We all have secrets. And some are more insane than others. These people share their never been told secrets online. Content has been edited for clarity purposes.
Bratty Neighbor

“I grew up in a poor family but my parents still gave me allowance money for doing ‘extra’ chores around the house, usually 50 cents or a dollar for each chore (mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, etc.)
I was saving my money for quite a while to get an Xbox 360. I got a ride to school every day from a bratty neighbor who always ran late and constantly got me in trouble for being late. One day, he convinced his mom to get him an Xbox 360, which he later mentioned to the other kids on the block that he did it just to tick me off because he knew how hard I was working to get one.
One morning, while he was running late again, I was sitting in his living room waiting and spotted his PSP and a few games. So I slipped it all in my backpack and went to school. The first thing I did when I got home was ride my bike to the local game shop and traded in his PSP for whatever they would give me. That extra money was now enough to buy my own Xbox 360 plus Halo 2.
We’ve since grown up to become good friends but I haven’t told him to this day.”
She Was Supposed To Be Asleep

“It was in 1969. I was 11 and my bedtime was nine pm. The phone rang about 9:30 and I picked up the extension nearest my bedroom. My mother’s best friend Charlotte was in hysterics that her ex-husband had a repeater aimed at her and I could hear him threaten to blow her head off.
I listened in horror as I realized my mom was going to go over to her house. You see, police would not respond to domestic disputes back then. I threw on some shorts and got down on the floor of the backseat of mom’s car. I kept quiet as mom drove across town and into a very bad domestic dispute. My mother was always my hero and that night she was so brave.
My mother got out of the car and Miss Charlotte was in only her panties and bra; there was blood coming out of her nose and ear. Jack, her ex-husband appeared and had the weapon pointed at her. My mother talked to him for over half an hour when she finally got him to give her it. She put Charlotte in the front seat next to her and drove to the local police station.
As she drove, we heard Charlotte had called the police station five times and been told no one would come. My mother got out at the police station as I sat on the floorboard and waited. Our police chief walked them both out to the car. I freaked out and tried my best to crawl under the seat.
I heard my mother address the chief by his first name, ‘Mike, I am going to see that you never get elected for dog catcher again if you don’t go and throw him in jail now.’
Years passed and we never spoke of that night. My mom passed away six years later and I still think of her displays of courage.”
They REALLY Wanted To See The Dogs

“When my friend and I were young, we had a neighbor across the street from me named Tracy that was not only awesome but had two big golden retrievers that were fun to play with. Whenever we saw Tracy outside with her dogs, we would usually go over to talk with her, and play with her dogs.
There was a day where we wanted to go see how Tracy and her dogs were doing. My friend and I went over to her house and knocked on her front door. We were very stupid at the time and really wanted to see her dogs. When we got no response from the door, we went over to her patio glass sliding door to get inside. The sliding door was locked, so my friend grabbed a rock that was laying nearby her house and started smashing up the lock. We eventually broke the lock and went inside.
When we entered the house, it was quiet. We thought if we looked around hard enough we couldn’t find her dogs. While looking for her dogs, I found a butt load of Hersey’s kisses inside a bowl on top of her kitchen counter. I decided to treat myself to at least 20 of them while dumping the candy wrappers on top of the countertop next to her bowl of candy. My friend was looking upstairs and found five bucks in her bedroom. He decided to take the money so the both of us could get some ice cream. We both chilled out on her couch in the living room until we both heard the ice cream truck outside playing its music and left the house.
Four days later, we saw Tracy parking a Uhaul truck on her driveway. We went over and she told us someone broke into her house and was going to live with her mom until her ex-boyfriend gets arrested. Tracy’s ex had been stalking her for five years, and no matter what state she moved to, he ended up finding her six months later after the move. Tracy even told us her money was taken, and her ex had eaten most of her candy and left a mess in the kitchen. We both didn’t think about what we did the other day, and we said, ‘What a knucklehead!’
The police came by her house and took her statement, along with other neighbors to see if they saw anything unusual going on that afternoon. Luckily, the police didn’t go to my house.
Twenty years later, I went to the strip mall and saw Tracy shopping at H&M. I went over to her and said hi. We both had a conversation for two hours, talking about life, music, movies, etc. Then she brought up the break-in that happened 20 years ago and started telling me how her ex got arrested two months later and the police charged him for theft and breaking and entering.
As for me, I smiled and said, ‘Good thing you caught him.’
One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure

