There are some interesting foods out there that either look gross or actually looks appetizing. But after eating it your body doesn't agree and makes you think twice about whether or not you should have ate it.
“Dehydrated garlic flakes!”

“I know you’re probably thinking, ‘Who in their right mind eats garlic by itself?’ but hear me out. Once upon a time my mom took me, my siblings and cousins on a road trip to visit her sister. My cousin Zed and I were stuffed into the very back of the van, along with many groceries and home-made food-stuffs made by my grandmother for my aunt. Zed and I were whining about being hungry. My mom told us we’d be three soon. Well, to a little kid, soon is not soon enough. So Zed and I quietly dug into the bags and boxes to find something that could stave off our hunger until we got to our aunt’s house. We opened a container packed by my gran and squinted inside, seeing what looked like small, light golden flakes. ‘Rice crispies!’ Zed hissed. ‘Cornflakes!’ I countered, poking at it and hearing a familiar crunch-crunch. Rice crispies, cornflakes, it didn’t matter. We shoved handfuls into our mouths like starving squirrels and settled down to contentedly munch away on our treat. Then, mid-crunch, the taste hit us. OH. Oh noooooooooooooooooo. This wasn’t rice crispies, or cornflakes. It was – ‘Bleurgh!!! Garlic!?!?!’ We spat it out very quickly, and for a very long time after that, I remained extremely suspicious of cornflakes.” Source
Lighter Fluid…

“When I was younger I was at a block party/picnic thing. There was lots of food. It started getting dark at one point and it was rather hard to see. I got thirsty, so I started wandering around, looking for something to drink. I came across a cooler, looked inside, and saw apple juice! Looked good to me. I poured myself a cup and thirsty gulped it down. It burned, and I highly suggest never tasting it. It tastes like it smells. I then spent a while puking. But really, who puts lighter fluid in an apple juice container when it’s the same color as apple juice, then puts that in a cooler? 0/10, do not recommend.” Source
A whole pint of Ben & Jerry’s or some other superpremium ice cream

“I have done this several times. I might even say many times. Almost every time I’ve done it I’ve regretted it, and yet I am certain I will do it again sometime soon.” Source
Moldy Chocolate Truffle

“I received it as a gift. I’m not big on chocolate, so I left it sitting in my kitchen for about 5 months. I finally decided I should try one of the truffles. I realized my horrible mistake only after biting into one and being greeted with the dusty, sour taste of several species of mold. I don’t think I need to explain the series of retching and mouth washings that followed.” Source
Sticky Situation

“I regret it every single time. I do this when hunger pangs if I happen to stay up, every time after I brush my teeth. Every single time. Eating nutella or peanut butter or fruit jam or anything sweet that comes in a jar – the barbaric way. Why do I regret it moments later? I have to clean up the Nutella or peanut butter I left at the free edge of my nails. Ugh. I will have to even out the the peanut butter later because I do not want to leave an indentation on the peanut butter of the shape of my finger (I do not want everyone how barbaric I was the night before). I have to brush again. I will end up cleaning my own mess on the dining table or floor after eating. Worst of all, the calories. Assuming my fingers can scoop a tablespoon of Nutella, that will be 100 calories. And I usually just sleep after.” Source

“A rarely eaten but well-known novelty food that’s available in some fish’n’chip shops in the UK. I was visiting a friend and upon seeing it advertised decided on a whim to have it. We walked back to his place with giggling, genuine, immature excitement that one should grow out of once you no longer are a student. This was going to be awesome. However after the first bite there’s extreme disappointment; you realize that essentially that it’s fried in the same oil as the fish, so has this awful savory aftertaste, while the chocolate has lost all texture. Then you feel sick. Less awesome you see, rather more likely arsesome.” Source
“Hands down, the Durian Fruit. “

“I managed a team in Kuala Lumpur many years ago and traveled there a few times per year. The first time I went, we took the team out to lunch where we dined on a number of surprisingly great dishes. Then came dessert. Out came a big bowl of icy, melty, vanilla ice cream, with this viscous orange dressing on top. I assumed it was perhaps a bit of mango ice cream and was looking forward to the combination. Nope. Not mango. I dove in quickly with a big helping only to experience my gag reflex kicking in. My brain was not expecting this particularly pungent flavor. Then the smell hit me (I really dove into the dessert quickly). Took all my effort to muscle it down. It is hard to describe. The taste wasn’t terrible, but pretty close. The smell + the gooey consistency was the real problem. A cross between dirty sweat socks left to soak in a pig sty comes to mind.” Source
Sour Milk

“I know the chocolate masked the truth, but I also knew that if I looked at the date on the school lunch milk carton and saw the date, which my stomach said was long expired, I would hurl at school. I used cognitive dissonance. I looked away, wiped the sweat forming from my brow, took some long gulps from the drinking fountain, and tried like hell to convince myself of an alternate reality. I’m not sick. That milk was fine. They’d never serve old chocolate milk at this underserved high school. I lasted all day at school in agony. I was lumbering from class to class with my bad chocolate burden. I got home and my struggle ended. I’ve never felt so happy after vomiting.” Source

“I was on a bus ride in Thailand, and the bus pulled into a rest stop for dinner. I speak very little Thai, and can’t read at all, so I just pointed at what looked like tempura prawns in the display case. When the dish was served, the ‘prawn’ was actually a deep fried scorpion. Some people would send that dish back, but not me. How many times in this life does a man get the chance to taste a scorpion? Are the claws like lobster claws? What are the juicy parts? Does the poison sac from the stinger flavor the tail meat differently? Unfortunately, I know the answer to none of these questions. The scorpion I ate was so incredibly spicy, I couldn’t taste the meat at all, just the peppers in which it was cooked. It was so spicy I had to get an ice cream bar from a vending machine, and I love spicy food and almost never need anything to soother my palate. I like spicy food, but I also like, you know, food that tastes like what it is.” Source

