Parents often have a hard time controlling their kids in restaurants, but these parents didn't even try. Instead, they egged on their progeny's bad behavior, which caused the staff untold headaches and drama. These parents ought to be put in time out for what they let their kids do!
(Content has been edited for clarity)
Even The Cops Didn’t Want To Put Up With Her Bull

Blend Images/Shutterstock
“One mom and her two kids were eating at our diner, and both of the kids were misbehaving. They were running around, stealing other people’s fries, yelling, etc. She didn’t even notice them; she just kept texting or playing on her phone. Other customers started to complain, and the manager had to come out to ask them to leave. That’s when she called the cops, claiming the staff was harassing her. The police came, took our side, and then forced them to leave. The manager later asked the officers to involve child services in the matter. A couple of days later, the husband came in and apologized on behalf of his wife and her behavior.”
After The Second “Accident,” That Family Was Banned For Life

Stas Ponomarencko/Shutterstock
“It’s a Sunday morning. We are an Italian pasta place, and I’m serving tables with one of my best friends. It’s just us two and our manager in the morning since we don’t do much business for Sunday lunch. We have a family of regulars who had been troublesome in the past. They always sit outside and the week prior, the 6-year-old kid whipped his junk out and peed on the ground. We politely asked them to make sure it didn’t happen again and washed the ground with a hose. They came in a lot and luckily no other customers were outside at the time.
So the family came in, and I look at my friend and say, ‘I’m not serving them. You take them, and I’ll close lunch for you.’ He agrees. He drops off bread and water to the table, then he starts a conversation with the parents and makes some small talk. That’s when he starts to hear something. Then his leg gets warm. This little kid whips his junk out and is peeing on the ground again. This time, though, it isn’t just on the ground, it’s on my friend’s pants and shoes. He runs back in with the most confused and angry look and tells our manager. The manager runs outside, sees a puddle at the table, and tells them to leave and never come back.
The mom later goes on to write a horrid review online about how we aren’t family friendly, and kids have accidents. Your kid PEED ON OUR STAFF.”
Their Dad Was In Complete Denial About Their Bad Behavior

“I have had parents change their children’s diapers ON THE TABLE. But what got me was when a toddler took off his pants and diaper and just walked around the restaurant naked. The mom noticed but didn’t do anything about it. She just let him wander with his dong out.
There’s also a guy that brings in his two young girls periodically, and we all hate them. Their mom left suddenly, so I know he wants them to be happy, but he lets them do whatever they want. They fight loudly with each other every time over every single thing; they yell at us when their food isn’t out a minute after ordering; they’ve run into the kitchen to yell about where their food is; they’ll cry if one of them gets a slightly larger cookie than the other. But the reason I hate them is because one time, they wrote their names on the bathroom wall in crayon and when the bartender asked why they did it, they claimed it wasn’t them. It was their names, and they were the only children in the restaurant at the time, but their father said that he didn’t think it was them. And then the next time they came in, they did it again. They’re the worst.”
Who Encourages Their Kid To Steal Like That?

Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock
“I had just started walk away from one of my tables when I got the feeling I’d just dropped money, but I couldn’t find it. As I was looking for it, I commented to a fellow waitress who was passing by that I felt as if I dropped money. Eventually, I figured the best thing to do was to step down into the aisle a little so I could get a broader view.
As I turned around to look back at the area, I saw the parents pointing to a small bundle of cash under the table beside them (the one I had been standing at while I searched) while their kid was crawling on the floor towards it. Mind you, this kid was probably 8 or 9 years old, old enough to know that taking someone else’s money is wrong. I immediately dashed there and snatched up it before he could reach it, making a small comment about having thought I had dropped something. Then the kid snapped his fingers in disappointment while the parents said something along the lines of, ‘Be faster next time,’ and ‘You should have waited until the waitress wasn’t there to grab it.’
I was floored! Luckily, they immediately left the place, but that was the craziest thing I ever saw a parent encouraging their kid to do. Parents and kids have been rude or messy, or a mix of both and all in between, but to encourage your kid to steal?”
It Was A Beautiful Garden, Until He Got His Hands On It

Jamie Hooper/Shutterstock
“In college, I worked at a trendy hipster type place. We had a killer brunch that was always a zoo, especially on our patio. Adjacent to the patio (separated by a small fence) was a vegetable and herb garden which the kitchen used.
Some idiot lady had a group of six or seven people, including one kid. The adults were too busy getting wasted on pitchers of mimosas to notice the kid had run off and was in the middle of the garden, stomping on the tomatoes and ripping the herbs straight out of the ground.
When I saw this, I took the only option I thought I had.