What makes these women think everyone is inferior to them? This isn't how life works, these adult brats can't just have literally whatever they want! These stories do make for some wild encounters when vicious Karens don't get their way! Content has been edited for clarity.
Could Anyone Stop This Karen From Destroying Her Family?

“So a little bit of backstory: my dad’s mom (Karen) was obsessed with me from the moment I was born. I spent about 80% of my childhood with her and we were really close for my whole life. I thought of her as a mother figure, not because I didn’t have my real mom, but because this woman manipulated my father so well, and my mom’s hands were tied with the situation, but that’s a story for another time. This story takes place in February, about three years ago, when my son was three years old. My husband Larry and our son and I were on vacation, visiting Karen in Florida, where she and some relatives live for six months out of the year. The plan was to stay with Karen for five days, then stay with Larry’s mom for five days in a nearby town, and then stay with Karen again for the last night before our flight home. So we get to Karen’s place and everything is fine. We’re happy to see everyone, despite the heat and our distaste for Florida, and we’re having a good time. Now it’s important to mention that my husband and I are both pretty strict with our parenting style: we expect our kid to be polite, use an indoor voice, and listen to instruction. Obviously the occasional meltdown happens, but it’s nothing we can’t handle. Meltdowns are way more common when Karen is around.
We ask Karen not to give our son sugar before dinner. She says, ‘Oh it’s just a lollipop!’
We tell Karen not to buy toys at every store we go into. She says, ‘You’re mean! I didn’t raise you to treat your kid like this!’
We tell Karen she can’t let Kid have temper tantrums without some kind of discipline, usually just a time-out. She says, ‘He’s just a little boy! You need to hug him!’
You get the picture. But this was vacation, so I lightened up a bit. She wanted our son to sleep in her bed that handful of days too so whatever, he kicks in his sleep, so that’s fine with me. So anyway, we are at a massive indoor flea market and we agreed to let Karen buy some toys and things for our son. We’re all getting hungry and tired, so Larry volunteers to run our things to the car for us while we order food and find a table. The very moment Larry is out of sight, our son has a tantrum for the ages because he wants a toy he sees on the way to the food area. Karen is immediately negotiating with the tiny terrorist, so I shut it down. We do not reward bad behavior. Karen gets upset with me, saying, ‘It’s just a dollar! Why are you so mean? Why don’t you let me buy him anything?!’
Cue Kid’s even more epic meltdown, right as Larry got back from the car. He doesn’t even break stride, just scoops our son up and takes him into the restroom nearby, both to separate him from Karen and her shenanigans and to give him a quick swat on his behind. Karen is meanwhile screaming at me that my husband is abusing my child, and we should be ashamed of ourselves, and why don’t we love him? Things cool down when our son and Larry emerge from the bathroom with smiles on their faces, and our son was hugging Larry around the neck. They had a little talk, and everyone seems happy. The rest of our time with them is fun and passes without incident. When we go to Larry’s mom’s, I get a call from my dad, not thinking anything of it, especially because he doesn’t speak to Karen after leaving her family business. He screams at me for letting Larry abuse our son and for yelling at Karen. I’m not kidding, he really tore me a new one. He said Karen told him that our son had black and blue marks on him, and that Larry carried him by the arm to the bathroom. I explained everything that happened and seemed to have smoothed things over, but boy was I livid. The day comes when we need to go back. Karen and Randy (her husband) are meeting us at the rental car return at the airport, so they can drive us back to their place. I text Karen on the way to let her know I would like my son to sleep in my bed on the last night of our vacation. I’m his mom, so I get to decide these kinds of things, right? Wrong.
It was worse than I expected. She cornered me when we got there by leaning over the front seat while I was installing my son’s car seat, berating me with antagonizing questions. I calmly and sweetly told her that I just wanted to spend the last night of my only vacation cuddling with my little boy. She continued to berate and pester me until I finally told her that my dad told me the lies she tried to spread, and I was fed up. She looked me in the eye and said, ‘I told everyone. I want them to take your son from you.’
