Imagine never-ending noms. This is exactly what these people scored, but is it a blessing or a curse?
Slurpees For Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner

>>> “My aunt won a lifetime supply of Rice-a-roni from ‘The Price is Right.’ She used to get them faster than she can use them, but now (understandably) she is sick of it so she just stockpiles them in her Rice-a-roni closet and donates hundreds of boxes of them at a time. Yes. She has a full closet of Rice-a-roni. The neighborhood kids love her.”–
>>> “When I was young (like 5 years old) my parents won a years supply of Cool Whip on Let’s Make a Deal. A few weeks later my dad stopped a truck and informed the driver his trailer was on fire. The truck was hauling Tootsie Rolls and the driver gave him several cases. I only remember that during that time it seemed like Cool Whip and Tootsie Rolls were universally ‘free,’ similar to water, unlike the other things that you had to shop for. These things are still valueless to me.”
>>> “During university orientation week one of the local pubs (it was called The Captain Cook Tavern) held a competition where you could put your name in a draw to win a years supply of meals for you and your flatmates. I won it, along with some other people, and it started of great. The meals were straight off the same menu as the bar food so they were fairly decent. About three months later, the free meals were reduced to the point where they were essentially a pot-noodle with a squirt of tomato sauce.”–
>>> “My high school geometry teacher’s son won a contest where he was featured on boxes of Kraft Mac ‘n Cheese and also got a ‘lifetime’ supply of it. He had a picture of it/a cut out of the box on his desk, which was hysterical, and all I remember was him complaining about how sick he was of mac n cheese.”
>>> “My brother-in-law won the Chipotle Adventurrito thing and won free burritos for a year. There are 52 coupons for burritos. He’s used some of them but now he uses them as alternative currency. Homeless man asking for money? Chipotle burrito. Not sure what to do for a casual gift? Chipotle burrito coupon. Want to tip a person without giving money? Here’s a burrito. Guess what I got for Christmas?”–
>>> “Not a lifetime supply, but a years supply of free McDonalds. Basically my family of three won six punch card coupons that each gave us a free value meal once a week. Since my parents are very…excited…about free things, you better believe we were in McDonalds twice a week, every week for that entire year. Not a single fry was to go to waste. I can’t even look at a McDonalds without feeling vaguely nauseous anymore.”–
>>> “When we were kids, we were rarely allowed junk food. But my little brother was really sick, and wouldn’t eat; my mom was so desperate to get him to eat something that she told him he could have any food in the world he wanted. He picked Oreos. The one box of Oreos we bought turned out to be the winning box of a ‘year’s supply of Oreos.’ How many, you ask, is a year’s supply of Oreos? I’m glad you asked. It was 365 boxes. As a family of four individuals who did not normally eat junk food, needless to say this was quite more than 1 year’s worth of Oreos for us. We kept a couple of boxes and then my parents took the rest to a food bank as they were delivered.”–
>>> “A family member won a year’s supply of pretzels. It was really more pretzels than any family could eat in a year. A pallet of pretzels. An obscene amount of pretzels. You could say it was twisted. Cue to two years later, and we’re having peppermint bark with pretzels embedded in it. Yup, same pretzels.”–
>>> “I won a year’s supply of Slurpees from 7-11 through a radio station contest when I was in college. It was a book of 52 coupons for one free Slurpee each. I wanted to use them all that summer because I was going back to college in a town with no 7-11s. I ate Slurpees for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night snack. I had a party that centered around mixing our drink concoctions in Slurpees, which got a little wild. And then when I returned to school I had a few left so I gave them to a friend who still lived in town and went to community college.”
