His Question Was Both Unsolicited And Offensive

“My sister-in-law was working at Taco Bell when she was quite visibly pregnant. She and my brother had been married for a few years and were excited about the planned baby.
One day, she had a customer notice that she was pregnant and ask, ‘Are you sure you know who the father of that baby is?’
She didn’t miss a beat with her wiseacre response of, ‘I’m waiting to see what color the kid is first!’
He Thought He Was A Funny Guy And It Was Obnoxious

“I was a hostess at a restaurant when a guy came in with a lady, so I asked, ‘For two?’ because you know, sometimes parties arrive separately.
He responded, ‘Wow! You can count!’
The best I could manage while trying to keep my job was, ‘I sure hope so since I just graduated with a 3.85 GPA!’
Of course, it’s just you and your wife you jerk, no one else wants to be in your presence that long.”
He Nearly Tore Her A New One

“I was working as a cashier and a couple came through with a handle of Smirnoff. I scanned it and they said it was marked as a different price on the shelf. Per the protocol, I had the baggage kid run and check, and it turned out to be a sale tag that expired and hadn’t been removed from the shelf. No problem.
I called a manager as I was processing a voided item (over 20 bucks so it needed a key) and the girl got impatient and said, ‘Come on now! Chop chop!’
My manager saw me put the bottle down and immediately knew I was about to say something. He silently elbowed me out of the way and finished the transaction himself while I turned away and stewed. After the couple left he told me, ‘I wouldn’t have done anything if you chewed her out for that, but I’m glad you didn’t make any extra work for me.'”
It Was An Innocent Mistake That The Guy Took Personally

“The first job I ever had was working at McDonald’s during the summer before I started college. It was my last week there since school was starting soon, and it had been a long day so I was tired and ready to be done with work. Unfortunately, I was so tired that when I went to hand a guy his change out the window, I dropped a few coins on the ground.
I immediately offered to replace the coins out of my own pocket. The guy proceeded to open his hands up and just drop the rest of the coins on the ground while yelling at me about how nobody working at McDonald’s has an IQ over 8, and that I’m probably just a dumb tramp with multiple kids from different dads who will go nowhere in life. I am not proud to say that I lost it and screamed at him. I slammed the window shut and went and told my manager what happened. I’d like to say things worked out in my favor, but the manager sided with the customer and I just walked out. I did not finish my last week there.”
It Was A Cowardly, Passive-Aggressive Move

“I was a server at a 24-hour pancake place and I worked the graveyard shift so I could still go to school full time. One time, I had a jerk come in with his wife, brother, and two kids and they were being totally obnoxious. After dealing with these crazy rude people, I was sweeping the dining room and doing other cleaning stuff since they were the only people in the restaurant.
The dad didn’t say this directly to me, but he said it loud enough that I could blatantly hear: ‘That’s why you two need to stay in school. So you don’t end up a dolt waiting tables like her.’
I seriously had to go into the kitchen and cry. I was working so hard to afford my education and this guy had the nerve to insult me like that when he has no idea what my situation was. To add insult to injury, I got a $5 tip on an $80+ bill.”
His Response To Her Rudeness Was Totally Savage

“I was working at a beverage distributor and we always had this one old lady come in and play the lottery. She didn’t play simple numbers, she had a long list of numbers for certain games with a specific method and everything, plus I was the only cashier. Also, while I was dealing with her, I had other people waiting to check out as well.
I insisted she fill out a play slip so it would be 100% correct and to her liking, and she replied, ‘I don’t have time to fill one out, you should really respect your elders.’
I responded with, ‘Well, in that case, I don’t have time for your lottery numbers, so enjoy your remaining years,’ and proceeded to check others out while she cried to my boss.”
He Was Blindsided By Her Blatant Racism