‘Larry get our bags, we’re not staying!’ I yelled, taking the car seat back out of the car and putting my son on my hip. I don’t know if she didn’t think that through, but she genuinely seemed surprised that I was not going to stay with her after that. She got out and started shouting, screaming until her voice cracked, that I should show respect to my elders, and that it’s Larry’s fault this all happened, and he’s tearing our family apart. This was some next level crazy person screaming. This was a full on verbal assault against my husband. I told her off and tried to walk away, but she kept blocking my path. And then she grabbed me by the back of my head, while I was still holding my kid, and started trying to hit me. She made contact with my son’s back at least three times before I grabbed a fistful of her hair and my husband pulled her off of me. Meanwhile, Randy called the police to tell them he witnessed me assault Karen and witnessed Larry abusing my son. We ran into the rental car agency, where the employees locked the doors and refused entry to Karen and Randy. When the police came, the employees validated our story because of the cameras, took separate statements from everyone, and checked our son for bruises. There were none from us, because we don’t actually hit our child, but there were red marks from Karen hitting him. Finally, the police asked me to press charges. It was around one in the morning at this point, so I said no, and we were taken to a nearby motel before our flight.
And that was the last time I saw the entitled Karen monster. Good riddance! She texts me now and then about how I’m killing her and how she’s still waiting for an apology. The guilt I feel is unreal, but I can’t go back on the decision I’ve made. She’s manipulative and emotionally abusive. Side note, my dad is going through the same thing I am with separating himself from that family. My parents are both wonderful people who experienced a lot of the same things with Karen and Randy when I was little, as I am experiencing with them now. We are all healing together and have come a long way in our recovery from such abusive people.”
Disney World Disaster Gets Physical

“For a bit of a backstory, I have a disability to where I can walk, but not far without excruciating pain. I went to Disney World with my family over the summer, and it was very fun until half way through our trip. We were having a wonderful time until Wednesday. We were at Animal Kingdom and in line for Kali River Rapids, Enter the Entitled Karen, her Bratty Kid, and the poor father who had to put up with them. THis Karen walks up to us and asks, ‘HI, can my son please borrow your wheelchair to sit in?’
My mom replies, ‘I;m sorry, our daughter has to sit there. She can’t walk very well, and it will hurt her to walk.’
Karen merely states, ‘It’s not that far, she can walk it off!’
My mom, with a slight smile, replied, ‘If my daughter can walk it off, then so can your son.’
My dad stated, ‘Go ahead, this is our wheelchair, so they can’t take it!’
This Karen was very upset, and she didn’t speak for the rest of the wait time for the ride. We thought this was the end of it, but nope! It was about to get so much worse. My family decided to split up, because my mom and I loved rollercoasters and I haven’t ridden Expedition Everest in years. We get in line for that ride, and it turns out Karen and her Bratty Kid were following us. The poor father who showed up with them wasn’t there for whatever reason. Karen asked us, ‘Hi again, is it okay if we go ahead of you? My husband is waiting for us, and we have a fast pass for another ride to attend!’
My mom replied, ‘I’m sorry, but from the way you treated us earlier, I couldn’t care less if you missed your fast pass!’
I spoke up and told her, ‘Look lady, I have to sit in this chair, your kid can’t just sit in it with me in it!’
This atrocious Karen pushed me out of the wheelchair and shoved her kid in it. She then tried to leave, but the other guests in line wouldn’t let her, since they watched all of this unfold. Just then, a security guard came by to assess the situation, since he overheard so much screaming. When the security guard asked what was going on, Karen shrieked how, ‘THESE TWO PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO STEAL MY WHEELCHAIR!’
The security guard turned to my mom and asked if this was true. My mom sighed and explained, ‘No, this woman stole our wheelchair that my daughter needs!’
