Bad Attitude Becky

Entitled families are the worst. You know the type- a snobby mother, bratty children, and enraging in-laws. They think they can have whatever they want, whenever they want it. Most of the time, they’ll get away with their behavior, too! It is a rare occurrence for someone to attempt to halt an entitled family’s escapades. That is, until our friend “Jessica,” came along.
Jessica, her partner “Spencer,” and her friend, “Drake,” all had a zero-tolerance attitude toward entitled families. The group met up weekly at a local diner to play their favorite game, “Savage Worlds.” We love a good game night! It was such a tradition for the friends, that the manager of the diner even reserved a table for them every Sunday. However, one game night didn’t go according to plan when it was rudely interrupted by “Becky,” and her privileged family members. Hang on to your seat, because what was once an average game night quickly turned into a game of fisticuffs!
The Table-Stealing Terrors

Jessica’s Sunday afternoon started off fairly normally. Jessica, Spencer, and Drake ventured to their favorite local restaurant to eat, drink, and play a round of games. The group went to the restaurant every Sunday and were considered regular customers at the establishment. The manager even reserved a table for them every Sunday. Talk about customer loyalty!
However, this Sunday fell on Mother’s Day. The restaurant was likely to be busy, and the group may have had to give up their reserved table.
When the group arrived at the restaurant, Drake asked the manager, “Are we still going to be able to sit in our reserved spot? No worries if we can’t, we know it’s a holiday today.”
The manager replied, “I promise your table is still reserved. There shouldn’t be anybody sitting in your spot.”
Sweet! Everything was going according to plan, and the group’s game day was shaping up to be the best one yet. Jessica, Spencer, and Drake began walking back to their table when they noticed the “Area Reserved,” sign near their table had been pushed aside. They continued walking and started to hear voices coming from the area their table was in. Did someone steal their spot?
The Reservation Tribulation

When the group finally turned the corner and arrived at their table, they noticed there was a group of about seven or eight people having lunch and drinks at their spot. Can these people not read a sign? The group wasn’t too worried about it though, as they were a bit early for their reservation and still had about ten minutes to wait. They took a seat at a table nearby and talked to each other quietly while they waited for other members of their group to arrive.
As the group was waiting, Jessica noticed a couple of the family members would constantly turn around and shoot dirty looks toward the group. The women in the group were whispering to each other hurriedly as if there were some type of issue. There were also three children at the table and a couple of men. Why don’t you guys take a picture, it will last longer!
One of the men at the table turned around and politely asked, “Excuse me, did your group have this area reserved today?”
Drake glanced up and respectfully responded, “Yes, we do. It doesn’t start until noon, though.”
Drake was a sweet guy. He was extremely nice, but he didn’t handle conflict well. In other words, he let people easily walk over him. The other group members were similar, but Jessica was quick to stand up for her friends in times of need.
Becky, presumably the man’s wife, snobbily replied, “Um, since when did the restaurant start making reservations?”
Drake shyly uttered, “We have been making reservations for a couple of years now.”
The woman remarked, “Well, that’s actually impossible. My family is here every Sunday, and we have never seen your group before.”
Drake, defeated, said, “Well, we are here every Sunday, too.”
Becky turned back to her family and began to whisper heatedly again. Is a table really such a big deal? If they had it reserved, just move!
At this point, it was already five past noon. Becky and her family members have elected to take their sweet time eating their food. Jessica noticed all of the family kept sending passive-aggressive stares at the friend group as if they were begging to start an argument. The adults at the table would pick up their large sandwiches, take the daintiest bite imaginable, gently put it back down, and have long conversations while slowly sipping on their drinks. This family was seriously petty.
While Becky and her family ate their lunch slower than molasses, Jessica and her friends remained quiet. They were in it for the long game, and they were going to get their table no matter how long they had to wait.
Spencer’s Last Straw