“It Doesn’t Sound Like A Lot, But You Get Tired Of Them”

>>> “We didn’t really ‘win,’ we were ‘bribed with’ Snapple for life. My dad worked in marketing for transportation catering in the ’90s and Snapple gave us a truck full of every single one of their product types. They stopped by every six months or so to get our feedback and ask if we wanted more. At one point we had a Snapple-only double fridge in our laundry room to chill three of each flavor while the rest were in boxes taking up a good part of our garage. My cousin tried to maintain a bottle-top collection, but lost count after 5,000. I have no idea if my dad still gets Snapple like that, but his house still has a Snapple-only fridge. It was awesome, bordering magical. I would replace my veins with ’90s Snapple if I could. No regrets on that experience.”–
>>> “I won a year supply of Land O Lakes butter last year at a Minnesota Gopher Hockey game. I received 730 sticks of the stuff. Needless to say, our fridge did not have enough room. Being that It was winter I stocked the fridge with what it could handle and placed the rest of the boxes out back in my duck hunting boat. I completely forgot that I put it there, as we never ran out of the original fridge stock, I untapped my boat in the fall this duck season to find nearly the entire bottom of the boat covered in butter. I guess one of our 104 degree days had its way with my prize.”–
>>> “I once won a year’s supply of the Tropicana juice drink. It was awesome, but you could only buy four cartons a month with dated vouchers, so it never really felt as magical as I was hoping. Nine-year-old me wanted, like, a dedicated Tropicana faucet in the kitchen.”–
>>> “When I was a kid there was a phone in competition to rename a popular children’s cereal. It cost money to vote as it was a premium number but my mother let my younger brother vote for fun. What we didn’t know at the time was by voting you’d be entered to win a lifetime supply of this cereal and my brother won. So they called up and our mother told them we didn’t want it. My mother ruined our childhood by telling Kellogs we didn’t want their lifetime supply of cereal. I could be eating that right now, 16 years later I could still be enjoying that cereal.”–
>>> “I won a year’s worth of Skittles last year at a raffle for a school event. I ended up getting 60 coupons for a free bag of any size. It doesn’t really sound like a lot, but after going through a few 16 oz bags, you get tired of them. So I passed a lot out to random people and made some pretty good friends out of it. Of course, we always kept a bag or four on hand in our dorm anyways…”
Food For Days

>>> “In order to celebrate the opening of a new location, our local Hardee’s was giving away a year’s supply of Thickburgers to a lucky individual. My dad won, but it only ended up being only two burgers per week, this equaling only 104 free burgers. Which still isn’t bad. Except for the fact that I live in a family of five, who liked to eat and didn’t live the healthiest of lifestyles. We ate all our free burgers within a week and a half.”–
>>> “I once went to a grand opening QFC (Quality Food Center, big grocery store) when I was 12. They were having a free raffle, and I’m like, ‘Why not?’ So I enter. Did I win the plasma TV? No. Did I win the iPod classic? No. 12-year-old-me wins a years supply of Tillamook cheese. It was a sheet of 12 coupons, each for two blocks of cheese. What the heck was I going to do with cheese? I honestly didn’t even like cheese at the time. After going home and moping for a while, I had an idea. After I discussed it with my parents, we went back to the QFC and I met with the manager. After being given a few more sheets, I sat in the entryway of the QFC with a cheese hat and sold them for face value. What did I do with the profit, you ask? I donated it to Hurricane Relief in New Orleans. I sat there for the whole day saying, ‘Cheesy for the Big Easy?’ to every customer who came in. This was shortly after Katrina and we ended up raising $500 that day.”–
>>> “I won a lifetime supply of Mars Bars when I was 15. I get a box of 30 delivered every month. For the first six months it was awesome, never had to buy chocolate, had plenty to share with my friends. After a year it was hard to even give them away as everyone was sick of Mars Bars. Now every three months or so I deliver 75 or so to my local food bank. I’m currently living in Thailand, I dread to think how many Mars Bars I’m going to go home too.”–
>>> “I won a ‘lifetime supply’ of Tootsie Roll products, which ended up being just a medium size box of candy. Apparently, I’m only supposed to eat, like, three Tootsie Rolls a year.”–
>>> “A couple years ago I won an order of wings per week for a year at a local pub. I had just moved to an area of the city with great nightlife and one of the bars was reopening after a month. I randomly saw an ad on Facebook that if you were one of the first 200 people in line that night you got 52 coupons, each with a specific week on them, for an order of wings. So I went. And waited for two hours. In Alberta. In February. It was freezing and I couldn’t feel my toes by the end and the bar brought everyone got chocolate while we waited. Worth it. Also, this bar had $3/pound wings on Wednesdays. So I would go on Wednesday, use my coupon, then get two or three more pounds. Usually, a hockey game was on, too. Good times.”
