
There once was a happy family filled with a mom, a dad, a sister who will be referred to as ‘Sarah’, and a brother who will be referred to as ‘Alex’. Everything was sunshine and rainbows until the family found out their father/husband was having a secret affair. The family worked together to develop a plan to get sweet revenge on the father and his counterparts. Will their plan be successful, or will the father get away scot-free?
Growing up, Alex’s sister Sarah and him did not have a great relationship with their father. Sarah got accepted into a better high school, but it was far away, so she barely visited. This caused a lot of resentment because it made him deal with their father all alone. They were on good terms.
There was a local factory in Alex’s town. Basically, everyone in the town worked there, so everyone knew everyone. The factory was purchased by the defense ministry, and they decided to fire anyone without a high school degree. His mom was fired, but his dad made it until retirement and was granted military status. They gave his father an honorable rank, so his pension increased, but with that, he had to act accordingly.
His childhood was not the greatest, and it caused him to have anger management issues and mental instability.
When Alex turned 18, he enlisted. He did so because it didn’t cost him any money and he didn’t have to come home if he didn’t want to.
Three years later, he got an honorable discharge.
He got home and realized his town was still the same and his father hadn’t changed a bit. He gathered his belongings and moved to the city Sarah lived in. His dad thought he was a coward for being discharged for mental illness.
But the dad would soon realize that he wasn’t one to talk about illnesses.
The Start Of It All

Alex’s dad became ill. He was told it was not dangerous, but he still needed operations. Sarah reconciled with their father during this time. After he stayed at her house, their mom and dad went back to their own house since the doctor said he was good to go.
One day, Alex received a call from his mother. She was in tears asking for Alex to come home that weekend. She told Alex his father had been seeing someone else. He thought she was paranoid and did not want to drive four hours home for something “unimportant” so he calmed her down and let it be.
A few months later, Alex got another call. But this time, it was from Sarah She went to visit him that week to tell Alex she was three months pregnant. This was supposed to be a happy reunion, but it turned into a mess very quickly.
When his father left his phone unattended for a couple of minutes, a woman who was not Alex’s mom sent him an inappropriate picture. Alex’s mom saw the picture pop up on the screen as well.
Everything went crazy. Sarah said it was the first she heard her mother scream like that in years. My mother was screaming at my father, and when he tried to hit her, Sarah threw herself in the middle of it even though she was pregnant. Well, Sarah’s husband worried for the safety of the baby, so he stepped in and threw himself in there instead. This ended with a very sad trip back to the city after insulting each other left and right. The one good thing was that his mother brought back his father’s phone with her.
They tried to convince their mother to get a divorce, but she thought divorces were beyond horrible. She was somewhat hoping he’d turn around since they had been together for almost 35 years at that point. She did not want the divorce, so they stopped trying and decided to just cut their father off.
Half a year after the incident, Alex’s father’s side of the family started reaching out to him. His father, his aunt (on her father’s side), and his grandmother all called within a day. They were acting out of character and trying to get Alex to visit them.
After the incident, his father’s side of the family all blamed his mother. They said she should have kept it a secret and not made a big deal out of it for the sake of the family. Not to mention they completely disavowed Alex and Sarah since they were not accepting the fact they said “He’s your father and all.” Alex was curious so he went back alone to figure out why they wanted him to visit. They wanted to sell his house, and the house was in Alex’s name.
Alex felt like something was off. He told them nicely that he would think about it and immediately went back and faked an emergency.
Alex formed a mental plan while he was driving back, and went to Sarah’s house immediately to lay out a plan. Their mom finally came around and agreed to the plan too. Go time.
The Devious Plan

Sarah contacted a lawyer and asked what the options were. Since both the house and the land were in Alex’s name, there was no claim. Any paper that did not have Alex’s signature on them would be useless in law. They could make tons of claims but none of them would prevail.
Alex asked, “What if my mother filed for divorce?”
The lawyer answered, “It’s highly unlikely the court would reward your mother’s full claim unless we could prove he was unfaithful before the separation.”
To the lawyer’s surprise, Alex had the proof needed.
The father’s phone Alex’s mother took home was smashed a bit, but still salvageable. His mother asked him to get rid of it, but Alex was too lazy and brought it back to his place and kept it. It provided them with enough information and proof of infidelity. Time to put the plan in motion.
Executing The Plan

