The World’s Crummiest Customer

What do entitled people and bullies have in common? They are both the absolute worst types of people! Someone can be entitled, and someone can be a bully, but being both simultaneously? Awful human alert! Unfortunately, our pal “James,” has met plenty of people like this.
James worked in retail, and nasty customers weren’t new to him. He was able to brush most unfavorable customer behavior off, but one man irritated James to the core. The most rotten human James had ever encountered at his job was a man named, “Chad.” When James witnessed Chad bullying one of his favorite elderly customers at work, he began plotting his rightful revenge. Not only would James’ revenge cost Chad his dignity, but it would also cost him thousands of bucks. Would Chad ever learn his lesson? We don’t think so!
Martha’s Mighty Encounter

At the time this incident began, James had only been working in retail for one year. He was just getting to know his regular customers, most of whom he adored. Although most customers were great, James was quickly understanding some customers weren’t so nice. He did his best to avoid any conflict and was usually able to brush off any negative situations. Been there, done that, James! He was shy and he wasn’t a confrontational person, but overall, was an excellent employee.
Even though some customers weren’t great, there was one customer in particular who James enjoyed seeing. Her name was “Martha,” and she was an elderly woman who came into the store on a weekly basis. Essentially, Martha and James were best buds, and they always made time to chit-chat and catch up when she came in. How sweet!
James hadn’t seen or spoken to Martha for a couple of weeks. He was starting to become increasingly concerned about her wellbeing. One morning, James watched her car pull into the store parking lot. Phew! Martha parked her vehicle in the handicapped parking bay and ensured to display her blue badge hanging from her rearview mirror.
As Martha hobbled out of her car, James noticed something different about her. She was on crutches and had a cast on her leg! Poor Martha! James had wondered why she parked in the handicapped spot, but now he understood.
Martha was collecting the last of her belongings out of her vehicle when a large truck whipped into the handicapped parking spot next to her. The driver of the truck wasn’t displaying a blue badge on their windshield, either.
“This is strange,” James thought.
As James continued peering out of the store window, he noticed a man and presumably his teenage son hop out of the truck. The man, Chad, looked to be in his early forties. He wore a nasty look on his face, and James could tell Chad wasn’t a pleasant person to be around.
Martha wasn’t having any of this nonsense. The handicapped parking bay didn’t belong to Chad, and he had no right to park there!
She politely informed Chad, ‘“You can’t be parking in these spots. Unless you have a handicapped parking badge, it is prohibited.”
You go, girl! Show Chad who’s boss!
James would never forget how Chad humiliated Martha next, and he would regret not confronting him face-to-face.
“My Son And I Aren’t Stupid”

Chad looked at Martha and asserted, “My son and I aren’t stupid, we know you are faking your disability! The cast on your leg is totally fake. You are just wearing to get as much benefit money as possible!”
He then walked away sporting an overdramatic faux limp, while his teenage son followed him laughing.
What a rude man! Not to mention, Chad wasn’t setting a good example for his son, either. I wish I were there to give him a piece of my mind!
Martha stood in the parking lot teary-eyed and in complete shock.
James cared about Martha’s feelings deeply, but he lacked the courage to confront Chad. Chad was a buff construction worker type of man, and James didn’t want to risk losing his job or getting hurt if he stood up to him. Come on, James! Couldn’t you take a stand just this once?
James feebly asked his store manager, “Can you do something about this man? He shouldn’t be able to get away with parking in the wrong spot.”
The manager didn’t care to get involved in the mess, so they didn’t do anything about it. Thanks a lot for the help, boss.
Over the years, James witnessed Chad come in and out of the grocery store. Chad still parked in the handicapped parking bay and continued to act totally belligerent. Yet, James still hadn’t confronted him. What are you waiting for, James?
In fact, this incident had occurred so many times, that James had come to recognize Chad by the fancy, large blue Mercedes he drove.
Personally, I think Chad was compensating for something.
At this point, seven years had passed since James’ first encounter with Chad. How one person could act so rude for so long, I will never understand. However, there was now something James could do to inconspicuously ruin Chad’s life. After James’ store faced a high number of parking complaints, they were given special equipment to ticket offending vehicles. This meant James could give Chad parking tickets instead of waiting for the police or an external party to do so.
I like where this is going! I love a good petty revenge plot!
James now had the perfect tool to plot his revenge against menacing Chad.
The Taunting Ticketing Machine

