Not everyone can be the brightest match in the box, but these diners definitely needed to revisit their table manners. Sadly for these waiters and servers, they had to be the ones to teach these rude diners.
When They Tried To Give Their Customers A Break, They Got Cursed Out For It

Luis Molinero/Shutterstock
“When I worked at a pizza place, I used to just give people coupons without telling them. Pizza is way too expensive and I was not fond of being yelled at for the prices I have no control over. So I would just punch in a coupon code to drop their price whenever we were busy.
Occasionally, I would get yelled at by the customer for doing this.
‘Why is the price different than normal?’
‘Ma’am, we are really busy right now, so I gave you a discount because your delivery will probably be on the upper end of an hour.’
‘Well that’s bull, you messed up the order.’
‘Fine! Here, your order is $20 more. Are you happy?’
Then I would write ‘jerk’ in the hidden comments, so people wouldn’t be nice to them in the future.”
This Unique Customer Was Upset The Food Didn’t Meet Their Expectations

“A woman comes through the drive-thru lane and orders stuff. One of the things is a large diet coke. She pulls around to the window, and I look over to see she is driving a full-size van with a live miniature horse in the back. I hand her the diet coke, and she gives it to the horse.I’m thinking okay, that’s weird. I turn away to make sure her order is ready. I turn back around, and she is livid. I ask her what’s wrong, and she screams at me and throws a broken coke cup at me. She tells me off ranting about how crappy our cups were. Apparently, the horse broke the cup, and it spilled everywhere. I’m like really you gave it to a horse. What did you think was going to happen? The cup even had dirt and hay on it when I got it back.”
Free Ain’t Free Lady

“Two middle-aged women come up to my counter and order their drinks. After ringing them up, I tell them their total, and they tell me that they’re going to wait for their friend to pay. Perfectly fine. I tell them their drinks will be waiting for them when they’re ready.
I finish making their order pretty quick and place their drinks by the register. Five minutes pass and they come up asking if their drinks are done yet. I said yes, just been waiting for them to pay and they proceed to FLIP OUT saying how they were just planning on coming back and paying with their friend.
So, essentially they wanted me to give them free drinks and trust that they’d come back to pay. I do not think so, crazy eyepatch lady and company. I do not think so.”
You Can’t Pay With That Ma’am…

“On Friday mornings, I work alone at a take-out counter. My usual routine is: I take the order, they pull out their credit/debit card, as they’re paying I place their order, pack their order and give them their order and receipt. I’m fast and the kitchen is fast so this whole process after they order takes less than two minutes.
A lady comes in, places her order, I let her pay and walk away. Two minutes later, I get back to the counter and she’s pissed off and yelling at me. WHERE WERE YOU? IT WON’T ACCEPT MY CARD! I’m very calm because I deal with this five out of seven days, and ask her if she had a chip on her card. YES, BUT IT WON’T ACCEPT IT! I’M NOT STUPID YOU KNOW!
Ma’am, may I see your card, please? I check the front. Mhm. I check the back. Mhm. I hand it back and look her dead in the face with a very neutral face and kindly inform her: ma’am this is your metro pass. By this time there was a line behind her and she knew how stupid she looked after yelling at me and kept freaking asking if I was sure she couldn’t pay with her metro pass. It was a joke but it just kept wasting my time and made no sense. She could’ve apologized for yelling at me, but no she just continued to waste my time.
I wish someone had called her out.”
No Matter What They Did She Kept Screaming, “That’s Not What I Wanted!”

“Worked in an ice cream parlor. A woman asks for a chocolate ice cream. I ask if that’s scoop or soft serve, and she says scoop. I give her the scoop ice cream, and she says ‘No, I meant the other chocolate ice cream.’ We had one of those soft serve machines that produced different flavors, so I pointed to the photo of the chocolate serve on the machine to confirm and she again nodded. When I handed it to her, she got really angry and yelled ‘Are you stupid? That’s not what I wanted!’ After much confusion, it turned out that by ‘chocolate ice cream’ she meant vanilla soft serve with chocolate sprinkles. She snatched the correct order out of my hands and flounced out in disgust.”
This Old Woman Was Sheltered From The Best Food On The Planet

SFIO CRACHO/Shutterstock
“In high school, I worked in a pizza place. An elderly woman called in one day and said that her grandkids were coming for the weekend and their mother had suggested pizza for dinner. She called us up and asked, ‘What exactly is pizza?’ This led to a 40-minute phone call in which I tried to explain all this to someone who didn’t understand the concept of pizza. This included how you order, explaining each individual topping, popular combinations, and how to serve it to the kids. When she came in to pick up her order, she still looked completely confused by what a pizza was. She kept peeking through the box to try and figure it out.”
They Realized This Sad Fact The First Day Of The Job: “This Was My Future As A Waiter, Dealing With Idiots”

