From attempting to rob the driver to answering the door
He Couldn’t Care Less What Happened To The Driver

Minerva Studio/Shutterstock
“I worked at a Little Caesars when I was a teenager. On a really snowy night, one of our drivers got into a car accident and sadly lost his life on his way to deliver the pizza.
The customer called in a little while after we learned about the accident and absolutely lost it that his pizza hadn’t been delivered. When the manager explained the situation, he stated he did not give a crap and wanted his pizza delivered for free.
Needless to say, he got an earful from my manager and then was put onto a no-serve list.”
“One Day Marvon Took His Delivery Instead Of Me…”

“I used to be a delivery driver for Pizza Hut. I used to work the Sunday afternoon shifts and would have the same man order a supreme pizza every week. I was always the one to deliver his order because most of the time I was the only driver on duty at that time of day. Alan was a nice, quiet man who had a lovely front porch. One day, I didn’t take his delivery for some reason. Poor Marvon took the delivery instead on the day that Alan decides to open the door stark naked. Alan wanted to show me (a small, redheaded girl) the goods, not big, black Marvon; Alan never got another delivery.”
“We Open The Door, And The Pizza Guy Is…”

“There was a terrible apartment building right next to my house. One time we ordered pizza, and waited for at least an hour and a half before calling Pizza Inn back to figure out what was taking so long. The manager told us that the guy had left 45 minutes ago (Pizza Inn was 15 minutes from my house). So we open the door, and the pizza guy is literally knocked out in our driveway, car door wide open. Turns out the people living in the apartments jumped the fence as he was pulling up, beat him up, and then stole his money and our pizza. He was in a bad state when we came out there; he had stopped bleeding at that point but had two gashes: one on his forehead and one on the back of his head (they used a brick on him). I was 10 at the time so my dad had to call an ambulance for him, and the manager actually showed up to follow him to the hospital. Needless to say, Pizza Inn made us start picking up our pizzas, and that went for everyone in our cul de sac. Oh, and when we showed up to pick up a pizza a couple of weeks later, the manager told us the pizza guy quit as soon as he came to.”
“I Said Okay, You Can Have It For Free, Then…”

“Had this one guy who would always cuss you out. The first time I delivered to him I was just in shock so I didn’t say anything, got stiffed and went on my way. The second time I delivered to him I didn’t realize it was him until I pulled up to the apartment. He opens the door and starts cussing me out (it had been 15 minutes since he called in his order) about the pizza being cold (he hadn’t touched it) and how I took way too long. I saw the person take the order on the phone, I threw the dough, made the pizza, I put it in the oven, I pulled it out, and cut it. I did everything but take the order.
Well, this guy caught me in a bad mood since I had been south of the train tracks all night and had already made over 10 runs (usually have 2-3 deliveries a run at this store) that night without a single tip. As he started cussing me out I politely asked him if he would like the pizza or not. He said yes, but he wanted it for free. I said something along the lines of ‘Okay, you can have it for free.’ I pulled it out of the bag, opened the box and just flipped it face down right on the ground and walked away. That was seriously one of the BEST feelings of my life.
I got back to the store and the shift manager pulled me into his office and asked what happened because the dude obviously called him after this whole situation. I told him what happened, other delivery drivers confirmed they had the same experience of this guy being a total jerk. The shift manager relayed all the info to the GM who relayed it to the DM. They banned the guy and I didn’t get reprimanded at all.”
“The Lady Said ‘Oh My God He’s Out…’”

“I delivered pizza in New Jersey, I went on the porch to see a snarling Rottweiler behind the door. Not a big deal, happens a lot, I’m a stranger, the dog is just being a dog. The lady pushes him back, we do the pizza transaction and as I’m turning to go the lady said, ‘Oh my god, he’s out…’ The back door was open and the dog was charging around the house about to come on the porch.
I quickly opened the door to run inside but the lady screamed ‘No, the really bad one is inside’ and I see a bigger Rottweiler just inside the hall so I stick myself between the screen door and the real door and I’m trapped in an angry dog sandwich. The outside dog bites my calf because I can only close the screen door so much, not much damage but I’m bleeding.
The manager goes to talk with the lady (it is like 1/8th of a mile from the store or he wouldn’t have bothered) and the Rottweilers are penned up out back. As soon as the lady starts talking to him another small mutt dog zips out the door and bites him on the hand; He made the call on no more pizza for them.”
“The Girls Grabbed The Pizzas And The Guy Bolted Without Paying”