After weighing their options, Alex called to inform his father that he would come home the next month to make a fun little announcement. He was excited to hear it but little did he know, he would not be excited to hear it after all. Upon Alex’s arrival, everyone was very nice at first. That is until Alex introduced them to his lawyer. Once they saw the lawyer, their moods changed rapidly. It was borderline violent.
Alex presented two options; “relinquish any claim to the house or be served with a lawsuit.” In Alex’s country, Vietnam, marital violations are punishable by six months probation minimum or up to two years in prison. His dad soon kicked them out after throwing a fit.
At the first hearing, Alex’s mom, his lawyer, and himself were all in attendance along with a judge there to mediate and step in when necessary. The hearing was just another screaming contest and his father made up numerous lies about his mother. The judge noticed the screaming match and told them the case was not a priority and it would take months to process. The judge also said it would be best to settle this out of court. However, their lawyer politely declined and told Alex’s father to expect another hearing very soon, and it would be a lot less friendly than this one.
In the second hearing, Alex’s father finally agreed to his terms. He agreed to relinquish any claims he might have to the house and he agreed to divorce his mother. Alex agreed to let him live in the house for the rest of his life, but no one else. His mistress could not come with him. This was only the start of it all. Alex and Sarah’s father was going to face the consequences of his actions if they had anything to do with it.
Ultimate Revenge

As a part of their plan of revenge, Sarah needed to gather all the receipts from the medical billings for their father’s illness she had paid for to document everything their father needed to pay her back. A few of the papers were missing, but they created a folder with what they could find. They had a general sum of all of the money, so they billed their father for it. Doing this was very unethical in Vietnam because the children are expected to take care of their parents, but obviously, their father wasn’t the best example of a father, so that did not apply here. The two of the weighed their options for what was next and came to a decision.
They knew it was not a criminal case, so they took their folder of evidence to small claims court. Their father failed to comply, so she brought in the police to start seizing assets. He had to pay out of pocket because the lawyer insisted that they should continue to seize whatever their father bought until she saw money. The final amount he owed was cut in half because, under the law, their mother shared half of everything. Alex and their family did not care about the money, they just wanted to be petty. Rightfully so. They even told the moving company they could do whatever they wanted with the furniture.
After that, Alex contacted the local factory to file a report. Remember the pension mentioned earlier? Somebody may or may not be getting that taken away very soon. They all lived in a small town, and everyone knew about the father’s reports but no one made a report about him and his affair. Alex and Sarah decided they were going to be the ones to do so.
Alex gave them the detailed folder including the pictures from his phone for evidence. After seeing this evidence, they immediately set up a hearing. Their father lost his rank and his pension went down over half the original amount.
Alex was happy to be finally done, but about a week later, Sarah called to tell him that his aunt came into town. She was harassing her and her children. Sarah called security to kick her out and she warned Alex that he could be next.
He dug around for more information as to why his aunt would be acting this way. He found out she was in debt and hoped to get some money from Alex’s father. She would not be able to do that since they were causing him to lose his money.
Alex created a social media account and befriended the aunt under an anonymous name. She always posted showing off her money, her vacations, and her items. Alex knew whoever she owed money to received some sort of sob story about how she was struggling. It was time for a new plan. He decided to send all of her selfies with her items to everyone she owed money to. He could do this secretly since the account did not expose his identity.
During the following months, people threatened her with scarier actions than legal ones. She would have people come to her door and throw things like food at it. Was this too far, or was it completely justified?
The Aftermath

Following all of these instances, Alex’s father was just a miserable old man. His mistress left him. Shocking to absolutely no one, she was only after his money. He was now living in their old house with next to nothing. His retirement helped him get by, but it could have been better if it wasn’t halved. His illness came back, but the family was not going to help him out this time. They all ended up blocking his number after he attempted numerous times to contact them.
Their aunt had to sell her house to pay off all of her debts. She lived in a small house then. The grandmother still had judgment toward Alex’s mom, so they cut contact with her to a minimum. None of this would have happened if Alex’s father would’ve remained faithful. This was a huge price to pay for his actions.