7-Elven's "Bring Your Own Cup Day" is a fan favorite among many. You bring your own cup, fill it with whatever slurpee flavors your heart desires and pay only $1.50! Your cup just has to fit within a 10" hole, must be food-safe, clean and watertight. While these may be the rules, rules are most definitely meant to be broken, especially by these 20 slurpee lovers!
This guy who thought his prosthetic leg had a better use.

Well done sir, well done.
These two who brought a boot and a milk gallon.

'Cause nothing's better than a slurpee out of a boot.
This little boy who brought a jar bigger than his head.

We think he's definitely experiencing a gigantic brain freeze.
This gal who would only share her slurpee with her cat.

Fellow cat lady checking in and we totally get it. Slurpees and cats for life.
This prankster who thought a slurpee was better than coffee.

Too bad it's not a coffee infused slurpee.
This group who’d rather get drunk off slurpee punch.

Or, just pour the alcohol in the slurpee!
This gal who’s using her Patron for good use.

The best decision Patron has ever caused.
This little girl who brought Barbie’s bath to slurpee day.

A slurpee bath would be fabulous, but very sticky.
This girl who made a work of slurpee art.

Somewhere over the slurpee rainbow.
This guy who isn’t afraid of bending the rules.

He's even the 7-Eleven manager.
This person who finished off some fried chicken before filling up with their slurpee.

Hopefully it doesn't still have pieces of chicken.
This couple who put their broken toilet to good use.

Let's hope it was cleaned first.
These girls had the right idea on BYOC day.

Do you think they actually finished it?!
This girl who took her slurpee to a whole new level.

Why didn't we ever think of gummy worms on slurpees?!
This person who had to buckle their slurpee up for safety.

We don't joke around here.
This guy who definitely has slurpee for days.

He has the right idea.
These girls who couldn’t pass up slurpees on wine night.

Barefoot infused slurpee? Sign us up!
This guy who mourned his dead gold fish the only way he knew how.

A funeral done right. Mr. Gold would be proud.
This guy wins for most creative cup.

He brought a condom and filled it with his own slurpee.
This guy who put good use to his old Mr. Potato Head.

He sure looks happy.