There are many ways to describe the docile capybara aka the chillest animal on the planet. Though they are the size of small dogs capybaras are actually the largest rodents on the planet and they also get along with just about anybody which explains why they have taken over the internet. Are they rats? Yes. But we can’t resist those dopey, happy-looking faces. Plus other animals can’t help but just sit on them for some reason; the capybaras on the other hand couldn’t be bothered one bit. We round up our fave pics of the so-called “coconut doggies.”
Only well-dressed goats may perch on his head

A capi, surrounded by guinea pigs with a meerkat on his head. Perfection.

A prince and his crown

A PUPPY on top of a CAPI

Once again, capybaras could not care less

Get somebody who looks at you the way this capi looks at this cat

Not sitting on top of each other. Just two friends smiling for a picture.

He looks like he’s about to sneeze

Technically not an animal. Still a 10/10 pic though.

Hitching a ride

A chicken giving a capi a massage. Pure bliss.
This turtle can swim but he’s taking a ferry ride on this capi

This is what world peace looks like

Another chicken massage

“He must be protected at all costs” – these turtles probably

Guinea pig with a cape on top of a caped capi

Oh, how the tables have turned

Capybaras make for good hangouts

Capi on top of another capi

He’s just monchin’

This capi looks so charmed by his bird friend


Okay…I think I’ve seen this guy on TV one time

Don’t worry! He’s just sunbathing, promise!

A rat on top of a rat

Bun on a capi!

Chickens may chill here too