Becky and another woman at the table, “Linda,” continued sending nasty death glares at Jessica.
Linda completely turned around and said, “Um, excuse me, you guys are being pretty rude considering we were at the table first. I don’t see a sign specifically stating the table is yours.”
Maybe these people actually can’t read a sign after all!
Spencer proceeded to get up, walk over to the sign, and pick it up.
As he was walking back to the table, sign in hand, he sarcastically remarked, “Oh, look! I found a sign!”
Linda scoffed and looked away. Read the sign and weep, sweetie!
The family continued with their snail-paced lunch for another ten minutes. At this point, Spencer was becoming extremely annoyed. Who did this family think they were?
He told Jessica, “I’ll be right back. I need to go get a drink.”
Jessica presumed he was leaving to cool off a bit so he wouldn’t completely snap and tell the family off.
Becky watched Spencer leave the table and nudged Linda. Okay, shady ladies! The group exchanged a couple of glances back and forth and they began to gather up their belongings. Shortly after, the family shuffled out of the restaurant. At last, Jessica and her friends could sit at their table and begin their game. Or so they thought.
Drake clapped and exclaimed, “Welp, who is ready to get this show on the road?”
Apparently, Becky had sonar hearing because she came storming back in and started screaming at Drake.
Becky angrily yelled, “What the heck is wrong with you? You are so rude! How dare you start applauding us as we are leaving! I have a little girl, what kind of example are you setting for her?”
Okay, Becky. Your kid isn’t Drake’s responsibility, but go off.
At this point, Jessica was fed up. She grabbed Drake by the arm and pulled him away from Becky. Now, she was standing right in the middle of Becky and Drake. If Becky wanted to fight, she would have to go through Jessica first.
“I Demand An Apology Right Now”

Drake tried to speak up for himself while Jessica stood in front of him, but he started to stammer while doing so.
Becky mocked him and screamed, “Shut up! I demand an apology right now!”
Her ultra-scary backup, Linda, returned. The two little girls were standing behind her and hiding.
Becky motioned over to the girls and exclaimed, “And look, you’re scaring my kids now!”
Jessica shouted, “First off, you’re scaring your own kids! Second, not only did we reserve this spot for noon, which was twenty minutes ago, but we patiently waited for your family to leave! He wasn’t applauding you, he was talking to us. What he said wasn’t even about you, so go away already!”
Jessica wasn’t shouting quite as loud as Becky was, but the altercation was beginning to turn grim. She moved close enough to Becky to where it would be impossible for her to escape without having some kind of physical contact with her. At the end of the day, Jessica didn’t want to start a fight with this woman. She just wanted to ensure that Becky wouldn’t get in Drake’s face again.
Becky cried, “How dare you tell me how to raise my own kids! Who do you think you are? Get out of my face!”
Becky lunged forward and shoved Jessica as hard as she could. The girls are fighting! Jessica stumbled back, tripped over a chair, and hit the ground pretty hard.
Seconds later, Spencer returned with the manager of the restaurant. They had missed the entire altercation except for Jessica falling to the ground. Spencer ran to help her off of the ground, and the owner scolded Becky and Linda.
The manager belted out, “If you don’t leave right now, I am going to call the police on you!”
Becky and Linda defensively pointed at Jessica and replied, “She started it! She threatened my children, and we were only trying to defend ourselves! Their entire group has been rude to us the whole time when we had this table reserved first!”
Lying now, are we ladies?
The manager of the restaurant wasn’t stupid. They knew Jessica’s group had reserved the same table every Sunday for the past two years. The manager called Becky and Linda out on their lies, called the police, and banned the women from the restaurant forever.
Becky and Linda escaped from the restaurant before the police arrived at the scene. The police still took a statement from Jessica and informed her that she could press charges against the women.
Spencer firmly said, “I think you need to press charges against them.”
A policeman replied, “Unfortunately, the choice is only up to her,” while nodding to Jessica.
With some persuasion from her boyfriend and Drake, Jessica ended up pressing charges against the family. Even though the women were banned from the restaurant, this wouldn’t be the last time Jessica would see them again.
The Return Of Becky And Linda

Jessica’s friend group was told by restaurant staff after the situation that the two women were aware the table was reserved. In fact, they had been told by at least three different staff members. Becky and Linda just ignored them like the witches they were. These women had selective hearing at its finest.
Jessica wound up with a few gnarly bruises from her fall and had to see a chiropractor for a while, but she was fine otherwise. Spencer and Drake made fun of her for acting like a “tough guy”, but she knew at the moment she needed to stand up for herself and her friends.
Even though Becky and Linda were permanently banned from the restaurant, Jessica and her friends ended up running into them one more time.
One night, Becky and Linda walked into the restaurant by themselves. Jessica, Spencer, and Drake watched them walk up to their table and read the, “Area Reserved” sign. The women looked as if they considered ignoring the sign but then continued walking to another part of the restaurant. As they were walking away, they made sure to give Jessica a dirty look.
The women weren’t supposed to be in the restaurant, so Spencer made sure the restaurant staff knew they were there. Shortly after, the police arrived and kicked the women out. Justice has been served! Becky and Linda threw a fit that would have rivaled a five-year-old child and proceeded to continue arguing with the police outside.
Later in the evening, the police informed Jessica they had arrested Becky, and she had to spend the night in jail.
Jessica simply laughed. Nobody will ever mess with her table again.