Several bystanders started to back up my mom and told the security guard what was really happening. Karen, seeing that she was fighting a losing battle, exclaimed, ‘THEY ARE LYING! I RENTED THIS WHEELCHAIR OUT FOR MY SON WHO IS DISABLED!’
That was the sentence that ruined any chances she had of winning this argument. The security guard told her, ‘Okay, I’ll have to take you into custody until further notice. You just lied to an officer. This wheelchair doesn’t belong to the park, so it must belong to this family.’
The security guard asked if my family wanted to press charges. Of course we wanted to, and we quickly charged her for assault. After that, my mom and I enjoyed the ride and told the rest of the family what happened. They were dumbfounded, and we still laugh to this day.”
Stomping All Over Any And All Logic

“My boyfriend’s cousin has four children. Each of her kids is the personification of the word ‘bratty’. This cousin refuses to discipline them and constantly makes excuses for their behavior. She is also very judgemental of our decision to not have children. She has often made some snide comments towards me, implying that I’m the selfish brat who is depriving my boyfriend of ‘the joys of raising children’. For these reasons and for her generally entitled behavior, my boyfriend had cut ties with her. However, when he and I visited his parents’ home three days ago for his parent’s anniversary celebration, we ran into her again. My boyfriend’s dad had urged him to use this occasion to mend bridges with the cousin. So we both tried to make nice and engaged in small talk with her. During our conversation, my boyfriend mentioned that we were leaving for Melbourne for vacation in a few days. At this, cousin’s eyes lit up. ‘Oh that sounds like so much fun,’ she said, ‘My husband and I haven’t gone anywhere since our honeymoon!’
She whined some more about how hard it is for them with four kids, if only they could afford such luxuries. I could tell where this was going. My boyfriend probably felt sorry for her and, being the kind and generous soul that he is, offered to buy them a weekend in a resort in Mt. Abu, a hill station in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The cousin scrunched up her face and exclaimed, ‘That’s nice, but why can’t you just take us to Melbourne with you?!’
My boyfriend replied, ‘Well, we want to spend some time alone together. Plus we’ll be meeting some close friends there. Besides, Mt. Abu is a beautiful place. Your kids will love it.’
The cousin, in an annoying ‘Karen’ tone, stated, ‘I still don’t see why you can’t take us to Australia. You’re being so selfish, going on this great trip and sticking your family with a cheap weekend getaway!’ Oh I know! Why don’t my husband and I go to Mt Abu and you can take our kids to Melbourne!’
The cousin followed up with, ‘It’s a great idea. The kids can have fun in Melbourne with you two, and my hubby and I can enjoy a peaceful weekend. This way the kids can actually spend some time with their uncle. You never make time for them!’
My boyfriend declared, ‘I’m offering for the last time. It’s either the weekend in Mt. Abu or nothing at all. And why the heck would we ruin our vacation taking care of your kids?!’
The cousin replied, ‘How can you say that? My kids are so well behaved. You’ll have so much fun spending time with them. Besides, my husband and I could really use some quite time together. You and your girlfriend don’t have any responsibilities. You have no idea how hard it is to raise four kids. You can afford this trip. I don’t see why you won’t share with family!’
My boyfriend, with an angry glare, stated, ‘One more word and you’re loosing my Mt. Abu offer.’
On hearing, the cousin finally shut up. We all had dinner together and she was mercifully quite. If only her kids had followed her example. You’d think this would be the end of it , but NOPE! We had seriously underestimated her dedication. This morning, the cousin showed up at my apartment with the kids in tow. I was shocked to see her of course, and I asked if something was wrong. She smiled and said, ‘I’m just here to drop the kids off. You’re leaving tonight right?’
After taking a second to recover from the shock I asked, ‘Did you fall and hit your head on something? We told you we weren’t taking your kids with us. What part of that did you not understand?’