James now had the authority to go to the parking lot, use the ticketing machine, and record any cars violating the parking rules. Even better, the process was done digitally, meaning Chad would never know James was the individual giving him parking tickets. Absolutely brilliant!
After James learned how to use the ticketing machine, his revenge against crummy Chad began.
There were three vital rules when it came to parking in the store lot.
Rule number one, one must not park in the handicapped bay without displaying the proper badge. James knew firsthand Chad was violating this rule, and it didn’t take long to catch him in the act again.
James watched Chad pull his car into the handicapped bay, sans badge as per usual. He sneakily scurried out to Chad’s car, snapped some photos, and sent the report to the ticketing company. Chad would now be receiving a complimentary fine of eighty bucks for his parking violation.
It took a few weeks for the ticketing company to receive reports. Luckily, this meant James could grant Chad multiple parking tickets within this time before he received his first violation letter in the mail. James happened to work at the front of the store, so he could catch Chad and ticket his vehicle every time he came in. These tickets are going to add up quickly, Chad!
At this point, James had ticketed Chad’s car dozens of times. Unfortunately, James thought he had learned his lesson, as he didn’t notice Chad’s oversized blue Mercedes in the parking bays. Where did Chad go now?
Ruthless Parking Rules

One day, James decided to take a peek outside. Lo and behold, Chad found a different parking spot. He was now parking his vehicle in the bay reserved for people with small children.
Rule number two, there was to be absolutely no parking in the children’s parking bay if you didn’t have a child.
James grinned and thought, “Hasn’t this scum received enough parking tickets already?”
Of course, he hadn’t! James had ticketed Chad’s vehicle so many times that he knew the report details by heart. He would gleefully fill out the report in the ticketing machine as many times as needed to teach this guy a lesson. James took photos of Chad’s car in the incorrect parking bay and snapped photos of the inside of his car. There wasn’t a child’s car seat in Chad’s car, and James knew the ticketing company wouldn’t be pleased.
Thus, Jame’s ticketing tirade began once again.
A couple of weeks passed by, and Chad eventually began receiving a plethora of parking violations. Each violation cost eighty bucks, and James knew Chad had to be angry. Fortunately for James, he was completely invisible. Chad must confront the ticketing company about his issues, not James.
James thought Chad must have learned his lesson when he saw his car in neither the handicapped parking nor the children’s parking bay. James peered around the parking lot a bit more, and it didn’t take long to find Chad.
Rule number three, drivers must park inside of a marked bay. No surprise here, Chad even managed to mess this up. He parked over a line, and his vehicle took up two parking spots. Did he not care he was getting so many parking tickets or was he just an idiot?
This was a perfect job for James and his ticketing machine to fix.
A Lesson Learned?

James gave Chad one ticket for the vehicle being too big for the parking spot and another for his wheels being over the lines. It was only fair, as Chad was technically breaking the rules.
James had his fun the following weeks ticketing Chad’s car a multitude of times again. Eventually, the store hired an external company to start ticketing cars. James had to lay his ticketing machine of justice to rest. Rest in peace, ticketing machine. It was good while it lasted, buddy.
James wasn’t worried about what people would think about his egregious behavior pertaining to the ticketing machine. He was being paid to give Chad parking tickets, so his time and money weren’t being wasted. Secondly, Chad’s parking habits eventually did change. Third, if Chad didn’t end up paying for his tickets, he would spend a large amount of time in court trying to overturn them. Moreover, the ticketing company would constantly harass Chad by mail if they weren’t paid. Justice was being served in a way James believed was fair.
James added all of Chad’s parking fines together, and they totaled over one thousand bucks. But after all, the fines were Chad’s fault. He deserved them due to his awful behavior.
About three years after James issued Chad his last ticket, he walked by him in the parking lot. He witnessed Chad scream at an innocent man in a neon yellow jacket. Chad must have thought the man was a police officer because of his jacket, and wrongfully assumed he was the person who had issued him the tickets.
We never claimed Chad was smart, guys.
James felt at peace after realizing the ticket situation still irritated Chad. The tickets must have seriously toyed with Chad’s emotions and cost him a lot of cash to still cause a scene about it.
James wasn’t sure what Chad was feeling, but one thing was certain; Chad learned to never mess with a stranger’s parking space again.