What would you do if you walked into a full on brawl when you were trying to deliver a pizza? Well, that's just what happened to one of these pizza delivery guys. And that's not even the weirdest story out there! You'll never believe these 15 insane pizza delivery stories.
Apparently pizza can’t fix every fight.

"Saw a husband and wife arguing, then she head-butted him in the face." –BeachRat9 via Reddit
Cash, credit or…drugs?

"I don't know about the strangest thing I've seen, but you would be surprised how often we're offered weed and other drugs instead of payment or tip." –PlayingBingo via Reddit
She’ll never talk back again after this.

"Had a coworker witness a dad throw a hot slice of pizza at his daughter's face for talking back." –Lowkeypeepee via Reddit
Why are you even talking about it again?!

"Went to a house with I think Russian gangsters. I rang and this guy who I guess was either the ringleader or the ringleader's right hand man answers. 'Nobody ordered a pizza, who are you?!' He was really mad at me until someone else fessed up to ordering a pizza. He demanded he pay for the pizza. Guy is telling me the whole time to just stand in the entry way and not look at anything, then tells me to forget I showed up." –johnwalkersbeard via Reddit
This is not an Uber!

"I had to fight a guy off after delivering a pizza. He was very drunk and thought I was a taxi so he kept on trying to get in my car. I literally kicked him out of the passenger side." –WadeWilsonforPope via Reddit
Ghosts get hungry for pizza too.

"The delivery instructions said that payment was underneath the door mat and to just leave the pizzas there. I delivered to that house at least 3 times and never saw who lives there or learned why they don't want to interact with a pizza guy." –typodaemon via Reddit
He was feeling a little frisky and a little hungry.

"My first day, first delivery ever. The guy answered wearing red pumps, a purple and black kitty cat thong and a pink felt blouse." –flamingsnocone via Reddit
A delivery and a show.

"I pulled up to a driveway where a guy was standing. I was about to ask for him to sign for the pizza when a guy came running out of the house and absolutely leveled this guy. I mean I thought he killed him. Everyone is screaming and crying and I'm just standing there with 100 dollars worth of pizza." –McGirthy via Reddit
Am I being punk’d?

"I once delivered a 26" diameter pizza to this skinny white dude in an apartment complex. He was wearing a massive pink sombrero that had like fake pink fur around the rim. He also had booty shorts on, but nothing else. Some movie with Owen Wilson was playing on the TV and he was blasting Katy Perry from his computer." –snarx via Reddit
That’s What He Gets For Not Ordering Breadsticks Too.

"Delivered to a woman once, who was standing in the hallway screaming. Turned out she had just thrown out her boyfriend/husband. The hallway was full of his stuff, including an outboard motor. She asked me to help her carry it down and out, probably would have if I wasn't already late for the next delivery." –zmanffs via Reddit
Sometimes the less you know, the better.

"I once delivered to an apartment where two people in bathrobes answered the door, I could see their bondage equipment and garments under their robes." –Blink_Billy via Reddit
Adding fuel to the fire.

"When I showed up, with not only pizza but wings and an overpriced 2-liter, I was used as ammunition that she was not spending what he gave her [for child support] wisely." –blumer via Reddit
A secret pizza hiding spot.

"Once, I was delivering pizza and when I got to the house a guy was hiding in the bushes of the home. He whispers to put the pizza at the bottom of the garbage can outside and then come over to the bushes so he could sign the receipt. Apparently the guy didn't want his wife to know that he had ordered pizza." –onlysame1 via Reddit
A prank gone wrong.

"Girl answers the door and yells to her sister, 'your boyfriend's here.' Sister comes running down in her bra and underwear, gets to the door sees a confused looking pizza guy so she screams and runs away while yelling profanities at her sister." –relytv2 via Reddit
A delivery that quickly turned into a long math lesson.

"This one lady ordered a sandwich and the total was 5.99 plus tax. Of course I come to the door and it's an old lady. I tell her the price is 6.34 and she goes off on a tangent about how it is supposed to be 5.99. She shut the door and came back with a calculator and I had to explain how to multiply by the tax rate and show her why it was not 5.99 like her coupon said." –dodongohorn via Reddit