“When I used to work at Subway, I once had to make sandwiches for a woman and her five children. She wanted me to make 10 6-inch sandwiches and a foot long, but little did I know she was very impatient. I still tried to do it as quickly as I could, but when I rang her up at the register (me being of Mexican descent and my name tag saying ‘Jose’) she told me, and I quote, ‘Why can’t you make a sandwich as fast as you can run from border patrol?’
In return, I charged her for 11 footlongs. Checkmate, witch. I didn’t let her comment get to me as she seemed like an ignorant lemming of trashy, jingoistic culture with her ‘Make America Great Again’ hat, confederate shirt, and literal bald eagle tattoo on her arm.”
The Dad Had No Filter For His Inappropriate Comments

“One time when I was bartending, a family (mother, father, and daughter) sat at a high top near the bar. As I was getting their drink order, the father looked at me and asked, ‘Boy or girl?’ I definitely do not look like a boy and definitely don’t look even slightly pregnant.
The wife looked at her husband with a mortified expression and said, ‘REALLY?!’ I walked off and had a server pick it up. The family ended up moving to the patio, but wow, I was livid with that prick.”
The Whole Establishment Was A Crapshow

“One time when I was waitressing and serving the owner’s cousin, I asked if he would like anything for dessert. He told me he would like to bend me over the counter for dessert.
Also, the owners were degenerates; the wife got wasted and peed outside the restaurant in broad daylight, and the husband was a pervert and would come in every morning and sit drink coffee and talk down to me like I was a piece of meat in front of the customers. After a while, I wouldn’t even acknowledge his comments.
I was eventually fired because the manager heard me tell another waitress, ‘This is bullcrap.’ As she was firing me she told me that she knew I just really wanted to spend some time at home with my three kids for the summer and that she was giving me that opportunity. I’m a single mom. Eff you Candice and eff you Bob and Pam. I still spit when I drive by that craphole. I was later told by another waitress that they miss me because I actually found work to do when it was dead instead of standing around with my thumb up my butt like half of their staff.”
The Old Man Expected Him To Be Equally Prejudiced

“I worked overnight at a gas station that served fast food right near a university. One time when I was stocking an old man came up to me and said, ‘You better keep an eye on those young black men over there.’
He was clearly insinuating that they were going to steal something. I was stunned speechless and lost my customer service smile so I just kept blinking, trying to process what he said. I don’t know if it was the fact that I’m also white that made him think that was even remotely okay to say.
Another night, a college-aged wasted guy asked me, ‘Do you have a nice butt?’ as I was ringing him out.
I just replied, ‘I don’t know, I don’t spend a lot of time looking at it.’ His friends laughed and he was too embarrassed to keep up his act.”
The Lady Went From 0 To 100 Real Quick

“I was working as a waiter (male, age 19 at the time) on a Saturday night at a Tex-Mex family restaurant. A group of 6 came in, 5 of whom were 30-somethings and then an older lady in her 60’s. Everyone was having a great time, but something about the lady’s order didn’t come out right.
I offered to take it back to the cooks and get it fixed, but she proceeded to tell me how she hopes every future relationship I have fails and I that have a miserable life. I was completely taken back and had no words to say to this woman who’s soul was obviously black as tar. I looked at the younger, more friendlier individuals at her table and they told me to ignore her. But this was four years ago and I still think about what she said. Was it something I did? Was the burrito that bad? I don’t get it.”
Well That Was A Bit Of An Overreaction

“I gave a dude a mild hot sauce packet on accident when he wanted the hottest and he called me a ‘freaking idiot who should go back to school and learn how to freaking read.’
I was in high school at the time and totally just thought he said ‘middle sauce.’ What a sack of crap. That was one of the many things that made me nope out of the food industry.”
She Couldn’t Believe These Men’s Audacity

“I was working the night of the Lindt cafe hostage crisis (Australia, sometime around Dec 2014) and the news report was playing on the TV. I had a guy come in, notice that I was watching the report, and say something along the lines of, ‘That’s absolutely horrendous.
I assumed he was talking about the fact people died, so of course I said, ‘Yes, it’s really terrible.’
This piece of work then said, ‘They should take all the Muslims out of the country and they should be shot.’ I genuinely couldn’t speak for two minutes because my brain shorted out. I couldn’t believe it. Like, what kind of vitriol?
Then there was the time (at the same job) where some dude saw my trainee badge and said, ‘Oh, a trainee, huh? I can teach you some things,’ with a creepy smile. There were more comments like that, a lot. Perks of working an overnight shift near the red light district and being a woman.”
He Was Bored An Had Nothing Better To Do