She then tried to convince me that my boyfriend had called her later on and had agreed to take her kids. I knew this was nonsense and called it as such. The cousin became enraged and asked if I was going to break her kids’ heart, why would I break our promise, and how my boyfriend and I could be so cold. I called my boyfriend, and after telling him what was going on, I turned on the speaker. My boyfriend proceeded to chew her out brutally, telling her she he would no longer pay for their weekend getaway, and that this is exactly the kind of behavior that had made him cut ties with her . She tried to get a word in, but he wouldn’t let her. The cousin took her kids and stormed off. My boyfriend and I are having a laugh over this and are still wondering what made her think that this plan would ever work!”
Can Their Romance Survive A Karen Attack?

“I was on this small cruise ship with my boyfriend. I’m also a dude, which is some important context. We drove three hours from home to make it to the check-in. That’s when The Witch and her Little Goblin entered in behind us. This wicked mother exclaimed at us, ‘Move over! My son and I NEED to check in right now!’
We moved aside and waited for her to be finished so we could actually checked in. We went aboard the ship and went looking for our cabin. It had a large bed, a large tv mounted on the wall, and a gorgeous view. We unpacked out luggage and began to settle in. When the announcement came that we would be departing, we went up to the adult zone, which was a section of the upper deck right next to the bar. Who do we see? Yup, Karen The Witch and her entitled little son, who could not have been older than nine and shouldn’t have been here. We start to take fun photos, recreating the Jack and Rose iconic pose from Titanic. All of a sudden, The Witch walked over to us and exclaimed, ‘You shouldn’t act liek that here! My son is watching both of you! But I have to say, you did good, what a cute girlfriend!’
The Witch must have been talking about me. I was wearing this lace-up tartan asymmetrical dress, embracing my feminine side. She must not have known that I was a dude. We simply moved back inside. That evening, we made a reservation for the fancy restaurant on board. Since we had a reservation, we got to skip the massive line. Turns out The Witch was in this line with her son, and she didn’t like this at all. She exclaimed, ‘Why do they get to skip the line, while the rest of us have to stay behind?! Let me trade with you, my son is so hungry!’
I got tired of meeting her everywhere but hey, its a ship surrounded by water, we couldn’t avoid her for very long. We got our table, still hearing The Witch yelling at the workers. We ordered some drinks and food, and my boyfriend told me that he had something to ask me. He pushed his chair out so he could stand and eyed the waiter that came over with a little black box. I knew what was happening and started getting tears in my eyes. I had been waiting for some time for this to happen. He got on one knee and asked if I would make him the happiest man on earth. He barely finished the sentence when i said yes, I cant think of a life without him. Everyone started clapping and I gave him a long kiss. That was when The Witch finally got through the line and saw us kissing. She exclaimed suddenly, ‘Can’t you kiss your girlfriend somewhere else?! My son is with me!’
My boyfriend turned to her and spat out, ‘First of all, I just proposed! Second, that’s my boyfriend!’
You could see all the color disappear from The Witch’s face. She went on a homophobic tirade, while I noticed a putrid smell all of a sudden. I looked down, and The Witch’s child was by my leg, trying to pull down my skirt or something. I quickly grabbed his hands and yanked him away from me. That somehow set off The Witch even more! My boyfriend was furious. He normally never lays a hand on anyone, but had I not seen it and stopped him, he would have slapped her into the next century. The Witch was taken out, and we got our meal on the house. We then set out to find the bar. We heard there was live music and good drinks, so we had to try it out. We drank quite a bit and decided to dance as fiancees. Unfortunately, fate had something else in store for us. The Witch had found us, trying to get the bar to stop playing the music and trying to get us to leave. That’s when the bartender walked over, asking her to leave. The Witch protested, but the bartender told her, ‘First of all, you brought a child to a bar that specifically doesn’t allow them. Second, we do not tolerate homophobic abuse. Finally, you’re just a nasty person!’
