1. WuShock
Who approved this?
2. The Coyote
Those eyes are the last thing you’ll ever see.
3. P*stol Pete
They could have really benefitted from making him look more cartoonish.
4. The Friar
Your mascot looking like a cult leader is quite the move.
5. Mr. Redlegs
The eyes, mustache, and gigantic teeth are a bit much.
6. Billiken
What even is a Billiken?
7. Sparky
Welcome to the underworld, I’ll be your guide.
8. Killian
It’s the chinstrap for me.
9. Gritty
Did they have to go with the crazy eyes again?
10. Pierre
Again, you should never try to make a mascot realistic.
11. Stanford Tree
Every iteration of this mascot is horrifying.
12. Bolt Man
He’s unofficial yet still terrifying.
13. Stuff
What in the world?
14. Go The Gorilla
How is this the mascot for the suns?
15. Captain Fear
Yeah, that name checks out.
16. Fin The Whale
He would actually eat you.
17. Squatch
This might be why the team got moved.
18. King Cake Baby
19. Swinging Friar
Why is he wearing flip flops?
20. Slugerrr
They couldn’t have separated the crown from his head?
21. D. Baxter
He at least needs some form of eyes!
22. Mavs Man
Why would you make a basketball man?
23. Raider Rusher
He should absolutely not be that close to a child.
24. Sir Saint
We all know what the chin looks like.
25. Saluki
That mascot for sure has rabies.
26. Big Red
What were they even going for with this?
27. Purdue Pete
He looks like he’s killed someone with that hammer.