“I used to work in a Chinese takeaway restaurant as counter staff and one day I was training a new girl to about the prices and how to write orders, etc. This was in a small rural village, so you already know everyone was pretty backwards. A guy came in just being an all around jerk and making a pest of himself as I was trying to teach the new girl, asking stupid questions on and on.
He eventually got annoyed with being the only customer in the shop and asked me why I wasn’t working. I explain that I was, in fact, working as I was training the new girl. He responded with, ‘You’re a woman, shouldn’t you be cooking or cleaning or something?’
I quickly responded with, ‘Did your mommy never teach you not to tick off people who can spit in your food?’ He sat down and didn’t say another word until his food was ready. My manager laughed.”
These People Had All The Money But Zero Class

“One time I was working as a server during a big tourist weekend. The restaurant was packed with a pretty wide array of diverse people, but the common factor was that this event attracted people with plenty of disposable income. A couple of middle-aged men simply would not let me leave their table. They kept regaling me with hilarious jokes about how, ‘You, me, and him are probably the only people here who work!’
Their intent was clearly not to call the other customers so independently wealthy that they could afford to come out and spend daddy’s money on such an event. Their presumption was that a bunch of hippies, cowboys, and racial minorities (of which I am one) were only able to be ‘out’ (on a Saturday evening) due to unemployed laziness.
I would also get, ‘You should go to school and learn math!’ whenever I counted back change in a way they didn’t personally prefer (not when given incorrect change, just didn’t count it back in whatever cutesy way they liked). I had a Bachelor’s at the time. I also had a few people explode in rage under the assumption that I did not give them back the correct change before they counted their change. Not saying I never made a mistake, but I have to say I was lucky enough to never make a mistake when this type of person was at my register. I could not believe the absolute disgust they expressed that the ‘young person’/’black person’/’stupid’ cashier was capable of doing basic subtraction and using the register.
The biggest thing for me, however, was comments about my coworkers or being rude to other customers (save for customers who were having tantrums). No, I really don’t need to hear your opinions on how my manager looks like a witch or how you’re ‘scared’ of the meat cutter’s Afro. I also don’t like it when you shove old people or pregnant ladies out of the way to be first in line. I am not going to join in your chit chat about how some other customer minding her own business is ‘trashy,’ and I am not going to kick the teenagers having lunch on the patio out because you are nervous around adolescents.”
She Was A Real Busybody

“I was working at a place with a deep fryer and accidentally burned the back of my hand badly. I kept working, but open wounds had to be covered so I taped gauze on them. A week went by with no problems and I’d healed enough for me to go down to a couple of large Band-Aids.
After I took someone’s money and handed them their food, they called back and told my manager I was probably an addict because of my Band-Aids. I’m about as straight edge as it gets, so my manager told me that she took pleasure in telling the lady the truth about my burn, to which she just replied, ‘Oh,’ and hung up.”
His Response Put The Lady In Her Place

“I currently work at a McDonald’s in Arizona and a lot of my coworkers are bilingual, so they chat in Spanish and English. I speak a little Spanish but I’m in no way fluent.
One day I was serving a white customer when she said, ‘This is America, they should speak English.’
So I replied, ‘They do. But they also know I’m trying to become more fluent in Spanish. Also, English isn’t even the official language of the United States.'”
Being Presumptuous Is Never A Beneficial Trait

“I was working at this Subway-style poke shop. I’d been there for a few months by then, and making a bowl is easy so anyone can do it just fine. A customer who seemed to be in a hurry came in and saw the manager telling me something about the menu/food.
I greeted her and grabbed a bowl to begin her order. Then she said, ‘Umm, can I have him make my bowl?’ She just assumed that I was slow and couldn’t keep up to her speed or something. I was still offended at such a presumption.”