You could almost hear her jaw drop to the floor as she looked for a response. She ended up leaving, the music kept on playing, and we gave an extra big tip before leaving to our cabin for some cozy time. The rest of our vacation went well, thankfully we didn’t encounter The Witch or her little goblin again! We’re getting married in a few months. Even when things hit the fan, you can always find happiness.”
Karen Destroys Her Kids’ Happiness

“A little over two years ago, I won a raffle at my job for an all-expense-paid family vacation. It wasn’t some super fancy prize to Disneyland or anything crazy like that. It was just a nice three day stay at this little beach house inn. Of course, I asked my boyfriend at the time to go, but he couldn’t take off time from school. I had wanted to take my single friends and make it a ‘girls trip’ type deal, but they either couldn’t because of work or other responsibilities at the time, which I was sad about but understood. Since that plan was a bust, I had decided to see if my sister and her two little kids wanted to come. I didn’t wanna waste the tickets. Well I went down to visit my family that weekend, intent on asking my sister if they would want to come. But the longer I was there, the more I hated the idea. By the time I was packing up to go home, I knew I wasn’t inviting them. I love my niece and nephew, but they were super bratty back then because my sister never disciplines them. I love them, but she lets them get into everything and never watches them unless someone (either me or our mom) yells at her to get off her butt and watch them. So I didn’t mention the trip and just said goodbye before leaving.
The next day, I called my good friend Megan because she has two well-behaved kids, and she’s a single working mom who I figured could use a vacation. I asked if she would be free for several days and she was, so I offered to invite her along with me on this vacation, if she would pay for the gas to get us all to/from there. I would pay for the food for us to/from there, and she happily agreed. We went and had a blast. I got a pretty good tan, we ate lots of buffet food, swam at the beach, and did fun family-friendly activities all weekend before coming back. Her kids are super sweet, and it didn’t feel like I was babysitting at all, even when I was helping Megan with them. After I got home, I posted some pictures I took, and before lunch even rolled around on my first day back at work, my sister was blowing up my phone. I knew ignoring her calls would just prolong the inevitable, so I answered.
I barely got past my ‘hey’ before she was asking me how the heck I could afford a vacation. I told her it was a raffle prize, she asked who won, me or my friend, and I said I did. She proceeded to flip out, demanding to know why I hadn’t invited her. I was honest and said because I didn’t want to end up babysitting her kids for my entire vacation. She got mad and called me some very rude names, then said I knew she ‘needed a vacation’, and then hung up on me before I could reply. I just sighed and continued working. Later while I was leaving work, our Mom called me, asking why I had promised my niece and nephew I would take them on vacation. I said I never told them I would. I hadn’t even spoken to them since the last time I visited. Turns out my sister told them we were all supposed to go on a beach vacation together, but I ruined it and now they didn’t get to go. So my niece and nephew sobbed all day, and it took our mom ages to get them to stop crying long enough to explain what was wrong. I told my mom my side of the story, and she said I was mean to not invite my family. But she dropped it after I said I told her I didn’t invite them because I didn’t feel like babysitting my whole vacation. Mom also tore into my sister for lying to her and also hurting her kids’ feelings like that. I wasn’t there, but my mom said my sister threw a huge fit and basically trash talked me all afternoon.
The only thing I really felt bad about was my sister getting my niece and nephew’s hopes up like that. But to cheer them up, I took them the next weekend to a kid’s play place. They’re always on their best behavior with me, because they know I don’t play like their mom, and I WILL turn my car around and take them home if they’re bratty. They got to eat pizza, play games, climb this huge indoor jungle gym thing, and even ride a couple of kiddie rides. I also sat down with them while they ate and explained that the trip I went on was for me and my friend, and they wouldn’t have liked it because it got so hot and sweaty. They handled it very well, no tears or anything!”
How Dare You Make Me Move Ten Feet!

