Oh Will Ferrell, the actor we’ve come to know and love. From his roles in Anchorman, Step Brothers and The Campaign, just to name a few, he is one of the actors we know we can go to for a good laugh. Seriously, every time we’re feeling down, we just pop in one of his movies and just like that Will can just make us feel better. It’s like he gets us. Okay, maybe that was a little too far, but we love him for his funny movies and even funnier stand up comedy bits. Who could forget Will Ferrell dressed as Little Debbie?!
Now, we can proclaim our love for Will Ferrell in yet another way. You can go to this New York bar to honor the famous actor and, if you’re lucky, get wasted and run down the street naked just like Will Ferrell likes to do. The bar made in his honor is appropriately named “Stay Classy New York.” The walls of the bar are filled with pictures of the actor in his famous roles. The best part is the drinks, all named after his hilarious quotes. From “Did We Just Become Best Friends” to “Glass Case Of Emotion” the drinks are just as good as they are clever. Our favorite has to be the “F***ing Catalina Wine Mixer” which is the bar’s house sangria.

The bar is covered in pictures and paintings of Will Ferrell. There’s barely a blank wall in the whole place!

How funny is this bathroom sign!?

Which one of these drinks would you try?! We’re pretty sure you can’t go wrong with any of these cleverly named drinks. We definitely need to make a trip to New York soon to visit “Stay Classy New York” for ourselves!