
Karens think they rule the world. No, not people with the name Karen (sometimes) but rather people who think they are entitled to do and say whatever they please. It doesn’t matter who it inconveniences, it’s Karen way or no way. Just ask our buddy, “Nathan.”
Nathan was not like all teenage boys. Sometimes, when younger people come across a Karen, they just let them go because they don’t want to deal with their uncalled-for drama. But not him. When a Karen mother refused to move her parked car from his driveway, he decided not only to play at her petty level but to also teach her lesson. A lesson she would never forget.
Who Are These People?

The day started fine. Nathan, like any other teenager, was in his room, chilling out. His mother was in the other room, chit-chatting with his aunt on the phone. As she was about to spill some major tea, she noticed a car pull up in their driveway. Since she wasn’t expecting any visitors, she called out to Nathan to see who it was. So out he went.
The people were still in their car, it was a family of three. An older woman, “Barb” and two small children. If he had to guess, he would say the kids were around the age of seven to nine. They weren’t expecting visitors, but he knew why they were in the area. His next-door neighbor, “Jill” was having a street party which made the whole street packed with cars. So maybe she mistaken Nathan’s house for the neighbor’s house and thought she could park there? Yeah, that’s a bit of a stretch, but maybe she has a valid reason to be in their driveway.
As Nathan was putting on his flip-flops on his porch, he said loudly, “Excuse me?”
Now usually when a stranger says those two words to you, you’re a little taken aback or confused, but not this lady. As the trio got out of the car, Barb turned around with a disgusted look.
She replied with a nasty tone, “What do you want?”
Nathan tried to say, “This is my driveway so do you mind-” but then she cut him off.
Still, with that nasty tone, she said, “So?”
This time making it short and to the point, he said, “This is my driveway. Please move your car.”
Barb replied, “But someone else parked here.” Then pointed to Nathan’s family car. “So why shouldn’t I be allowed?”
Nathan said, “Ma’am, this is my car. This is my driveway. And this is most certainly my property.”
Okay, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but she proved me wrong. She knew what she was doing, but she didn’t care. She thought she could away with parking in someone else’s driveway, but this little man was not backing down. Nathan thought she finally understood where he was coming from after literally explaining it to her as a child. She was quiet and still. Maybe she was thinking where else she could park. But then she did the ultimate Karen move and turned the tables on him. This was the part when Nathan lost it.
Our Driveway, Not Yours

This was the moment he realized what type of person he was dealing with. A Karen.
She said, “You don’t have the right to talk to me like that!”
Not wanting to take responsibility that she was at the wrong, she was now scolding him for how he spoke to her. What a hypocrite. Did she not notice how she was speaking to him this whole time? Maybe he was getting impatient, but who wouldn’t when she refused to listen to him. She just didn’t like the fact that he wasn’t letting her park in his driveway. Of course not, she didn’t ask for permission and she wasn’t kind about it either.
Nathan mentally took a deep breath and said calmly, “Please move your car-“ And again, she cut him off.
She said, “I don’t even wanna hear it! Nobody was parked in this spot, therefore I am allowed to park here!”
This had to be a joke, thought Nathan but looking at her’s children faces, this was not their first rodeo. One word to describe their facial expression would be mortified. Like mom, really, again?
He felt bad for the kids, but he couldn’t just let this Karen go. She needed to know she couldn’t just assume she could get her way every time and treat people like garbage in doing so. Also, that spot she parked in belonged to Nathan’s father, “Dan.” And just when he was about to explain that to her, his dad pulled into the driveway. Oh boy, was that perfect timing!
Since Barb was parked in Dan’s usual spot, he had to park behind the family car. When he got out, he waved at Nathan and made his way towards them.
Dan said cheerfully,” Hey! What’s going on here?”
Nathan said, “Oh hey Dad!”
Karen asked, “You’re his father?”
Because of the way she said it, Dan said with a confused face, “Yes.”
She said, “This horrible child of yours won’t let me park here.”
Taken aback, he said, “What?”
She replied, “Did I stutter?”
He said, “Uhh I was just making sure about what you said.”
She then whispered to herself, “Even his father is stupid.”
Did she really just say that?! At this point, I’m not sure what was her MO on that conversation. But if she thought the dad was going to let her park there, then she could just kiss that idea bye-bye because this dad was not going to take what she said about his son or himself lightly. I mean what parent would?
Party Time?

