Buh-Bye Basic Broad!

I responded with, ‘My attitude isn’t the only thing here that’s a 4/10.’
The guy in line behind her looked like he was about to pass out from holding in laughter. She called my manager, but all I got was a written warning. Worth it.”
No One Could Stand Mean Dean

“I used to be a barista and my real joy came from messing with one customer, in particular, every single day. We’ll call him Dean. Dean used to come in twice a day and order three extra-hot, triple grande lattes. Same thing every day.
He was a huge jerk. Always mean to the new guys, freaking out if they didn’t get his order exactly right, always complaining about our store even though he was the most die-hard ‘regular.’
He walked in like he owned the place. And the worst part was, after a while, it was like he did. The staff tripped over themselves to make sure this guy was happy. The line could be out the door, then whispers of ‘Dean is here!’ would be echoed throughout the store, and making his drinks would become the top priority. He was rude, didn’t tip, and yet he was treated like royalty.
I could only resist in one small way as a 16-year-old, but I looked forward to it every day. If I was working the register, or if I was the barista asking the line for their drink orders, I would look at him with the blankest of expressions, and innocently ask for his order.
Every day, I saw the expectation in his eyes, that I would finally remember his three triple grande, extra-hot lattes. And then the very next day, I would ‘forget.’ He must have thought I was the biggest idiot in the world, or suffered from 50 First Dates level short-term amnesia.
For two years, he would sigh in exasperation, roll his eyes, and repeat through gritted teeth his order. And for two years, I would leave work knowing that I had ruined this prig’s day. It was awesome.”
Keep The Change, Ya Filthy Animals!

“I once worked at a Johnny Carinos. It was my second to last day and we had some really rude guests at the end of the night, soccer moms and such, at a patio table. We were busy and I had a trainee, and they ate that girl alive.
At the end, they asked for a pen when I gave them their credit card slip. I knew what was coming. They left two pennies and a nasty note, laughing as they walked out. They were just out the front door when I said, ‘Hey ladies, you forgot your change!’
They giggled and said, ‘No, that’s yours for such wonderful service!’
So I said, ‘Well, you obviously need it more,’ and threw it at them in the parking lot. They were stunned for a moment, but came back in demanding the manager.
He came and asked me to go to the back. I said no. ‘These witches can be witches all night and I have to leave?’ I was loud. All the employees gathered around. One woman said she wanted her money back and me fired.
That sent me into overdrive. I replied, ‘You tell this lady my last day is tomorrow, but she can’t act like a fool and get free food. Eff that!’ I won’t ever forget them just storming off. My manager asked me to finish my last shift the next day. I did not.”
Buzz Off, Bigot

“I used to be a window clerk at the post office. At one point I was the only white clerk in an office of black females. I had a customer (older white male) come in and greet me with, ‘I’m so glad to be waited on by you instead of those…’ and then proceeded to call my coworkers the most deplorably racist and misogynstic thing imaginable
Two them were just around the corner and heard him. They stepped out where he could see them, giving him the worst ‘crawl in a hole and die’ looks I have ever seen.
I picked up my ‘Window Closed’ sign and plopped it down on the counter in front of him. I told him, ‘Sorry, you’re not getting any service here today, or any other day.’
He looked shocked, but left. I’d waited on him before, and I know he lived less than three blocks from our office. I never saw him again.”
Vegan Cretin

“This vegan lady frequently came into a restaurant I worked at in high school. She was a giant pain and everyone trash talked her when she came in.
She complained constantly and would send food back for whatever reason she could think of. She’d often ask for the manager to complain about the quality of the food, then demand that the meal be given to her for free.
On top of all that nonsense, she NEVER tipped the wait staff. Often times, she would write critiques to our service on the tip line! However, one day, I had enough of her attitude and decided to do something to make sure she would never come back again!