“When I was seventeen and travelled through Scotland, I bought haggis and chips at a chips shop. Probably not the smartest way to test a local delicacy, but the stuffed and boiled sheep’s bladder tasted like a huge cockroach crapped in my mouth. I spat out the bite and threw the haggis away. Then a gull swooped down and picked up the haggis, then dropped it again and flew away. If even a gull won’t eat your food, then the food is truly horrible.” Source
Milk Powder

“I loved milk powder when I was a child and I used to consume huge quantities of it. The taste is heavenly, the feel magical. I shall never be able to find appropriate words to describe the ecstasy it gave me. But, the stupid thing gets stuck between your jaws and in your teeth. Then, you have to move around your tongue everywhere just to take it off. The wetter it gets, the harder it is to remove and you start using your hands too. And then, when all the powder is finally gone, you reach for the container and grab another spoonful. Oh no, not again!” Source
Bad Powder

“I was visiting my mother and had a craving for it, so my mom pulled out the blue box and made a pot of it. I gobbled it down. Within minutes I felt sick. I thought if I vomited I’d feel better, but I couldn’t stop vomiting. At some point, Mom checked the expiration date on the box and realized it had long since passed. I remember crawling into her front yard and gripping the grass to keep from falling off the earth, which felt like it was spinning in a completely different direction than I was. Violent spasms pushed my limbs out in all directions. I must’ve looked like a dying frog. When I had vomited too much in one area, I belly crawled to a fresh patch of grass. I was in the emergency room for the better part of two days. I missed my first day of work at a new job. Look closely at the expiration date on your macaroni and cheese. If it’s expired, for God’s sake, don’t eat it! When that powdered cheese goes bad, it goes very bad!” Source
Ammonia Taste

“I was in Nogales with a school trip, a teenager looking for new experiences. I bought a taco from a pushcart vendor. Proudly taking a bite, I found it thoroughly tasteless, with a hint of urine or ammonia, and a gristly texture; the meat was really bad. I asked the vendor what this was, and with a wicked gleam in his eye he replied, ‘El gato, gringo!’ (The cat, white boy!) I decided he was hoping for a rise out of me, so I took one more defiant bite in front of him, and turned and walked away, not throwing the taco away until I was out of his sight.To this day I’m not sure if I ate cat or not, but I believe that I did.” Source
Terrible Choice

“I had lived in Japan and had ignorantly come to the conclusion that the Japanese do not know what spicy is. So I walked into a local curry house and asked for the spiciest thing they could give me. They told me they made things on a scale from 0-10. I asked for an eleven. I even gave a 5 minute talk about how nothing in Japan tasted spicy. This guaranteed my doom. If anything in life has taught me humility, it is this event. I proudly stuck that first bite into my mouth. The English language doesn’t have enough expletives that can properly explain the pain I felt. My mouth felt like it had been napalmed. This was a burning sensation that made me brain want to bash its contents out on the table in front of me. The server came by and asked me how it was. After my long speech about, I couldn’t tell her the truth. ‘Oh, this is nothing!’ I managed to barely blurt out without emptying my intestines onto the table. (At this point, I thought: Do I have to finish all this? Can’t someone come and just severe the nerve endings in my spine and put me out of this misery?) I managed to put 3 more bites into my mouth. By this point, I had lost all sensation in my tongue. My stomach started blaring out SOS. 5 bites later, a fierce conversation was taking place in my brain about what was so damaged with my identity that I needed to arrogantly put my body at risk. 10 bites later, I had finished the plate. I think I remained stuck in my seat for about 60 minutes after this. My body refused to move. My brain went into hiding, the damage was too great to deal with. When I walked away was when the real trouble started. My body had ingested a hurricane and my internal version of FEMA was disastrously underfunded. Luckily I didn’t have to work for another 12 hours. Which was good because I wound up spending 10 of those next 12 hours on the toilet. Worse, during work, I had to leave for the bathroom for about 5 minutes every hour. For almost the entire week.” Source

“So I was on an ice eating streak.Obviously concerned at my sudden ice-eating appetite and its harmful effects on my tiny body, my mother ordered me: No more! Obviously not caring, I behave like a 4 year old and continue eating the ice, only making sure that mommy dear doesn’t see me. The simplest way to go about it? The doctrine known as The 7 Habits of Highly Efficient Ice-Thieves : Slyly go to the fridge, open and act as if searching for something. Open freezer. Put hand in, take ice, put in mouth. Close everything, run away. Check for lack of presence of mommy. Repeat. The plan was, to me, marvelous. But even the best laid plans have an element of uncertainty. So this s–tty little bundle of DNA somehow found it’s way to the otherwise-squeaky-clean-freezer. And obviously, this one time after a million successful missions, I put my hand inside the freezer while looking back to check if my sweet mumma is approaching. I grab ‘ice’ and put it in my mouth and crush. I immediately know its not ice. I spit it on my hand. (For any cockroach lovers out there- yes, the s–tty little thing was struggling. No, it was not dead yet. Yes, I probably lead to its death. No, I don’t feel ashamed in any way). I start spitting violently, I brush till the bristles are no more, I drink burning hot water to ensure that whatever part of that slimy little creature remains in my teeth is melted/burned away (things only a 4 year old can imagine). I then use my death-ray blaster to blast part of my teeth away, and then go to Madam Pomfrey for growing them back (ok, that last part maybe only happened in my dreams a few years later).” Source