He ensured he heard her, but he was just appalled that she really said that to him. And her response was priceless.
She said, “Whatever.”
To have a better understanding of her issue, he asked, “Now, you’re telling me that my son won’t let you park here?”
She said, “YES! Finally, you get it.”
He replied quickly, “Ho-Hold up, lady. This is our driveway. Besides, did you even ask for permission?”
She said, “I didn’t need to.”
Without hesitation, he said, “Yes you do, but even if you did, we won’t let you.”
She started whining, “Ugh, well then why not?!”
He reiterated, “Oh my goodness lady! This our driveway! Not yours!”
Plain and simple. Any decent person would understand that. Well, any decent person wouldn’t be parking in random people’s driveways without permission and think it was okay. Clearly, they are handling a Karen so it was not going to be plain and simple. Especially the power move she did next.
Without saying anything else to the father or son, she grabbed her kids and walked over to the party. Just like that. She thought she could ignore them and they would give up. Little did she know, that was the last thing they were going to do. It was like a father and son bonding moment.
They tried calling her back to their house, but that didn’t work. She kept ignoring them. So plan B, Nathan decided to walk over to the party and confront her that way. Now, this party was an outdoor party, so she clearly could hear and see them, and vice versa. So as he approached her, that was when Jill popped up.
She asked Nathan, “What are you doing?”
His eyes glanced over at Barb who was now avoiding eye contact. He said, “We have a matter to handle. So Barb, my dad told me to confront you here. So we were saying-“
She then cut him off and yelled, “I don’t even wanna hear it! I’m here to attend the party, not get assaulted by a young man and his father!”
Did she really say assaulted? They have been nothing but patient with her. Before he could put together words to defend himself and his father, she decided to escalate the issue even further.
The Calls

As Barb whipped out her cellphone, Nathan realized she was dialing 911. He hurriedly glanced over to his father who was still in front of their house and gestured for him to come over quick. As Dan saw this Karen with a cellphone, he realized what she was about to do.
Dan said, “Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah. Lady, are you honestly calling the police for something that isn’t our fault?”
She replied, “No. I’m calling the police for assault.”
That was absurd. She couldn’t be serious. Her assault allegation made both Dan and Nathan laugh. Both knew they did no such thing, so they let her call the police and waited for them to arrive. As the police arrived, that was when Nathan’s mom finished her phone gossip and came out to check on them.
I forgot all about the mom, even though she was the first person who saw Barb’s car. Maybe it was a good idea she wasn’t a part of it, because maybe it would’ve been uglier. Well, the officer went to both parties and got their sides of the story. It was obvious that Barb was lying so the officer gave her a warning. Because the officer didn’t do anything else, like arrest the guys based on her false allegations, Barb threatened to file a complaint on the officer. Typical Karen move. She didn’t get her way, so she tried to escalate the issue even more. It’s almost like when a Karen tells an employee, “I want to speak with your manager.”
The officer also did nothing about making her move her car, so she went back to the party. She thought she won this one. But when she left, the officer mentioned to Dan and Nathan that if she didn’t move her car from their property then it was maybe best if they get it towed.
Tired of her nonsense, they had no other choice but to call the towing company. Barb wasn’t the only one who could make calls.
The towing company came and picked up her 90’s piece of junk car. It looked like it went through a lot and knowing how she worked, they could only imagine. Surprisingly, Barb didn’t realize the tow truck or her car being towed away. She was still at the party, living it up. But that wasn’t going to last long when she realized her car was missing.
Happy Ending?

Waiting for Barb to find out what happened to her car was killing Nathan. He waited since the tow truck left earlier that day until now at 11 pm. As he started to notice more people were heading out to their cars, he watched closely out for the Karen. There she was. She was now crossing the street to his house, then she suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her face went pale. It was the moment he had been waiting for. She then started running to his driveway. Not it was ‘go time,’baby! He bolted down the stairs and out the front door.
She yelled, “WHERE’S MY CAR?!”
He replied, “What do you mean?”
She screamed back, “MY CAR!”
Nathan joked, “Oh it’s in the garage, in case it rained.”
I guess she wasn’t in the joking mood because that really ticked her off.
She threatened, “WHO SAID YOU CAN PUT IT THERE?! I’m calling the police.”
And she wasn’t kidding, the police showed up again. It was a different cop and this time the outcome was different. After Dan and Nathan told their side of the story and Barb lied about hers again, the officer decided to take the issue off the guys’ hands. He and any other person who had common sense knew she was in the wrong. You can’t park in someone else’s property against their wishes and not expect them to take action. It’s like parking in an area that has a sign, “Private property. No Parking. Violators will be towed away.” Any person would understand except Barb who was a Karen.
She thought she was entitled to park on their private property and be above any rules that said otherwise until the father and son brought her back to reality. Maybe next time, she will think twice before disobeying someone’s wishes and mistreating people along the way. Because after this incident, it would be hard not to believe in Karma.