“My company shut down in 2015 and I was kept to help it close up. We had these massive production lines with Mitsubishi robots that all went to a warehouse somewhere while everything else went to a Catholic School auction. However, most was trashed.
Each robot had a little module for reporting data back to the PLC or main computer. About the size of a deck of cards. We had mountains of them and knew they were worth $900 to $2,000 and always in short supply. That was why we stocked so many of them.
Many went in the trash because nobody left knew what they were. So every day one would go home with me in my papers in their original packaging. Just one a day for about a month. The rest were trashed because they had no value at a school auction and weren’t needed with the original robots.
I waited about a year and a half to make sure the company was good and dead. Then I unloaded them on eBay and to some spare parts sellers I had relationships with. I sold them slowly. I think I made about $20k pulling those out of the trash.”
She Thought They Were Friends

“In high school, there was this girl who I tried to be friends with. I always tried to be super nice to her; I would buy her lunch, lend her clothes, I even sent pizza for her whole family for dinner one time. There was this dance at school and she had never been to a dance so I said I would take her as a friend date.
I went all out for her. I bought her a dress and when she didn’t like it I let her wear my dress and favorite shoes and I wore the dress that was for her. I took her out to dinner and dessert and got her a corsage and the second we got to the dance, she disappeared and wouldn’t answer my texts. I ended up leaving the dance early because I didn’t have anyone else to hang out with but she stayed. The next time I saw her I asked her if she could bring me back my dress and shoes and she said she would but then didn’t come to school for weeks. When she finally came back, she said the dress was ripped and she broke one of the heels on my shoes. I was super sad but I said it was fine and moved on.
Two days later, she stole $80 from my bag that was for a club fundraiser so not even my money and the school wouldn’t do anything about it. Anyways I decided to get back at her and try to get some of the money back so I convinced her boyfriend to give me some free coke (he was always flirting with me). I put it in her bag during gym and I went to campus security and reported her for the reward money. I figured she’d just go to boot camp for a week as everyone else did. No big deal, but that was not the case.
Turns out she was lying about her age and she was actually 21 and already on thin ice with the school so she went to prison instead. Part of me feels bad because I didn’t intend to ruin her entire life but she did steal from me when I was already giving her pretty much anything she asked me for.”
His Dad Warned Him, But He Didn’t Listen

“Around 10 years ago, when I was a teenager, my dad, who worked in the video game industry, got a gaming laptop as a gift. At the time, it was worth around 3k, but he didn’t have a real use for it, so he gave it to me as I used to play WoW back then.
He was very adamant about telling me to NOT put liquids (i. e. drinks) on my desk next to it as I’m very clumsy. So one night, I made myself a huge bowl of cornflakes and put the bowl next to the laptop because I forgot my spoon in the kitchen. I sometimes put a blanket over myself when I was gaming and when I got up from the chair that night, I somehow managed to flip the bowl over with my blanket and the milk FLOODED the open laptop. I got incredibly scared, turned the laptop off and cleaned it like my life depended on it, and went to bed.
I obviously broke the laptop as I didn’t get it to turn on anymore, but I was too scared to tell my dad what happened (especially since he repeatedly told me to be careful) and told him how I didn’t have any idea what happened and how it worked perfectly fine on the night before. I still feel incredibly bad about it.”
Everyone At Work Was Investigated