Nestor Rizhniak/Shutterstock
“I have been a waiter for years, but by far the stupidest thing I’ve ever had happen to me at work happened when I was just starting. I was waiting on a family of four and they all ordered Ice waters. I brought them their drinks and then a few minutes later the mom waves me over. She says ‘The outside of my glass is wet’ I stare at it and see the beads of condensation on the outside of the glass. ‘Yeah it’s called condensation, it’s what happens when you have Ice water in a room temperature glass’ she stares at me like I’m an alien, and then I realize that this was my future as a waiter, dealing with idiots. I took her drink and wiped it off with a towel and handed it back to her.”
This Rude Diner Was Officially Denied

“I’m working at Taco Bell during the Sunday after church rush, and we have a line so long people are waiting outside the store. A family of three makes it to the counter.
Despite the fact that they had plenty of time to look at the menu board, the parents didn’t know what kid’s meal to get their three-year-old. Their options were a hard shell, soft shell, or bean burrito. They kept changing their mind after I rang it up.
I can tell my manager is getting annoyed as she is working the hot table and knows we have a mass of people waiting. I tell the family, ‘If you don’t know what to order please step to the side and let me know when you have decided. I can’t have you holding up the line.’
That set off a crap storm. Father, dressed in his Sunday best started tearing me a new one in front of the entire crowd. He started calling me a low life degenerate, a college drop out who probably can’t make change. And he wasn’t saying this quietly. I proceeded to wipe his order off and start helping the next customer.
Once his order was wiped, he knocked over our cup display and shouted ‘Now listen here you piece of crap!’
My manager walked from the line at that point and told him to get out of the store or she was calling the cops. He said, ‘Oh yeah, what are the cops going to do?’
The best moment of working fast food was my manager turning to the coral and saying ‘Show of hands, who here just witnessed this guy verbally assaulting my employee.’ Every single customer raised their hand. My manager then told him to get out and not to come back.
He tried to come through the drive through about 30 minutes later. He ordered the same combos and a kids meal. He got to the window and there stood my manager. ‘Not going to happen, keep driving jerk.’
My manager was awesome.”
Extra Means Free, Right?

“I work at McDonald’s. I have this lady come through my drive-thru and order a few McDoubles and a McChicken; only she wanted lettuce, tomato and bacon on the McDoubles and cheese on the McChicken. She was absolutely flabbergasted that her order of five dollar menu sandwiches was over $10. She asked me ‘Why is my order so much?’ With this look of complete utter disgust. I proceed to read off her order, including the extra costs for bacon, lettuce, tomato, and cheese, plus the tax. She is still confused. She just could not wrap her mind around the idea that when you put extra stuff on the sandwich it costs more. She even saw the extra costs on the little screen on the drive-thru. She refused to pay. I had to get my manager over to deal with it. Eventually, she just used the old-standby excuse of ‘Well at my other McDonald’s they don’t charge me.’ excuse and then drove off in her crappy car.
I hate people.”
These Poor Old People Just Lost Their Table Manners

ESB Professional/Shutterstock
“I work as a host and cashier at a restaurant. Most of our customers are 60+, so I get to deal with a LOT of socially clueless people, but some of them are just impressive.
First one: It was a Saturday or Sunday, I don’t really remember, but we had a massive line up to the register. One lady takes forever rifling through her purse to try and find her debit card. Finally, she does, and I run it. Then she flips out because she had a coupon that she forgot. No big deal, I call up a manager to reopen the check. She spends a long time looking for the coupon and finally hands it to me. It’s expired. Oh, and it’s also for Red Lobster.
Second: One of our regulars comes up and complains that the price of his breakfast has gone up by a whole 15 cents. I try to make polite conversation ‘Yeah, I’m sorry. Inflation will do that.’ His response? ‘This is what happens when you put a black guy in the White House.’ I was totally floored.
Third: I deal mostly with older people, so I understand having to repeat questions every now and then, but I swear this lady was messing with me.
Me: ‘Would you prefer a table or a booth?’
Her: ‘What?’
Me: ‘Would you like a table or a booth today?’
Her: ‘No.’
Me: ‘Do you have any seating preference? We’re pretty empty today, so you can pretty much take your pick.’
Her: ‘I’ll sit at the counter.’
She was a regular, she knows there’s no waiting for the counter.
Fourth: Two ladies come up to pay their bill. It’s combined, but they want it split up. This is easy enough, our checks are laid out like this:
Seat: 1
-food items ordered and their prices-
-total for seat 1-
Seat: 2
-food items ordered and their prices-
-total for seat 2-
-cumulative tax for all seats-
So again, they want their checks split. One of the ladies tells me ‘I have the first one, $6.25.’ So I split it up and she starts FLIPPING HER LID when I tell her her total is $6.75 and she is totally inconsolable. Neither I nor my manager can get her to understand that $6.25 was her pre-tax total and that the tax amount at the bottom of the check gets divided when we divide up the seats. Both ladies start yelling at us about how we’ll ‘do anything to make a quick buck’ and we’re stealing from them. Eventually, we got them to just pay up and leave, but it was easily the most frustrated I’ve ever been on the job. It is also the reason I tell everyone ‘Your tax is cumulative, your actual total’s going to be a little higher’ when I split their checks.'”
This Pizza Employee Facepalmed Multiple Times Trying To Get Her Order Right