Stas Ponomarencko/Shutterstock
“We had a guy and two girls order separately, then grab the pizzas and run.
The girls had picked the food up and left, while the guy was paying. After 30 seconds the guy bolted.
It was a $100 order.
My manager, who is a frequent gym goer, leapt the counter and gave chase.
The two girls had gotten into a car with the food, but when the saw my manager they drove off leaving the guy.
My manager chased him three blocks and was gaining on the guy when the girls pulled up and the guy got into the car.
Unfortunately, all three of them went to school with a kitchen hand at the store, so we had names, jobs, addresses, and Facebook accounts.
We contacted them all on Facebook and got them to pay for the pizzas the next morning under threat of contacting police. We also put them on the no delivery list.”
“He Suffered From Dementia And Would…”

P A/Shutterstock
“There was an older man who suffered from dementia that would order four fountain drinks and nothing else from my shop, then would tip about $300 every time. After hearing about it a couple times, I told my manager, and we all agreed to get in contact with his family, let them know we wouldn’t take orders from him, and that they’d have to take some measures to keep him from doing the same with other establishments. God only knows how much money that guy gave away.”
“We Had A ‘War’ With Some Of The Dorm Residents”

Suzanne Tucker/Shutterstock
“I delivered to the dorms when I was in college, back before credit cards could be used to pay for pizza. In the largest men’s dorm, we had a ‘war’ with some of the residents after they got mad when we wouldn’t accept an expired coupon for a 14 pizza order. So they kept calling us up with ghost orders and making life awful for us over the course of a few weeks. It was the mid-’80s and there was no caller ID. Most of the students used the wall of pay phones we had in the lobby, but some rooms had their own phone. Regardless, there was no way of knowing who was calling. So we stopped delivering to anyone in that dorm. As we were the cheapest pizza in town, that did not go over well with them. The RA’s got every student in that dorm together and told them to knock it off or get kicked out. So we tried to deliver again and the same stuff happened. So we banned that dorm forever. It was cool by me because those idiots would place 5-20 pizza orders and tip $2.”
“I Glance Up In The Rear View Mirror And See…”

“I was delivering for Godfathers in Memphis in 1988. We had no-delivery houses as well as areas. We had one area smack dab in the middle of our normal delivery zone that was blocked out. It was a low-income apartment complex. We got a new manager. He was eager to up his numbers, so quickly changed that area to be a legit delivery area. The first time he handed me an order for that complex, I explained that it was a really bad complex and we didn’t go there for a reason. He accused me of being racist because I didn’t want to deliver to the complex (complex was all black, I was white, manager was black) and said just to deliver it and quit complaining. Okay, man. So I drive it out there and walk upstairs to the apartment door. I knock. No answer. I look a bit closer and it is obviously a vacant apartment. So I head back to my car and am sorting my money bag and next order when I glance up in the rear view mirror. I see 3 bad looking dudes crossing the parking lot heading right for my car. I notice one of them is carrying a rifle. Holy crap! I cranked up my Volkswagen Rabbit, threw it in reverse, and hauled it out of the lot. I get back to the shop and the new manager accused me of making it all up and said he didn’t think I had even attempted to deliver it. He says to go back out there. I say no freaking way, dude. He insists, so I insist he comes with me. He agrees. We drive back out there, he carries the pizza up the stairs, realizes that it is a vacant apartment, and quickly gets back in the car. ‘Sorry dude. You were right. It was a setup.’ We got back to the shop and he marked the whole area off limits again.”
“She Kept ‘Accidentally’ Dropping Her Towel”

Luis Molinero/Shutterstock
“A lady on our delivery route was always just getting out of the shower when we arrived and kept ‘accidentally’ dropping her towel. There wasn’t a single driver in our shop who hadn’t seen every disgusting fold and lump on the front of that 300 lbs acne-covered body.
The manager finally warned her that if she did it again she would be banned.
She, of course, did it again, and I like to think the resultant loss of home-delivered pizza translated into a net benefit for her physical health, just as it had done for our mental health.”
“Before The Driver Left, Our Manager Gave Him Latex Gloves To Put The Money In An Envelope”

Carlos E. Santa Maria/Shutterstock
“A coworker and friend of mine got a delivery one night. Before he left our manager pulled him into the office, gave him a pair of latex gloves and instructed him to use them to put the money in an envelope. He was confused but didn’t ask many questions. He says when he got to the house, there was actual caution tape around the yard and a sign that said something like ‘warning: infestation.’ He is somewhat of a germophobe to begin with so at this point, he really does not want to go up to the door, but he has to deliver this pizza. The woman who answers the door is grotesque, and is covered in red splotches and potentially bites of some kind. He quickly hands her the pizza, carefully takes her money with the gloves on and stuffs it in the envelope, and sprints back to his car.
He threw a fit when he got back to the store, and the manager felt so bad she put the house on the blacklist. He said he scrubbed his hands until they were red afterward. He thinks it was bed bugs or scabies or something, but thankfully we’ll never know.”
“This Woman’s Son Decides It’s Time To Escalate This To A Physical Confrontation”

