

Is it tone deaf if its self-proclaimed?

There they go…

Sounds weirdly specific but okay.