“I worked at Pizza Hut and one day:
Snarky woman: ‘Can I have a Meat Lovers pizza with no ham, beef, pork, sausage, or pepperoni?’
‘That’s a cheese pizza, ma’am.’
‘With no meat? That’s a cheese pizza.’
Woman fumes.
‘Ok, one Meat Lovers pizza coming up.’
The great thing is, since she insisted, I just rang it up as Meat Lovers and removed the toppings so she ended up paying $5 more for the pizza.”
This Ain’t McDonald’s, Lady

Dave Clark Digital Photo/Shutterstock
“I worked at a little local burger joint back in high school. For the kid’s meal, there was a burger, fries, drink and then a little pack of Oreo cookies.
One day, a woman comes in and asks what our kid’s meal includes. I tell her, and she asks ‘So, they don’t come with toys?’ ‘No ma’am, we don’t have toys, just cookies.’ She then asks if I could check, to make sure there were no toys. I said ‘sure’ and proceeded to look under the counter, saying ‘napkins, salt/pepper, ketchup, mustard, cookies… no toys.’
Though, till this day, I regret not just saying ‘Sure!’ and standing there for like five seconds, staring at her and they saying, ‘Nope! No toys.'”
She Was Cold, Then Absolutely Hot Ordering This Drink

“A woman came in and asked for a mocha frappucino, extra hot. I told her that a frappucino is blended with ice, but I could make her a mocha latte. She asked why I couldn’t just make the frappucino they way she asked. I explain again that it’s made with ICE, and that lattes are hot. She says another location always makes it for her. I just let my shift manager handle it so I could go back to making drinks.”
That’s The Last Time They’ll Try To Save This Customer Money

Ruslan Guzov/Shutterstock
“I worked fast food, and a customer wanted a cheeseburger, medium fry, and medium drink. I said ok and rang her up as a #1 combo meal. This angered the lady who told me that she didn’t want the combo meal, just a medium drink, a medium fry, and a cheeseburger. I told her that it would be the same order, but this would save her money, but she got even more furious, so I politely punched them in separately.”
This Is Why You Should Read The Calorie Packets

“Landwhale of a mother cursed me out in front of a full store as to why her hamplanet of a daughter was not losing weight eating at Subway. Her usual meal contained the following: footlong tuna, five cookies of various flavors, three bags of ‘Baked’ lays chips and Sprite. Take into account this meal is already exceeding 2000 calories, and sometimes she would come in twice a day during my five-hour shifts alone. It was interesting to watch her get fat I guess because she has been coming as a regular since February.”
Can You Hear Me Now?

“I’m a delivery boy, and I had to deliver to an office building during lunch one day. We’ll say the address was 5626 Derp Road. I walked in and asked the receptionist if she could call the guy who ordered to let him know I was there. She asked for his name, and I said ‘Mark M.’ She insisted that there was no one there named Mark M and that I had the wrong address. I asked if I was at ‘five six two six Derp Road’ to which she responded, ‘No this is 56, 26 Derp Road.’ We then went back and forth and I kept trying to convince her that ‘five six two six’ is the same as ‘5626.’
Finally, the guy showed up and she went, ‘Oh you said Mark M?'”
Eavesdropping Doesn’t Always Get You All The Facts

“I was working in a restaurant a few years ago. It was pretty late after closing, and I was waiting for the last table to finish eating so I could clean up (not my table). In the meantime, I was doing some other closing work on the other side of the restaurant, talking to a co-worker, and glancing occasionally over my shoulder to see if they had left yet.
The lady at the table comes up to me, demanding to see the manager. I say OK, not really grasping how angry she is, and go get him. She begins to rant about how my co-worker and I were laughing about how she and her friends were ‘dogs.’ In actual fact, my co-worker and I were talking about how he was looking after another co-worker’s pets while they were out of town.
In the empty restaurant, they had overheard a few random words and pieced together their own little puzzle that my co-worker and I had nothing better to do than talk crap about them (says volumes about their self-image I suppose). She unloads on our manager, who doesn’t believe for a second that my co-worker and I would even think, much less say anything like that about these women. Knowing there has obviously been some misunderstanding, he calls us over, and I proceed to explain how we were having a conversation about a co-worker’s pets.
I swear I saw a look of embarrassment flash over her eyes, but she just continued flipping out. My co-worker and I left the scene so the manager could cool her down, but after calling us rude names for the better part of five minutes, she eventually just walked out without paying. Her friends followed her out a minute or two later, saying they aren’t paying for her meal, but that we’ll ‘probably just force it through’ on one of their credit cards anyways.
More embarrassing for her than out and out dumb I suppose, but as far as unnecessary customer complaints go that one was pretty over the top.”
Foreign Words Are Complicated?

