Over the years we've seen quite a few of these restaurant receipts circling around the internet. From ones with awful tips and rude comments to ones with sweet notes and tips more than the actual bill, there's a lot of rude and nice people out there. We've compiled a list of some sweet, mean and down right hilarious receipts you have to see!
It looks like good ‘ol Abe Lincoln came back from the dead.

Well that’s not very nice.

If only every restaurant gave a discount for this.

This guy sure is mathematically correct.

See Also: 26 Menu Items That Were Hilariously Lost In Translation
This lousy tipper.

Looks like this restaurant likes its poetry.

This waiter definitely took notice of a few things.

Look at that tip! Wow!

At least he’s honest about his lack of math skills.

This note written by a pastor that went viral.

Well that’s one big spender!

Look, some people are very generous tippers!

A 0 dollar tip AND a rude comment, come on.

Beware of the ninjas. They’re everywhere.


Butthole teeth? Really? That’s the best you could come up with.

Yes, children are very scary things.

See Also: 27 Hilarious Cake Fails
Another honest tipper.

This person has probably never tried being a waiter.

Looks like the cook was a little slow that day.

On a 93 dollar check too!?

Wow, that’s a nice note!

Uh oh, someone’s in trouble.

Best. Signature. Ever.

This guy is always the one to raise his hand in class and correct the teacher.