“A couple years back right after I graduated high school I was managing a Little Caesars Pizza. It is awful, if you were wondering.
This one lady would call with this really specific order, I think it was light sauce, double the cheese, and cooked a little longer. One night I had a new girl working register and she got the phone and took the lady’s order. She didn’t take a name, as we are carry-out only we didn’t get a ton of call ins. So about an hour goes by and the girl calls me to the front to talk to a customer. As soon as I came around the corner this lady just starts screaming at me.
I tried to calm the lady down and explain to her someone new took her order and it was an honest mistake, offered to comp it and make her a new pizza. She was still irate and kept yelling that she was going to get me, my crew, and my GM fired. I would have liked that, Little Caesars sucks.
So I eventually called my GM because this lady would straight up not leave, he asked to speak to her, she talked to him and then all of a sudden after about 30 seconds she screams ‘Oh you think this is funny????!!!!!’
My GM was laughing at her because she evidently wanted free pizza for a month for her troubles.
I then had to call the district manager aka 2 steps below the owner of 47 stores, to talk to her. She cussed him out too and still was in the lobby screaming at me. Sometime during all this, her son, who looked around my age at the time (19), came in the store and was standing with her. Now my crew had this dude named Terry, huge black dude, who you couldn’t see unless you were in the back because he was on oven duty that night. This woman’s son decides it’s time to escalate this to a physical confrontation because I am even laughing at her at this point. He opens the door to the back, and we always joked if someone did this they were going to get messed up. Well, it turned out not to be a joke.
Terry whipped this dude’s butt to the y=mx+b degree. Dude got like 2 good hits on Terry but Terry just dropped this dude in a matter of about 10 seconds with a flurry of moves that made me think to myself ‘Terry should be my manager, dang.’
To conclude, the son got a ticket for trespassing, in addition to getting beaten up, the lady got banned from our store, and I got a story that I will truly never forget of how people will flip out over pizza.”
“Two Cops Offered To Tag Along”

Lisa F. Young/Shutterstock
“Okay – we had a really nasty apartment complex in one area of Sacramento. Totally a no. One night a new guy took an order and actually accepted one from there. I was about to call back and say no (I was the assistant manager at the time, but running pizzas that day), when in come two cops to pick up their pizza. They listen in and offer to ‘tag along.’ I was dumb and crazy then, so we made the pizza and I loaded into my little truck and drove out there. As soon as we pull into the parking lot, the cop turns off ALL his lights and coasts into the spot next to mine. I walk up, start the spiel, and start listening to their story of ‘this guy’ or ‘that guy’ ordered it. I started to walk away and one of the shady dudes steps out of the bushes next to me where he’d been hiding. Instantly, every light came on on the cop car, flashers, both spotlights pointing right at me, the cops getting out of the car – fast. Dude steps way, way, way back. I walk back to my car and a couple cops got an extra free pizza that night, and I got a great story.”
“The Lady Hands Me A Check That Is Covered In…”

Anatoliy Karlyuk/Shutterstock
“I worked at a place when I was a kid and there was this lady who ordered some pizzas from us one night, routine stuff. I get there and I’m at a run down trailer in the middle of a notoriously sketchy trailer park being answered at the door by about six kids all chanting ‘pizza.’ The lady hands me a check that is covered in white out and I’m looking at the lady like, you have to be kidding me? But in that moment, with all those hungry kids in a rundown trailer, I took the check and went back to the store. I took the hit for accepting a bad check and the lady got blacklisted but at least those kids got a pizza party.”
“I Am On The No Delivery List Because…”

Dmitry Martianov/Shutterstock
“Ugh, I am on the no delivery list because my roommate is an idiot and can’t do math to save his life. He once sent a driver away after a heated conversation with a 25 cent tip. Unfortunately, I was in the shower at the time. It wasn’t until afterward that he was explaining the situation to me that I realized what a moron he was. The bill came to $20.25. He gave the guy $20 and thought it was a good tip because we ordered two sandwiches that were basically $7 a piece and a $1 soda for a total of $15, so $5 tip. In actuality, the sandwiches were $7.99 and the soda was $1.99, so $18 right there, then there was a $2.25 delivery fee. So $20.25. Unfortunately, the delivery guy spoke almost zero English, so all he could say was ‘not enough’ to my roommate, and my roommate wouldn’t read the dang receipt. He is no longer allowed to answer our door.”
“The Door Flies Open And A Hooded Man With A…”

Suchada Promchan/Shutterstock
“About a month after I was robbed at gunpoint in store, I delivered to a quiet suburb. I knock on the door and after about two seconds the door flies open and I have a hooded man with a black pistol pointed in my face. I ran from him and was already behind my car when he yelled ‘IT’S JUST A PRANK BRO!!’
It was some 16-18 year old kid with an airsoft gun. He told me he was expecting a friend that he planned on scaring. When I was done shaking I picked up the pizza from his porch and threw it at him and sauce got all over him and his mom’s nice white rug. Police were involved and the address got blacklisted.”
“A Woman Did Not Want Black People To Interact With Her”