“I work at a restaurant handling to-go orders. Last week somebody called in, wanted to order an entree, and asked me what the difference between marinara sauce and alfredo sauce. I said that marinara is a tomato-based red sauce and alfredo is a cheese-based, creamy white sauce. She still didn’t understand and was confused and wanted more of an explanation. I just told her to get marinara, because it’s better. She got it. My coworkers were listening to me on the phone and laughing.”
This Food Worker Didn’t Have To Do Anything To Get This Order Right

“I used to work at Starbucks. A lady ordered a mocha, and I forgot to add the mocha syrup. A dumb mistake, so I fixed it. She put it back on the bar a couple minutes later, and said ‘It doesn’t taste right, I want a new one.’ Okaaay I thought, don’t know what else I can do, but sure I’ll make a new one. I get started on it, and she goes to the restroom. She gets back from the restroom before I’m done making it but sees her old drink on the bar that I hadn’t taken back yet and thinks it’s her new one. She looks at and says ‘Ah, it looks better already!’ takes a big drink and says ‘Now see, that’s perfect,’ then leaves before I can tell her I didn’t do anything.”
These Rednecks Couldn’t Trick This Pizza Delivery Boy

Luis Molinero/Shutterstock
“I used to be a pizza delivery driver. I took an order to the scummiest trailer park I’ve ever seen. I get to the lot, and naturally, it’s two very very obese redneck woman. I tell them their total and they start flipping out, ‘What?! We already paid with the credit card! We called up there and gave the card number and everything!’ I tell her that there was no credit card placed on this order, perhaps it didn’t go through. Just hold on one second for me and I can call the store and give them your credit card info. I guarantee you won’t be charged twice.
I asked if they remembered who they spoke to, ‘It was some girl!’ I walk back to my car to get their ticket while they mumble obscenities, ‘Bunch of morons up at that place. Y’all are so stupid.’
I retrieve the ticket and look up in the top corner where it says who took the order. Sure enough, right there in bold letters was the word ‘internet’ meaning these awful women ordered online and never spoke to anyone at the store and definitely did not give us their card number. I interrupt them in the midst of calling me and all my coworkers idiots with ‘Ma’am, it says right here you placed this order online.’ They both quickly shut up and sulked inside to retrieve the card.
A lot of crappy things happened at that place, but for some reason that ticked me off the most.”
Liar Liar, His Pants Should’ve DEFINITELY Been On Fire

“I used to work at Tim Hortons throughout college. We had a guy come in once very angry because we messed up his coffee when he came through the drive-thru. Instead of sweetener, we added sugar. This wouldn’t have been a huge issue to fix and generally, people are level-headed and realize that mistakes do happen. However, he was throwing a hissy fit claiming he’s diabetic and that spoonful of sugar would have surely killed him had he ingested more than one gulp of the coffee.
Because he was freaking out like a rabid dog, my manager stepped in and offered him any other item on the menu for free. Buddy decides he wants a dozen donuts. No problem. I pack up the dozen, hand it to him. He then proceeds to eat not one, not two, but THREE lard-sugar-fat glazed donuts in front of my eyeballs even though he just claimed he was severely diabetic. I just shook my head.”
It Was Back To Work After Another Crazy Rampage By A Customer

“I was selling muffins at my job, and this guy asked for our last cranberry muffin to be grilled and wrapped up to go. When I got it back from the kitchen, all grilled and buttery and awesome, he tried one bite of the corner and said it was too dry. I just kind of stood there for a second thinking ‘Yeah, you had it grilled’ but trying to be a good worker I let him know if he tried the center it was still very moist. He refused, called me rude, and told me to fix it. So I did what seemed logical and hit it with the steamer. He saw this, grabbed a piece of paper, crumpled it and threw it at my head while yelling at me that I’m ‘stupid and incompetent.’ I politely asked if there was anything else I could help him with, at which point he demanded I personally pay for his $50 meal. I couldn’t help but laugh a little at which point he called me an idiot, grabbed the rest of his muffin, threw it at the wall and stormed out. I had a sip of my coffee and went back to work.”