“I recently traveled to a beach town to visit relatives. I’m there so often that quite a few people think I’m a local. Both locals and and tourists are pretty good at respecting personal space thankfully. In my 20+ years of making multiple visits per year, I have never had a problem with tourists, until my most recent visit. I get to the beach early, like at 8:30 am, and I set up my chair and umbrella. There are maybe five other families already set up for the day, so there’s no one within a 100-foot radius of me. For the next hour and a half, I’m blissfully enjoying an audiobook, when a handful of other people show up. The entire beach is still empty. All of a sudden, I feel a tap on my shoulder, thinking it was my relatives deciding to join me. Nope. It was an incredibly trashy looking woman, in her late thirties or early forties, standing over me. Behind her was about twelve other people who appeared to have packed up their entire house and were lugging it through the sand. This Karen told me, ‘Excuse me but you’re in our spot! This is our spot. My family is staying at the hotel right over there, and we’ve been sitting in this spot for the last four days. You need to move.’
I tell Karen that I don’t have to move, since I was here first. Karen erupted and screamed, ‘THIS WHOLE STRETCH OF BEACH IS RESERVED FOR HOTEL GUESTS ONLY!’
Me, knowing that not a single hotel reserves spots or parts of the beach for guests, said, ‘Okay, well go get someone from the hotel to move me. If you can find someone I’ll gladly move.’
I tell her, ‘There is literally miles of open beach. Pick a spot and enjoy your vacation!’
So she and the rest of the family plop their stuff down literally ten feet to the left of me, despite the entire beach still being open. For the next hour, I pretend to be asleep listening to my audiobook, but instead I’m listening to that Karen. Every word out of her mouth is about how nasty I am, how it was so inconvenient that she had to carry her stuff an extra ten feet, and more petty nonsense. I was overjoyed when the lifeguard kicked her and rest of the equally trashy adults in her group off the beach for refusing to put out what they were smoking.”
Swimming In Disease

“Two or three years ago, I went on a cruise with my mother, my friend, and his mother. We grew up together, as our families are really close, so we were practically like siblings. This was an eight day cruise, departing from New York City, going around the Caribbean, and then going back up. The ship featured tons of restaurants, pools, and water slides, with a capacity of over 2000 guests. On the second day, our parents made friends with another group of families, and we decided to head out together that day once the boat pulled into port. We met at breakfast to plan the day. There were quite a few families with younger kids, and of course all the young kids were left to their own discretion at open buffets. They were wild and kinda gross. Later on, I overheard one entitled parent complaining to someone about their kid. Apparently kid wasn’t feeling well and hadn’t wanted to come, but that parent didn’t want to leave him behind to laze around in their room, as ‘they had spent so much money to go out and have fun!’ I didn’t think it was something too serious, so we carried on.
We docked for the day and a bunch of us went on this hike on a small mountain. I started having these serious stomach cramps. They got to the point where I would have to stop and breathe every ten minutes or so. My mom and my friend decided to leave the rest of the group to help me back to where our tour bus was waiting, as I was clearly in no condition to continue hiking. It took us a while, but eventually we got back on the bus where I could attempt to sleep and wear it off. We assumed I had gotten food poisoning or ate something bad. What I hadn’t known and found out later was that the kid from earlier wasn’t just ‘not feeling well’, he had a very contagious norovirus. Symptoms include severe vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, fever, and fatigue. It can last days and is extremely contagious, especially in close quarters. Well guess what, we just happened to be in a closed-off ship with thousands of people, with open buffets, just waiting to be contaminated. By the next day, I wasn’t the only one not feeling well Everyone in our room had got it, including my mom, my friend, and his mom. There was a small line in front of the clinic by the time we got there, with literally everyone suffering from similar symptoms. The medical staff gave us some sort of Tylenol medication and told us to stay in our room for the next while, so we didn’t pass it to anyone else. We listened to them. The Entitled Parent did not.
