These 12 cafes aren't your typical coffee and scone places. Nope, that would be too cliche. From cafes filled with dogs to cafes filled with poop, these different cafes are a must-visit, even if they make you say "
Poop Cafe

No the coffee isn't made out of poop, we promise; it's just shaped like poop. Poop Cafe is located in South Korea and is everything you could want out of a poop-themed restaurant. It's decorated with poop decor without being too overwhelming. The coffee cups are shaped like toilets and you can ever order a poop shaped scone!
Clinic Cafe

You may have guessed where this cafe gets its inspiration, a hospital. You sit in wheel chairs, eat food out of bed pans and drink from syringes. The waiters are even dressed like nurses and doctors. Talk about a full-on hospital experience. If you have a fascination with the medical field or just love a unique dining experience, try the Clinic Cafe in Singapore.
Cereal Killer Cafe

Don't worry this isn't a murder mystery cafe. It's actually a cafe that serves cereal! Located in London, there's 120 different cereal options to choose from. There is also 20 different types of toppings and 30 types of milk to choose from. Talk about a lot of decisions to make! You might just come up with the next best combination all on your own.
The Sweatshop

This cafe sure doesn't look like a sweatshop, but we have to give it props for the clever name. This cafe is a great place to go to enjoy a cup of coffee while sewing a new sweater. Located in Paris, this cafe's goal is to teach people how to make their own clothing. It works similar to a cyber cafe, but instead of computers, there are sewing machines. How cool!
The Cat Cafe

Cat lovers rejoice because this cat cafe is most definitely the cat's meow. There are many cat cafes around the world: Japan, London and they've even began to pop up across the United States. You can enjoy a cup of joe while cuddling with your furry feline friends. What's better than that?!
The Dog Cafe

Can you never get enough of cute puppies? This cafe is for you then! The Dog Cafe is located in Los Angeles, California and for only ten dollars you can get a cup of coffee and an hour visit with all the puppies! All the dogs are adoptable, so if you fall in love, you can take the dog home with you.
Hammock Cafe

Have you ever wanted to relax in a hammock while sipping on a delicious cup of coffee? Well, at the Hammock Cafe you can do just that. There are a few of these cafes around the world and if you get the chance, go in and relax on one of the many hanging hammocks inside the cafe.
Cafe Jack

This cafe is based off the romantic movie, Titanic. Named after the main male character, Cafe Jack is in Los Angeles, CA. Located on an actual boat, you can get a tarot card reading from the owner and sing karaoke in a private room. You'll feel like you're on the Titanic yourself, well, without the fear of sinking.
100% Chocolate Cafe

What's better for a chocolate lover than a chocolate-themed cafe?! 100% Chocolate Cafe is located in Tokyo, Japan and is definitely a chocolate lover's dream. From chocolate drinks to chocolate cakes, this cafe seems to have it all when it comes to chocolate-flavored items. Vanilla lovers stay away; you won't find any of that here.
Robo Cafe

Have you ever wanted a robot butler? Well, this cafe is your chance to get just that. No work needed, the robots do it all. Oh, what a world this is coming to?
Dreamy Camera Cafe

This cafe is one unlike any other cafe. The Dreamy Camera Cafe is located in South Korea and is actually a two-story building that is shaped like a Rolliflex twin-lens camera. The building contains vintage cameras and accessories and its food is more than Instagram-worthy.
The Red Sea Star

Have you ever wanted to dine with the fish? This restaurant allows you to do just that. The Red Sea Star lies six meters below sea level and gives you dinner views like you've never had before. How awesome is that?!