The Ol’ Draw N’ Dash
“There used to be a restaurant in the town I went to college in that was basically a knock-off of Applebee’s called Garfield’s. It had paper strewn across all the tables and crayons so the wait staff could write their names down for the customers and the customers could write whatever they wanted.
I was in there one afternoon with my girlfriend when the mother and daughter in the booth behind us decided to leave without paying for their meal. The waitress was at first furious but then began laughing when she realized that the kid had written down their real names repeatedly in crayon all over the table. They were caught by the police less than an hour later, according to the police report.”
Waitress Saves The Day
“I worked in a Cafe in Adelaide where we had a few of those small, plastic children’s tables with chairs.
We always had coloring books, pencils, etc. for the kids to have fun with while their parents sat at the normal tables. Roughly two years ago, I had a couple (I’d say mid-thirties) come in with their daughter. The mother was quite evidently a cancer patient (very thin, no hair with bandana etc). It was a Saturday morning, so there were plenty of kids at the children’s play tables. I walked over to the bunch of children who were all drawing and singing, basically just having a great time. I’m a fairly bubbly, happy woman so I went up to the kids (about six of them) and asked them collectively what everyone was drawing.
We had a couple bunnies and a couple horses, but then I saw what the daughter of the cancer patient had drawn. It was just a gravestone that had a couple flowers and the letters ‘RIP’ scribbled on it. The young girl (probably 8 or so years old) looked up at me and said, ‘This is my mum soon.’ I didn’t know what to say. I also didn’t want her parents to see the picture as the mom didn’t look like she was in the best mental state by the way she ordered food / her general facial expressions. I quickly went behind the counter and grabbed a bunch of drinking straws and suggested everyone try to make the longest straw. They were all keen and once they got into it, I quickly swiped the drawing and discarded it. I don’t know if it was the right thing to do or not and I’m well aware using bulk plastic straws for novelty reasons isn’t the best thing for the environment, but I felt I had to do that.”
That Little Note Never Fails To Put A Smile On His Face
“One time this really sweet little girl said she drew me a picture and not to look at it until she left. It was folded up on the table.
So I walked over after she left, and she’d written in crayon, really big, ‘U are gay.’ I died laughing and kept it.”
The Best Art Always Has A Message
“Years ago, in a small town, a doctor and his wife with their three very well behaved boys came in for dinner. I used to love this family. They were always polite and ordered well.
The second or third time I was taking care of them, magic happened. I was taking their orders when their youngest, no older than 8, handed me a piece of paper from his Blue’s Clues notebook.
Scrawled in very legible writing, in red crayon, was a secret message.