“I anonymously called CPS and APS (Adult Protective Services) after I found a coworker abusing an adult at the adult foster care/group home I worked for. She was always high during the shift but no one took that seriously. Eventually, I got tired of complaining to the higher-ups and went straight to the rights office. I made many calls to many different places. Someone had to care for these people. No one believed me until one of our residents had proof they were abused. Then all chaos broke loose and ‘whoever anonymously complained should show their face since they’re so right.’
I never went forward or admitted it was me who called but I was glad everyone including the managers was investigated and fired. I hated it there. I hated every moment there but I didn’t want to leave my residents with those people until I knew they were safe. I worked over 100 hours per week just to ensure they weren’t being abused on my watch. I still feel like I didn’t do enough some days and the guilt is enough to make me lose appetite for weeks on end.
I never understood why people worked at group homes for those with developmental disabilities or mentally ill. No one held a knife to their throats and made them work. It’s not hard being a decent human being, especially for those who don’t have the mental capacity to understand life.”
What Happpened To The Neighbor’s Cat?!

“I lived in a rural area and one day my nearest neighbor, that lived a couple of hundred yards away, accused me of killing her cat. I denied this, but she was quite irate and insisted that I must have because I don’t like cats and her cat vanished after years of being a loyal cat.
I was quite mystified by the whole thing and sad at the loss of a well-liked neighbor, but there was nothing I could do.
Several years later, I was cleaning out an old barn on my property, and under the floorboards, I found a few gnawed bones and a cat collar with the Auburn Tigers logo on it. My neighbor was a huge Auburn fan. Long story short, there was a fox den under the barn, and her cat was apparently snatched by a fox.
I decided not to tell her, or return the collar. It seemed best for her to just hate her neighbor. Why come over with her long-lost loved pet’s collar and dredge the memory up again? So she dislikes me, and I know what happened to her cat.”
Online Scammer

“When I was around 15 or 16 years old, there was an online game called GunZ: The Dual in which it was possible to pay for in-game merchandise by filling in simple bank details, as the holder’s name, bank account number, and from which bank this account was belonging.
I, as a brilliant teen, thought this info couldn’t be difficult to get. After some online searching, I found a forum from an online webshop where people openly shared exactly this info needed from sellers of which they either felt the product was a scam or actually got scammed after never receiving anything. I had been using the info they posted from various scammers to spend a lot of money on my in-game merchandise. Until one account was falsely accused and placed on the forum, which I used as well. The account holder actually reached out to the police and filed a report after noticing various deductions from their account. This completely backfired towards me.
Various detectives were on the case as it was treated as some serious bank fraud. After some time, they finally found me. I explained to them once they reached out to me via officials of the game that I was actually the one who got scammed by a guy online to whom I traded something in a different game and in return he would’ve paid me in this game. And told me to use his account by filling in his info.
Everybody believed me and the case got finally closed after one of my accounts was fully cleared of all merchandise I bought, till this day I won’t tell anybody that I was actually the mastermind doing the online bank fraud for my own benefit and taking this secret with me.”
Yikes! He Made A Huge Mess

“Years ago, I was a field tech in an IT support gig. I phoned my next stop about 20 minutes away and said I would be there to upgrade some equipment. The point of contact (single-user remote office) informed me she had to run to another office building but would leave the door unlocked as she was expecting someone else to swing by and pick up a package.
I got there and sure enough, nobody was there so I went about my business and swapped out the old gear with the new. As I was about to pack it up and leave, I had that ‘OMG! I gotta drop a deuce NOW’ feeling hit me.
So I used her bathroom and destroyed it. As I was washing my hands, the toilet started to back up. All of the feces and toilet paper started bubbling out over the rim and all over the floor. This wasn’t all mine either. I believe the septic tank was burping itself or something. The smell and sight of it made me gag.
Anyways, I had no idea what to do so in a panic, I decided to put the old equipment back the way I found it and got out of there. I called the contact and let her know I got hung up on my last call and would have to reschedule for next week.
The next week, I showed up and they were basically renovating the office. I asked what happened and she said so and so who picked up that package clogged the toilet and it overflowed. She said he denied using the bathroom. Poor dude.”
This Beat The Dog Ate My Homework Excuse