…Then We Got Sick Of It.

>>> “Our elderly neighbors won a lifetime supply of Snickers. We have a very large family (parents plus 10 kids) and the summer I was 7 my father was injured at work. While waiting on workers comp to be paid, our electric, water, and gas was all shut off. Our neighbors ran a hose to our backyard for water, an extension cord for a microwave, and gave us dozens of cases of Snickers. We lived the entire summer on candy bars and ramen. I can’t stand the stuff now.”–
>>> “I won a year’s supply of Kraft mac n cheese for trying to win the contest of getting your face on the box. All I wanted to win was that trip to SeaWorld, but all I got was an honorable mention, so mac n cheese for a year will suffice.”–
>>> “I never got the full story on how they got them, but my grandparents somehow ended up with two dozen or so pallets of Tic Tacs of various flavors. To put this in perspective consider how big those plastic containers Tic Tacs come in are, now consider how many you could fit in a fully stacked pallet and multiply it several times over… yeah. It was pretty awesome, until we ran out of orange ones.”–
>>> “I won a years worth of French fries playing the monopoly game at McDonald’s years ago. Got 365 coupons for large fries. No McDonald’s ever knew what they were. I would always end up getting them after a manager checked it out. 16 year old me ate a lot of fries. So did my friends.”–
>>> “My friend won free chicken from Raising Cane’s for life. In order to claim his chicken, he had to present the card given to him. After a few months of free chicken, his wallet was stolen, putting an end to his free chicken. Somebody was VERY happy when they saw that card in his wallet.”–
>>> “It wasn’t a lifetime supply, but I won free pizza for a year from this bomb place, PizzaRev. I only got one pizza a week but most of the time I’d go with friends, family or dates and they’d just give me the entire party’s pizzas for free. So really most weeks I got 2-4 free pizzas. And I never missed a week. They knew me by name there, and all new employees would greet me with, ‘EY ITS FREE PIZZA GUY!’ I miss that free pizza.”–
>>> “In 2009 I entered the contest with a music video and came in second place. The prize was $5000 and a party for 50 of our friends at Chipotle (everyone ate for free). Winning that was awesome, but honestly, the best part was that after the contest was over, Chipotle asked me how many people were involved in the making of the music video we made, and then sent a deck of playing cards for each person. The catch: each card in the deck of cards had written on it ‘1 free burrito.’ Yeah, including jokers. 56 free Chipotle burritos. Since I was the first person to find out and receive these decks of cards I kept it a secret/ I called each person individually and said I had a gift for them. Seeing them open the deck of cards, figure out what it was, then react to it was the best part of this whole thing. Each of them volunteered their time to help make the video with no promise of winning or any reward. So all in all, no lifetime winnings, but to a bunch of teenagers it certainly felt like a lifetime of burritos.”