This Karen continued to take her kid around to the waterslides, buffets, and shows, despite everyone warning her not to. Her son was still very much sick, but she wanted him to have ‘the best experience’ on his first ever cruise. On the fourth day, word of mouth told me that it was quickly spreading. The cruise started offering free movies and in-room catering for those who were sick, in a futile attempt to keep them in their rooms. Live shows were cancelled, because even the performers were getting sick. On the fifth day, the cruise announced that they could not dock the ship at the stop of the day. Local authorities had heard of the outbreak and forbid us from entering the port. Everyone was in a lot of pain, I could barely hold down water without throwing up, and I felt dizzy if I did as much as stand up.
I had Tylenol and rest though, and by around the sixth day, both my friend and I were well on the mend. We dared to spend a few minutes outside. The population outside was decimated. If you’ve never been on a cruise before, it’s like a mall on boxing day. There are usually people everywhere, talking and laughing and eating and doing whatever you do on a cruise. But that day the ship was almost empty, other than some employees wearing gloves and masks, along with a few lucky stragglers. We probably saw around 100-200 people out, in comparison to the 2000-person capacity. In order to have a good time, Karen let her kid spread the norovirus to almost everybody on the ship. There is no vaccine for norovirus, so literally nobody could have been safe. Not to mention, cruise ships always have many retired elderly with lower immunity levels. She didn’t just ruin literally everyone’s vacation, she put people at genuine risk as well. I don’t think her son should even had been allowed to board the ship in the first place if they had known he was sick, as I believe there are some regulations about bringing contagious diseases into the closed environment. Anyhow, moral of this story is, don’t take your sick kids on vacation! If you do have to, for whatever reason, at least leave them in the room and let them recuperate instead of passing it around. It’s not only better for everyone else, it’s better for them too. Also, avoid open cruise ship buffets if possible.
We did ask the cruise line for a refund after our trip, but we never got a response. Basically, all we got out of the experience was some free movies and chicken soup while we were sick. I’m not sure if that Karen was fired or banned from the cruise line, but I sincerely hope she did. Honestly, it spread so quickly that it became less about containing the one kid and more about preventing more people from falling under.’
She Was Like A Human Ping Pong Ball

“So I was on a plane back from vacation, and my mom and I were seated in a row of three seats, so we had a spare seat. This Karen wanted me to swap with her, so she could get two seats to herself, and I would sit with HER HUSBAND AND KID! So, we were in the air, the seatbelt sign was off, and we are free to roam about. The flight had a couple spare seats from what I could see, including the one next to me. My mom and I had booked the middle and window seat, but I moved to sit in the aisle so we would have more space. This Karen was sitting in front of us, continuously whipping her head round to stare at me for a few seconds. I tried to ignore her, but it was beyond weird. After twenty minutes of her turning around to stare at me every few seconds, she eventually tapped me ON THE HEAD. She TAPPED ME ON MY HEAD by reaching over the seat. She demanded that i swap seats with her. She maintained eye contact with me the entire time. I took a little while to respond because I was so dumbfounded. This Karen told me, ‘You’ve got a spare seat, and I want to spread out and relax, so swap with me!’
I asked her to leave me alone, but she screeched how that was not how to speak to an adult. She got loud enough to turn some heads and disturb my mom. This Karen wanted me to sit next to her child, who looked to be around five. I was eighteen. I was so mortified. This Karen was loud enough for a flight attendant to walk over and ask what the matter was. Karen shrieked, ‘That boy won’t move! He has two seats to himself, and he-‘
My mom interrupted, stating, ‘I actually have two seats to myself, my kid was sitting in the aisle seat since it was unoccupied. I paiud for both of my seats.’