“Our delivery store has a woman who used to come in every so often, or order delivery, who did not want black people to interact with her or her food at all. One of our drivers, a really nice old black dude, delivered to her, and she simply slammed the door in his face. Another time, she walked out on a black cashier because she swapped places with the white driver who was originally taking her carryout order. Finally, the manager put his foot down and told her not to come back or order from us ever again.”
“I Could Tell Instantly That They Were Scamming”

“When I delivered pizza long ago, we banned one house because after receiving their order, they called back and complained about the pizza. They were told not to eat anymore, we would deliver a new one and pick up the old one. When I got back the original pizza, I could tell instantly that they were scamming. They had replaced the original pizza with one from a store. I could tell because for one, it wasn’t even fully cooked and the toppings were not cut anything like the ones we used. Unfortunately, I was forced to take it back. The manager immediately put them on the ban list.”
“The Manager Got On The Phone With Him And Said…”

“There was a guy who we blacklisted because he would order the bare minimum for delivery (and complain about having to tack on bread so we would deliver wings to him) about twice a week, pay with about half coins (exact change, no tip), and then call back in and say that something was wrong. Eventually, the manager got on the phone with him and said, ‘Maybe you just don’t like our food, and you should stop ordering it,’ and blacklisted him.”
“They Suspected It Was Me And The Next Time I Delivered There…”

patchara panchan/Shutterstock
“I used to deliver to this one house and they’d always ask to deliver it to the backdoor under the porch. Every time it would always be a different person who seemed high on something. Anyway, apparently they saw one of the delivery drivers going through their cars and stealing something on their cameras. They suspected it was me and the next time I delivered there I went to the front door and this guy with 2 huge angry Rottweiler’s on leashes opened the door. I immediately ratted out my coworker and explained it wasn’t me. The guy felt bad and invited me in, gave me a fat tip and I left. It must have been a drug den or something because their big flat screen TV had live stream footage of security cameras around their house. So yeah, my boss stopped taking orders from them after that.”
“Guy Handed Me A Large Bill And When I Reached To My Back Pocket He Said…”

Luis Molinero/Shutterstock
“There were a couple of low-income transient places that were banned, too many delivery guys got mugged there. This was a small local pizza place in a mostly resort town. One day, someone new took an order from one of those places, and I delivered, not knowing this was a bad area as I had never been there. Guy handed me a large bill, and when I reached to my back pocket he said, ‘and just go ahead and give me all your money.’ So I pulled a pistol instead, had a lower back holster because my idea was to let someone think I was getting my wallet instead. I stepped back and before I could even get the gun up he slammed the door. I ran out of there. Back at the pizza joint, owner chews out the new person for not checking the list. Still remember this as the biggest tip I ever got. Being in a Southern state, the owner didn’t mind I had a CC permit, he carried as well. Several other co-workers carried as well for one reason or the other. When half the people you know carry a gun and going to a range is a normal weekend thing, carrying a concealed gun was just normal.”
“They Were Blacklisted From Delivery So They Started Coming In”

CandyBox Images/Shutterstock
“Years ago, I worked in a popular deep dish pizza place in Midtown east of Manhattan. Affluent area. There was a 50 cent surcharge for takeout and delivery because the pizza came in aluminum tins for the deep dish.
Every time a delivery was made to one particular address, the wife of this famous writer would call and claim she was getting ripped off. Then she would stiff the poor delivery guy. They were blacklisted from delivery.
So they started coming in, were a major pain, complained about everything and generally caused a riot every time they came in, and they’d stiff the wait staff to the degree the wait staff would fight over who would serve them.
The owners were hot headed Argentines who did everything to make them happy, but enough was enough. They were told they were banned. The writer? His name rhymes with Connegut. Total jerks, him and his wife.”
“We Would Call Ahead Of Time To Make Sure It Was A Legit Order”

“I worked as a delivery driver for Papa John’s in high school. Naturally, there were a couple customers who we didn’t like to serve (and later added to the blacklist). One memorable house was this guy. He would order massive amounts of pizza, I’m talking anywhere from 7-20 pizzas and said he would pay with cash. So naturally, we would call ahead of time to make sure it was a legit order and that we would get paid for the pizza. He would answer, tell us that it’s all good and that he has the cash. It would always be the same order: x amount of thin crust pizzas with double anchovies and olives, extra cheese. I would load up my car, drive over, and he would never be there. Lights off and everything. Needless to say, we were all mad. This went on three times before we decided to add him to the blacklist. Then, we would get the same order to other houses. We would get sketched out and not deliver to these houses. Over time, and with many anchovy and olive orders made, we added like 6 or 7 houses to the blacklist.”