“About a week before I graduated high school, my family had a massive house fire. We lived out in the country, and no one was home. So by the time anyone noticed it was on fire, it was way too far gone. It was 30 feet of flames above the roof. We lost everything but had insurance and no one got hurt.
Anyways, I was in a chemistry class at the time that around 70 percent of the grade centered around a lab notebook that was graded all at once at the end of the semester. You would do labs every week, and then do lab write-ups in the notebook. I had been slacking off and was way behind on the assignment and would have had to pull a few all-nighters just to turn something in.
The day after the fire I went into class and told my teacher that the notebook had gone up in the fire and that I had no idea how I would ever turn the assignment in. He was extremely nice about it, told me not to worry, and gave me 100 percent on the whole assignment. He just said that I had bigger things to worry about and was about to graduate and that he hoped my family was doing ok.
Well, the notebook was in my car the whole time. Threw that thing away and swore myself to secrecy.”
Dad’s Secret

“My father told me a story from his youth and said I couldn’t tell anyone. When he was about 20 years old, he met a couple of Argentines who were a little crazy in their heads. They were the stereotype of hippies, which wasn’t all that unusual at the time. At one point, they taught him a recipe for mushroom tea. When they left, my father went to make the recipe, he didn’t even want to drink, he was just passionate about chemistry. The result was a super black liquid that he placed in a small bottle of Coca-Cola. On the same day, he was invited to a June party (type of country-themed party in Brazil), he went and took the tea with him.
When he got there, he saw everyone talking, about 15 to 20 people, and he noticed there was a cauldron in which they were making Quentão (a kind of mulled vino). And for God only knows, he poured into the cauldron the whole Coca-Cola bottle when no one was looking. The rest of the night was people FREAKING OUT. At the time, a group gathered around someone different to help with the panic attacks, until another person started to get worse, seeing crazy things, screaming how they were dying. All while, my father watched it in terror.
Eventually, they had to call an ambulance and he believes some of them are still damaged today.
No one else knows, not even my mom knows about it.”
“I Just Wanted To Freak Him Out”

“I tried to drop a cinderblock on my brother’s head from six feet up. I was eight years old, playing on one of those playground towers with multiple floors and ladders and slides. There’d been some construction nearby and on a previous day, my friend and I had (for some reason or another) hauled some cinderblocks up into the tower. On this day, I was up there alone when I saw my three-year-old brother come toddling over. I had some tension with him, but I distinctly remember that I didn’t feel malicious. I wasn’t thinking about hurting him, much less killing him. I just wanted to freak him out. So, as he got to the base of the ladder, I pushed one of the blocks over the edge above him.
Fortunately, he wasn’t directly under the block when it landed. I assume he slipped backward or something, though I never saw what happened. I just know that, instead of crushing his skull, the block only clipped the tip of his big toe. He screamed bloody murder, my mom came running, and the ER doctors trimmed some broken nails and put a bandage on them. No lasting harm at all. Now my family jokes about this as the start of my brother’s injury-prone childhood and I sweat inside wondering if I’m a low-grade sociopath.”
“I Was Mad At The Momma Mouse”

“When I was eight years old, we had a pet mouse. This one mouse got pregnant and she was starting to eat some of her babies. This upset me so much, so I rushed to tell my stepfather.
I was so distraught and mad at the momma mouse, so I asked him, ‘Why was she eating her young? What a bad mom!’
And my stepfather’s reaction? He made me kill the mom. Literally. He put her in a sink full of water and literally dragged me in there, grabbed my hand, and forced me to hold this mouse underwater. I was struggling and crying the whole time to take my hand away. This absolutely traumatized me. And what made it worse was that he then took the rest of the baby mice that had lived, and he fed them to this fish he had.
I’m not sure I remember the name. I think he called it an oscar fish, but maybe that was his name for it. I was so young but knew it wasn’t right and that he was a deranged guy. My mom finally left after she had enough of his nonsense.
I’ve never told anyone that story. I’m too ashamed. I know I was a kid and it was clear he forced me, but it still doesn’t take the shame away.”