Karen didn’t reply to my mom, probably because she was intimidated. The flight attendant asked me if I minded moving for this Karen. I told him I didn’t want to swap. That cause Karen to erupt. She screeched at me, calling me a selfish brat. My mom was yellign back at her. The flight attendant emrely shrinked away, backing out and running away from the conflict! Eventually, Karen realized she wasn’t going to get her way, so she sat nack down in her seat and pushed it back as far as she could, probably to emphasize her point. She could only move back a couple inches, which didn’t bother me. Karen started to make these loud huffing noises, but I simply ignored her, putting in my earbuds and listening to music. The rest of the flight was fine. When we landed, Karen made sure to get up before us and block the walkway, so I couldn’t get out of the aisle. But I happened to be feeling quite petty that day. I ‘accidentally’ got up and nudged Karen into the passenger ahead of her, who promptly pushed her back into her seat. It was like watching a ping pong ball. She didn’t move after that, and my mom and I got off the plane and never saw her again thankfully.”
The Empire Strikes Back

“I am currently sitting in the airport in Orlando headed home after an amazing week at Disney World. For the last half hour, I’ve been watching two kids smack each other with the cheap lightsabers they sell all through Galaxy’s Edge. The kids are maybe eight and nine years old. About five minutes ago, one of the kids broke his lightsaber and started bawling. I have my lightsaber from Savi’s Workshop in it’s carrying case with me. It cost $200, and I took this vacation specifically to customize and build it there and bask in that very special experience. Their mom must have seen dozens of these carrying case around the park, so she knew what it was. She comes over and asks if her son can borrow my lightsaber to play with his brother. I tell her that I would prefer not, since I just saw him break his. She starts getting all whiny and insists that it’s just a toy, and a grown man shouldn’t even have one. Right then, her husband walks up and pulls her away. He apologizes for her behavior and tells her to leave me alone. Nothing major, no cops or security involved thankfully! Why the heck does anyone think they have the right to other people’s property?! Also, if you can get to Galaxy’s Edge do it. It is phenomenal.”
That’s Why We Haven’t Spoken To Them In Decades

“I was talking with my mom the other day, and I mentioned some family I hadn’t seen since I was about ten. I’m thirty-two now. She told me that after a horrifying vacation, my parents decided to stop keeping in touch with them. Back in the day, my parents planned this vacation for me and my younger brother to see Yellowstone. We were eight end ten. They told the entitled parents about the vacation and invited them along with us. The entitled parents had kids the same age as us, so my parents thought it could be fun! Everything seemed to be going pretty well, until our vacation actually started. My parents wanted to start driving to Yellowstone fairly early. We live in Utah, so they wanted to leave around seven or eight in the morning. The entitled parents didn’t show up until eleven, and my parents couldn’t even get ahold of them before this. So this ticked my mom off, and she asked the entitled parents what happened to leaving early. And they told her, ‘Oh, we like to sleep in on weekends!’ My dad told my mom to just let it go, and to still try and have a good day. When we arrived, the entitled parents instantly turned their noses up at our accommodations, and said they wouldn’t be ‘good enough for their kids.’ My mom told the entitled parents how she warned them they were rustic. The entitled parents had friends in the main part of Yellowstone, and they told my parents they were going to go visit them. My mom reminded them that we bought food for all of us, and the entitled parents assured my mom they would be back for dinner at seven. So my parents cooked a really nice dinner for everyone, including steak, potatoes, corn, and even dessert. We waited on the entitled parents to show up. At eight, when the family still wasn’t there, we decided to eat without them, as we had no way of contacting them.
We went to bed, and around midnight the entitled parents showed up. They told my parents the cabins they booked weren’t good enough for them, and they would be staying with their other friends for the rest of their vacation. They also said it was a mistake to include my family on their trip, and they had to start driving so early in the day to accommodate us. My mom and dad had enough of their attitude and reminded them that they were the ones to join us without being invited, and said they were fine with the cabins we booked and our travel plans for leaving. They also told them they were inconsiderate for bailing on dinner, and should have told them if they had no intention of having it with us. At that point the other family left, and we never saw them again.”