It Wasn’t A Lifetime, But It Sure Felt Like It

>>> “I have a friend that did an Arby’s commercial years ago. They gave him an Arby’s card that can be used for up to $20 or $25 a day. It’s like a gift card that gets topped off daily. The only bad thing is he can’t save the credit to make a big purchase. It has a cap of $25.”–
>>> “I won a year’s worth of burgers from Jack In The Box in college. They gave us 156 cards that would literally work for any burger or sandwich on their menu. I gained about 15 pounds and then I started to use them as trading tools to get my friends to do stuff. It started with ‘If you run down to 7-11 and get me a Gatorade I’ll give you 1 burger card,’ then turned more into things like ‘you drink that dirty water I’ll give you three burger cards.’ It was glorious. The cards definitely didn’t last me a year.”–
>>> “Not myself, but my aunt won a lifetime supply of donuts from Krispy Kreme; in reality they just gave her a ton of vouchers for free dozen of donut boxes (I don’t remember how many, but I know she got a box a week for at least a couple years last I checked). She won it by being first in line at a new store opening — why she went I don’t know, since she wasn’t, like, the donut queen or anything.”–
>>> “I won a lifetime supply of free coffee from a brew shop in town. I guessed correctly how many beans were in a tall plastic cylinder. It was great. The shop closed five months later.”–
>>> “When I was little, I won a lifetime supply of apples by correctly guessing how many were in a barrel. There were 110 and I guessed 109. The prize was 110 apples at a time each month. It was insane. After the first delivery, my parents begged them to stop. It’s impossible for a family of three to go through 110 apples before they rot and our neighbors stopped answering the door when they saw my parents standing there with bags of apples.”–
>>> “My mother won a ‘lifetime’ supply of Pez on Let’s Make a Deal. It was a few cases of dispensers and candy.”–
>>> “I’m really into competitions, and although I’ve never won a lifetime supply of anything, I’ve won a year’s worth of cheese. Twice. The first time was 12 vouchers, but for the second one they actually send me two massive cheese wheels, they were like 25 lbs each. I cut them up and filled my fridge and freezer (and the fridge and freezers of my friends) with cheese. It actually froze/defrosted really well. I’ll be eating that cheese for ages.”–
>>> “A friend of mine won lifetime Sonic on a radio contest. Every month he gets a Sonic gift card for $200 and he takes everyone up there for a free meal and spends the rest buying random peoples’ meals.”
At First It Was Great…

>>> “I won a year’s supply of Apple Jack’s cereal when I was 10. Literally, a pallet of Apple Jack’s was dropped at my front door. The entire neighborhood ate Apple Jack’s for months.”–
>>> “My mom won a year supply of Skittles in the form of over a thousand coupons for a free bag, but you could only redeem five coupons a time at any one store. I’ve sat in a Rubbermaid filled with Skittles, made giant balls of compressed Skittles, made it rain Skittles style at my friends wedding, thrown up hundreds of rainbows. Still love em.”–
>>> “I currently have a lifetime supply of Red Bull — it’s kind of an endorsement for being a musician, but I don’t have to wear red bull helmets or anything on stage. I just email a rep whenever I want some and he sends about 6 cases and a friendly letter. I’ve sort of cut back lately and started drinking tea, but will grab a few cases every few months. Pretty fantastic setup though.”–
>>> “I won a years supply of Chick-fil-a at a grand opening. They gave us 52 free Chick-fil-a Sandwich vouchers (which could luckily be used for nuggets is well). Considering how many of those nuggets I would’ve eaten if it had been unlimited, they got off very easily. I worked next door to a Chick-fil-a that summer…ate nuggets for lunch every. Single. Day.”–
>>> “I earned a year’s worth of Chick-fil-a for being one of the first 100 at a grand opening of a new store. I think they do it for every new location. The actual prize is 52 free sandwich meals or 8-pack nugget meals. I would sometimes redeem two meals for myself for one sitting though. It was awesome. I took my girlfriend 10-15 times that summer. She later became my wife.”–
>>> “Last new years eve my local Applebee’s did a drawing for ‘free Applebee’s for a year.’ I won, and what it ended up being was one $10 coupon per month only valid towards sit down meals and not on drinks or take out orders. Pretty big let down.”–
>>> “I won a lifetime supply of coffee at this local coffee place for guessing how many beans there were in a jar. Unfortunately, I don’t drink that much coffee, but it’s nice to go in there and not spend anything.”–
>>> “In college, I frequented a specific Jack in the Box that was walking distance from campus. I’d occasionally talk with the manager, who was a pretty cool guy and one of only a few people I knew who were into the World Cup. One day he says, ‘you want a lifetime supply of milkshakes?’ I thought he was joking so I was like ‘sure.’ And he handed me a huge stack of free milkshake coupons. Not so much a contest, but I guess I won the prize for friendliness?”–
>>> “My friend and I were in a competition at an arena football game to win ‘Free pizza and drinks for a year.’ The first person to kick a field goal from like 15-20 yards would win. Apparently, their definition of a year’s worth of pizza and drinks is twelve 24-packs and a large Rocky Rococos pizza per month for twelve months. And we had to pick up all twelve cases of the drink from a distributor at once, so we had a party.”